Thursday, 2021-04-29

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AnonTodayhello people. I have the versa board with 100mhz clock. However, my design will only run at 50mhz. do I need to use ecppll? if so are there any examples of how to do this?00:00
aggAnonToday: if you use the `ecppll` tool that comes with prjtrellis, you can use the -f argument to get it to write a verilog instantiation of the EHXPLLL module00:02
agge.g. ecppll -i 100 -o 50 -f /dev/stdout00:02
AnonTodaythanks I will check that out00:02
aggand yea, the pll is a good way to generate a 50MHz clock from the 100MHz input clock00:03
aggthe lattice document TN1263 has some more tails on the pll, too00:04
AnonTodaythe generated ppl has this `locked` output. do I need to do anything with that?00:13
aggI don't believe it's necessary00:16
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mwkAnonToday: in general it's a good idea to keep your logic in reset until the clock is stable, so using the locked output to generate a reset is a good idea00:26
AnonTodaywell it seems to work without that but yeah I'll consider adding that. I guess it would be reset=!locked00:29
AnonTodayso I got my 16-bit soft processor to run on versa using a fully open-source toolchain. I initially wrote the design years ago for xilinx and used proprietary tools at that time00:30
AnonTodayI should make clear that what I meant was the design was targeting xilinx fpgas, not any other form of connection with xilinx00:31
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mwkreset would be !locked, but put it through a synchronizer as well00:36
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