Saturday, 2021-06-26

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_florent_OmkarBhilare[m]: To generate a standalone LiteDRAM core, you'll create a yaml config file and then run litedram_gen my_config.yml to generate the verilog05:55
_florent_OmkarBhilare[m]: It's indeed possible to generate the core without the CPU, but in this case you'll have to do the SDRAM initialization yourself05:56
_florent_For SDRAM, the initialization is very simple (just a few write to the MR registers), so it indeed wasting resources for a CPU just for this05:57
_florent_It's also possible to do it with a simple FSM for SDRAM05:57
_florent_The generator has only been used to generate DDR2/3/4 standalone cores for now, so SDRAM support would need to be added05:58
_florent_I could eventually do it or give directions for this05:59
_florent_Otherwise, to remove the CPU and expose a Wishbone interface instead, you can just set CPU to None in the .yml file, ex:06:00
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OmkarBhilare[m]<_florent_ "I could eventually do it or give"> Hi _florent_ thanks for the info.06:02
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tntIs there some naming convention for signals meant to be connected to ?  Like i_ / o_ prefix or something ?14:38
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