Tuesday, 2017-01-17

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MikeOCSo how did the hardware build go ?02:30
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k-mani think most people are finished03:17
MikeOCCool, its always good fun. A great way to meet new people.03:19
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pschulz01Happy catching video stream from Adelaide.03:58
MikeOCYep, its great. Could not get to LCA this year. Busily writing machine control code in Clockwork04:03
pschulz01MikeOC: URL?04:05
pschulz01MikeOC: You're always doing something interesting.04:06
pschulz01Doing Arduino the right way!04:06
MikeOCClockwork is a language Martin and I have developed to make machine control programming easier04:09
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MikeOCFunny thing is in the process I think the result is a language which do almost anything in the programming field easier.04:10
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pschulz01MikeOC: Need more examples :-)04:14
MikeOCexamples ?04:15
MikeOCExample of use ? Well we have looked at database processing, IoT, flight controllers. They all end up if done well with some sort of state machine. Clockwork is inherently a state system04:17
MikeOCIts also inherently parallel04:18
pschulz01MikeOC: Code examples (of use).. something in tests?04:19
MikeOCaa sory04:19
MikeOCsomething very simple04:20
MikeOC# Debounced Input DONINPUT MACHINE I_Input {   OPTION stable 50;   on WHEN I_Input IS on && I_Input.TIMER >= stable;   off DEFAULT; }04:20
MikeOCDONINPUT MACHINE I_Input {   OPTION stable 50;   on WHEN I_Input IS on && I_Input.TIMER >= stable;   off DEFAULT; }04:20
MikeOCIRC does not display it well04:21
MikeOCThis is a machine template, it can be used many times and is only evaluated when an event happens which might case a change in state04:22
MikeOCYou might put this infront of a light switch so that if you just knocked it walking past it would not turn on04:22
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fgarcia13[m]Not sure what is being built but it looked really cool.04:45
MikeOCFor my job, I'm programming a machine like this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxjOYBOUIo804:57
MikeOCBut for everyone else, its a great IoT language. We support MQTT so you can write code to control anything visable via a topic.04:58
fgarcia13[m]Whoa, pretty cool.05:02
MikeOCSounds like a macro is needed to write the code for each function :)05:12
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arjenNotAtLCA_can't hear a thing from Angus... microphone helps06:37
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av_wellington_2Need help to get picture onto big screen22:54
av_wellington_2don't worry22:56
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