Wednesday, 2021-04-14

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* promach3 uploaded an image: (157KiB) < >07:13
promach3mwk:  Why do I have the above error when I run ?07:13
promach3Is there anything wrong with ?07:15
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mwkpromach3: it's a known yosys bug, your tristate drivers aren't in the top module08:43
mwkit should be fixable with adding `-flatten` to `-synth_xilinx`08:43
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promach3mwk: thanks, that solved the TBUF error08:47
promach3now, why I have `ERROR:Security:9c - No 'ISE' nor 'WebPack' feature version 2013.10 was available for part 'xc6slx9'.` ?08:47
mwkand now that's not my problem08:48
promach3xilinx software problem ?08:48
mwkyou ran afoul of the license check08:48
promach3mwk: wait, I suppose webpack license supports Spartan-6  by default ?08:49
promach3and again, why yosys needs to check for webpack license ?08:50
promach3I thought yosys does not need to make use of ISE software to do synthesis ?08:50
mwkyes, yosys successfully synthesized your stuff for spartan6, it didn't require any license08:52
mwkwhat you're seeing now is ISE messages, which you still need to use for the P&R part08:52
promach3oh ok, cool thanks08:52
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promach3mwk: how do I incorporate SDC constraint file into ?16:15
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