Monday, 2021-08-02

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leonsOn an UltraScale+ board I'm trying to support, I'm getting an error that `sys_rst` is driven by both an FDPE primitive, as well as some logic of the CRG IDELAYCTRL on latest LiteX master.06:22
leonsERROR: [Synth 8-2576] procedural assignment to a non-register sys_rst is not permitted06:22
leonsthese seem to be the offending pieces:
_florent_leons: A specific reset sequence has to be ensured when using the IDELAYCTRL, so USIDELAYCTRL is handling the sys_rst06:59
_florent_On your PLL, make sure to set with_reset=False when using an IDELAYCTRL:
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leonsThanks, that works! I tried to be clever and not just copy everything verbatim from kcu105, but it turns out that's exactly what's necessary :)07:14
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leonsAwesome, the first board where I got the DRAM to work completely :)08:31
leonsDoes LiteEth by any chance support SGMII interfaces? I don't see it being used in litex-boards anywhere, and there seems to be a PCS implementation, though I'm not sure it applies to Xilinx FPGAs?08:33
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OmkarBhilare[m]_florent_: is wishbone-utils up running?09:56
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david-sawatzke[mIn liteeth, what's the lite_be parameter? It doesn't seem to be a simple one hot counter, afaict from mac/
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_florent_leons: the pcs_1000basex supports SGMII but not sure I tested it personnaly on a real SGMII interface20:52
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_florent_OmkarBhilare[m]: wishbone-utils should still be working yes, I don't use it that often (litex_server is more convenien for me since I'm familiar with it) but last time I tested wishbone-utils it was working and  the protocol hasn't changed since20:54
_florent_david-sawatzke[m: last_be indicates the last valid valid byte in the work, this is only useful for data_width > 820:55
_florent_BTW, I'll be in vacation for three weeks, so sorry if I'm not very present20:59
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acathla_florent_, starting when? Now?21:07
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