Saturday, 2021-02-06

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dandersonverilog noob question: should I expect synthesis to FPGA to preserve initializations of registers, as in `reg [31:0] ctr = 32'hFFFFFFFF;` ?06:21
dandersonempirically the answer is no, but I'm reading in some places that initialization should be respected when synthesizing to FPGA (but not to ASIC processes)06:22
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dandersonnever mind, figured it out. Now I'm learning about debouncing my inputs :P06:35
danderson(had a button input to zero the register. Turns out it's briefly active coming out of reset, so my register was getting zero'd on boot)06:36
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dandersonOn the plus side I got to implement my first synchronizers and debouncers, so that's neat.07:05
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umarcorHi! Is the new logo for ?07:40
tntcorecode: thanks :)08:06
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lambdaumarcor: no idea, but I like it (if only it was a bit higher resolution)09:19
umarcorlambda: asking for 196x196 is ok.09:22
tpbTitle: Awesome HDL | All awesome resources (at
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