Saturday, 2021-03-06

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* promach3 uploaded an image: image.png (286KiB) < >14:03
promach3Why `BB_dq` is not part of design ?14:03
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promach3it is located here : , but how do I actually instantiate this special module ?14:31
Loftypromach3: that module just wraps a TRELLIS_IO; use that instead15:43
promach3Lofty: what do you mean ?  I am bit confused15:51
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LoftyUse TRELLIS_IO not BB15:52
promach3you mean    TRELLIS_IO BB_dq ();    ?15:53
promach3Lofty: still same error15:53
LoftyDid you include cells_sim.v in your SBY config?15:54
promach3which exact cells_sim.v  should I download from github ?15:54
LoftyIt's the ECP5 one15:55
promach3Yosys has only limited support for tri-state logic at the moment. (cells_sim.v:401)15:57
promach3Lofty:  smt2: ERROR: Unsupported or unknown directionality on port B of cell ddr3_memory_controller.BB_dqs_n (TRELLIS_IO).15:59
LoftyThen evidently you can't have inout ports in SBY, so you'll need to figure out a way of removing the input buffers16:00
promach3what ?16:00
promach3why remove buffer ?16:01
promach3I need tristate for DDR3 RAM application16:01
LoftyAs I mentioned16:03
LoftyYou can't have inout ports16:03
LoftySo you can't have tristate buffers16:03
promach3thus yosys gave warnings about limited support for tri-state logic16:04
LoftyYosys does kinda accept tristate logic16:04
LoftyBut in this case, it's not really relevant16:04
promach3but why it failed in my situation ?16:04
promach3ok, I suppose yosys formal engine does not yet support tri-state logic16:05
LoftyWell, no16:06
promach3did I conclude it correctly ?16:06
LoftyIn this case, the error is coming from the Yosys smt2 backend16:06
LoftyWhere I'm assuming an inout is unrepresentable16:07
promach3smt2 is related to formal16:07
LoftyYes, I'm assuming it's a file format16:07
promach3so, how do I work around this situation ?16:08
Lofty... remove the buffers16:08
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LoftyLike I said16:08
promach3DDR3 require tri-state buffers16:08
promach3cannot remove tri-state logic16:09
LoftyYes, but in a formal context you don't need them16:09
promach3ok, I see16:09
promach3let me think how to represent tri-state for formal16:09
LoftyWell, you can't.16:10
promach3Lofty: so, maybe I could assume(some values) for the input direction ?16:11
Loftyif (direction) assert(output condition) else assert(input condition)16:11
LoftyOr something16:11
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cr1901_modernmwk: Re: the VPR mode in my machxo2 PR... it has become clear talking to symbiflow folks that I didn't actually understand the purpose of the code I was copying, so... oops on my end :P. In the next round of PR, I will remove the VPR mode19:03
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