Monday, 2021-11-15

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cr1901_florent_: This may be a silly q, but... why is the "\n" on this line in a raw string?
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_florent_cr1901: 08:07
_florent_cr1901: I should change it, I was not happy with it. I'll do another pass on soon.08:08
_florent_DerekKozel[m]: Sean Blakley was here a few days ago (smb784)08:09
_florent_sajattack[m]: I used the Crossover UART very recently while adding the Fairwaves XTRX and the crossover UART hasn't evolved recently, so not sure to understand your issue.08:12
_florent_sajattack[m]: But as discussed, I'll try to improve the serialboot upload speed over PCIe soon, so will also do a test on this08:13
sajattack[m]ok yeah, I don't have a lot to go off of either, but I built rocket linux with an older litex, updated litex, and all litepcie_util tests worked except the uart_test08:15
sajattack[m]after the update I mean, uart stopped working08:15
sajattack[m]maybe I'm forgetting some modification I needed for pcie uart to work08:16
sajattack[m]I was just getting no response over uart, which I guess could either be uart or bios problem?08:17
_florent_sajattack[m]: Have you re-generated/recompiled the LitePCIe driver? Because the UART CSR mapping is maybe different with Rocket and could explain the behaviour is not updated correctly 08:18
sajattack[m]yeah, I regenerated it multiple times, and rocket worked on one install of litex, and not another08:20
_florent_if you have the build commands + working/failing version, I could have a look08:21
sajattack[m]I can try one more time, and make sure I wipe out the copy of litepcie_util I stashed in /usr/bin08:21
sajattack[m]yeah I'm not sure what the working version was unfortunately08:21
sajattack[m]it was just whatever I had last time I was messing around with litepcie08:21
sajattack[m]it's in the .v file08:24
sajattack[m]but I made some modifications to comm_pcie and such08:25
sajattack[m]and litex_term, as documented here
sajattack[m]sajattack[m]: working version <-08:27
sajattack[m]non-working version f679992f8d7f53da2725752e0fb450be1095968408:28
sajattack[m]./ --uart-name=crossover --with-pcie --build --driver --cpu-type=rocket --cpu-variant=linux08:31
sajattack[m]also tried --sys-clk-freq=50e6 and --sys-clk-freq=100e608:32
_florent_ok thanks.08:33
sajattack[m]thank you08:33
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cr1901_florent_: Wasn't meant to be a critique/nitpick, btw :). I just thought maybe it was there for a reason15:00
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_florent_cr1901: Sure, it's just here to add an empty line after the heade :)  but I should indeed change it.15:46
cr1901_florent_: Actually, I think I might be confused myself... triple-quotes aren't raw strings?15:54
cr1901meaning they still accept "\n" to put a newline in?15:55
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