Tuesday, 2024-06-11

*** tpb <tpb!~supybot@underwood.mithis.com> has joined #tomu00:00
*** Vercas <Vercas!~Vercas@gateway/tor-sasl/vercas> has joined #tomu04:32
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*** shoragan_ is now known as shoragan06:43
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*** Vercas3 <Vercas3!~Vercas@gateway/tor-sasl/vercas> has joined #tomu07:49
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*** Vercas3 is now known as Vercas07:51
*** Vercas <Vercas!~Vercas@gateway/tor-sasl/vercas> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)07:55
*** Vercas <Vercas!~Vercas@gateway/tor-sasl/vercas> has joined #tomu07:56
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*** kristianpaul <kristianpaul!~paul@user/kristianpaul> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)14:59
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