Wednesday, 2021-11-10

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_florent_smb784: you will have to add the SPI Flash IOs similar to the generator (similar to 09:28
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promach[m]For litedram, how do I actually make sure that the design passes STA check given DRAM's high minimum working frequency requirement ?13:13
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promach[m]and what is the clock value constraint set for Spartan-6 , Artix-7 platforms ?15:20
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mikek_DE1SOCI wish...  :)16:04
mikek_DE1SOCNo Risc-v IRC client YET!!16:04
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cr1901I figured someone ported irssi already :o16:24
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trabucayrecr1901: irssi is in buildroot, buildroot build rootfs for Risc-V -> So I assume irssi may be build for Risc-V17:04
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smb784alright so I finally got the build script to generate a verilog file that includes the pcie core AND the gpio flash core, however i have noticed that in the constraints file all of the properties for the PCIE constraints have a location of X20:00
smb784(example) set_property LOC X [get_ports {pcie_clk_n}]20:00
smb784this causes issues during implementation, shows up as a bunch of critical warnings and causes the io clock placer during implementation to fail with the message: [Common 17-69] Command failed: 'X' is not a valid site or package pin name. ["~/XilinxWorkspace/SQRL_quickstart/litepcie_core.xdc":8]20:02
smb784is this something I'm doing wrong in the gen script, or is something else going wrong here?  the SPI pins all have correct locations20:02
smb784also i'm getting critical warnings like [Vivado 12-4739] set_clock_groups:No valid object(s) found for '-group [get_clocks -include_generated_clocks -of [get_nets icap_clk]]'. ["~/XilinxWorkspace/SQRL_quickstart/litepcie_core.xdc":4987]20:05
smb784and [Constraints 18-4644] set_clock_groups: All clock groups specified are empty. Please specify atleast one clock group which is not empty. ["~/XilinxWorkspace/SQRL_quickstart/litepcie_core.xdc":4987]20:05
smb784and finally one last critical warning: [Constraints 18-4427] You are overriding a physical property set by a constraint that originated in a read only source. Your changes will not be saved with a project save. If you wish to make this change permanent, it is recommended you use an unmanaged Tcl file. ["~/litex/litepcie/litepcie/phy/xilinx_s7_gen2_x4/source/pcie-PCIE_X0Y0.xdc":103]20:05
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smb784also tells me this odd warning: [Place 30-415] IO Placement failed due to overutilization. This design contains 1574 I/O ports  while the target  device: 7a200t package: fbg484, contains only 282 available user I/O. The target device has 285 usable I/O pins of which 3 are already occupied by user-locked I/Os.20:12
smb784for some reason its setting a bunch of I/Os as package I/Os on the FPGA.  Maybe these are intended for the RAM and not the FPGA?20:14
smb784I have posted the gen script I am using to create the verilog files, it is identical to litepcie's with the exception of the SPI interface parts:
tpbTitle: litepcie_with_spi_and_gpio_UPDATE - (at
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somlolitex with fpu-enabled ("full" variant) rocket using opensbi, on the nexys4ddr:
tpbTitle: __ _ __ _ __ / / (_) /____ | |/_/ / /__/ / __/ - - (at
somlouses the "generic" platform on upstream opensbi, with only one patch applied on top (to add suport for liteuart):
somloplanning on submitting that patch to the opensbi mailing list, see how that goes :)22:14
smb784Now that I have successfully generated a verilog file that incorporates an SPI flash into the PCIe core using my modified gen script (found here:, it looks like its not setting up the constraints correctly during the creation of the xdc file22:50
smb784most of the ports have LOC X as opposed to their correct pin value (example: set_property LOC X [get_ports {pcie_clk_n}])22:51
smb784why is it that this gen script isn't generating the correct pinouts for the IOs?  Isn't that all specified in the ac701.yml file that I use to generate the verilog & constraint outputs?22:51
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