Wednesday, 2021-05-26

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philtorare there plans for moving this channel?16:24
proteusguylet's not move it please. keep the community intact.16:25
mwkalright, so for an announcement16:26
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mwkthere is now an official (registered by the yosys team) #yosys channel on, so please consider moving there16:27
philtorhas a #yosys channel been setup on libera16:27
mwk... I just said exactly that, yes16:27
mwkgiven that this channel here has never been officially registered by the dev team, I cannot exactly consider it the "successor" nor change the topic here16:28
balrogmwk: seems no one owns it16:28
mwkby former freenode rules, we should be the ones to own it if we so choose, but I suppose the rules no longer apply on this network16:29
philtorfreenode is burning up on re-entry16:30
mwkand I don't want to bother trying to go through the group registration process on this trainwreck of an irc network16:31
philtorFor those looking for some help moving over:
tpbTitle: Connecting to Libera.Chat | Libera Chat (at
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promach3philtor: what about for Matrix client user ?16:36
mwkI'm afraid we'll have to endure some chaos until the new matrix bridge is set up16:37
mwkgiven the recent events, I think it's going to be a high priority for everyone involved16:37
mwkgive them a few days16:37
philtorpromach3: other channels facing this as well - there is a #libera-matrix channel for help16:38
promach3#libera-matrix channel does not exist16:40
mwkit does, on libera16:41
mwkwhich... I suppose is not exactly helpful if you can't connect in the first place16:41
promach3oh okay16:41
promach3mwk: could I still ask some technical questions here ?16:41
mwkonce again, I have no power over this channel16:42
* promach3 uploaded an image: (249KiB) < >16:42
promach3May I know why am I having `ERROR: Assert `ifdef_already_satisfied' failed in frontends/verilog/` ?16:43
mwkthat one sounds like a verilog preprocessor bug on our side16:43
mwkdo you have a link to some reproducible testcase?16:44
mwkpromach3: also could you try updating your yosys? I don't even see an assert on that line in current master16:47
mwk... or any assert involving ifdef_already_satisfied, for that matter; I think it's a bug that I fixed some time ago16:47
promach3mwk: let me update yosys from git16:55
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promach3mwk: using latest yosys git solved the issue18:05
promach3however, I have some TOK_REAL error18:05
* promach3 uploaded an image: (252KiB) < >18:05
mwkpromach3: *sigh*18:06
mwkcould you, you know, do some own research on the issue you're reporting?18:07
mwkor, when failing to do so, at least include the failing line, whose line number you highlighted, in the screenshot?18:07
mwkor better yet, use a pastebin service instead of a screenshot?18:08
mwk... okay that's going to be a fun one18:11
mwkfrontend bug, perhaps18:11
mwkit's one of those sad moments when I have to open up the verilog standard to see what even should be happening in this case18:12
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mwksorry to say this, but it seems that real arguments/returns for tasks and functions are just not supported in yosys at this point18:18
mwkand it's not a trivial change to add this18:18
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promach3mwk: I am a bit confused,  `valid_cl`  is not of type 'real'18:29
mwkpromach3: the error is on line 66918:30
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promach3I changed that to `int` , and that error is gone18:34
promach3besides, it seems that yosys also does not have support for `time` as well18:36
gatecatI don't think `time` makes much sense in a synthesis context?18:38
gatecatI suppose a notional `time` incrementing by 1 every solver timestep might make sense for formal18:39
mwkcorrect, no support for time18:44
mwktime... well, time would at least be a notionally simple thing to support18:45
mwkit's just a uint64_t with a different name18:45
mwkor an int64_t, I forget18:45
gatecatoh, oops, I was thinking of $time as opposed to time as a data type18:52
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