Tuesday, 2022-03-29

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F4PGASlackBridge<hansfbaier> I have DRC errors when running the fuzzer 101-dsp-pips. Is that a known issue?21:42
F4PGASlackBridge<hansfbaier> ```ERROR: [DRC DSPS-7] Invalid OPMODE and CARRYINSEL combination: DSP48E1 instance DSP48_X4Y79_instance has OPMODE[3:0] set to 0101 and CARRYINSEL[2:0] set to 010 which indicates a multiplication using the CARRYCASCIN which is not a valid mode and can result in behavior different than seen in simulation.  Please either correct the OPMODE or CARRYINSEL value to allow for proper implementation. ERROR: [DRC DSPS-9]21:43
F4PGASlackBridgeInvalid OPMODE and CARRYINSEL combination: DSP48E1 instance DSP48_X3Y94_instance has OPMODE[3:0] set to 0101 and CARRYINSEL[2:0] set to 100 which indicates a multiplication using the CARRYCASCOUT which is not a valid mode and can result in behavior different than seen in simulation.  Please either correct the OPMODE or CARRYINSEL value to allow for proper implementation. ERROR: [DRC DSPS-9] Invalid OPMODE and CARRYINSEL21:43
F4PGASlackBridgecombination: DSP48E1 instance DSP48_X4Y116_instance has OPMODE[3:0] set to 0101 and CARRYINSEL[2:0] set to 100 which indicates a multiplication using the CARRYCASCOUT which is not a valid mode and can result in behavior different than seen in simulation.  Please either correct the OPMODE or CARRYINSEL value to allow for proper implementation.```21:43
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