Saturday, 2021-07-10

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Guest20I'm trying to install linux-on-litex on my RaspberryPi by following I made all the way to run ./, but I hit "OSError: Unable to find any of the cross compilation toolchains:" Following log shows the error and $PATH setting. Any suggestions? Thanks! OSError: Unable to find any of the05:30
Guest20cross compilation toolchains:05:30
Guest20- riscv64-unknown-elf05:30
Guest20- riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu05:30
Guest20- riscv32-unknown-elf05:30
Guest20- riscv32-unknown-linux-gnu05:30
Guest20- riscv64-elf05:30
Guest20- riscv32-elf05:30
Guest20- riscv-none-embed05:30
Guest20- riscv-none-elf05:30
Guest20- riscv64-linux05:30
Guest20- riscv64-linux-gnu05:30
Guest20- riscv-sifive-elf05:30
Guest20- riscv64-none-elf05:30
Guest20pi@raspberrypi:~/proj/linux-on-litex-vexriscv $ echo $PATH05:30
Guest20pi@raspberrypi:~/proj/linux-on-litex-vexriscv $ ls /home/pi/proj/litex/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.1.0-2019.01.0-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14/bin05:30
Guest20riscv64-unknown-elf-addr2line  riscv64-unknown-elf-elfedit    riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-ranlib     riscv64-unknown-elf-gprof    riscv64-unknown-elf-ranlib05:30
Guest20riscv64-unknown-elf-ar         riscv64-unknown-elf-g++        riscv64-unknown-elf-gcov           riscv64-unknown-elf-ld       riscv64-unknown-elf-readelf05:30
Guest20pi@raspberrypi:~/proj/linux-on-litex-vexriscv $ echo $PATH05:31
trabucayreGuest20: you need to update to PATH to add riscv directory05:34
Guest20Don't know why "echo $PATH" output doesn't display here, but riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.1.0-2019.01.0-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14/bin path is listed in $PATH.05:34
trabucayreexport PATH=$PATH:/home/pi/proj/litex/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.1.0-2019.01.0-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14/bin05:35
Guest20Give it another try. Here is my current setting pi@raspberrypi:~/proj/linux-on-litex-vexriscv $ echo $PATH05:35
Guest20Still does show. Let me add a quote around the ourput. "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/home/pi/proj/litex/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.1.0-2019.01.0-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14/bin"05:36
trabucayreI'm dumb: you use an RPI (ie arm or arm64 architecture) and try to execute riscv64 toolchain built for x86_64 architecture05:41
trabucayreyou can't do that05:41
Guest20I see. Make sense. I will try a laptop later. Thanks trabucayre!05:42
trabucayreYou can try to install riscv toolchain using pkg manager05:43
Guest20I'm new to litex. Where can I find the riscv toolchain pkg manager info? Is there a link? Thanks!05:46
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trabucayreIf you use RPI I assume it's debian like distribution: so something like sudo apt install cpp-riscv64-linux-gnu do the job05:49
trabucayreor gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf05:49
Guest20It doesn't work for me. I will table this for now and turn to a normal x86 platform platform to try it out. Thanks for the help!06:00
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shorne_somlo: in litex-rebase, do you mind squashing each driver into a single commit?  It makes it easier for mee to cherry pick onto mainline and also look at patches12:12
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dasdgwhi, I want to use jtagbone for an altera target. So I added 'self.add_jtagbone()' to my target file which lead to a 'NotImplementedError'. I than modified add_jtagbone in to use JTAGAtlantic instead of JTAGPHY. After that I can use jtagbone as expected. Is it possible to use jtagbone with altera/intel targets without modifying Feels like I'm doing it wrong. 14:18
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