Sunday, 2021-01-24

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aggalright,  it's pretty gross but with some hacking i have got nextpnr to synthesise a bitstream that runs a simple MAC05:00
aggbut it's also 5am so maybe tidying up can wait...05:00
aggsadly it looks like the reason just copying the diamond config for all the MIB_DSP tiles over the nextpnr bitstream didn't work on day 1 is that diamond activates some inverters on some opcode bits that npnr doesn't know about, so it was feeding it an all-0 opcode and doing nothing, with just those bits removed it would probably have worked fine05:16
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daveshahagg: great work anyway, thanks for looking into this!07:32
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aggfor the record, the problem with bstool was it needs to see an Architecture: sa5p00 comment in the bitstream; copying the comment block from a ecpdump-dumped bitstream let it read other bitstreams OK15:17
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aggyay, i've reduced all the config bit differences and database updates to a few lines changed in nextpnr and the stock database17:49
aggcan now feed nextpnr two MULT18 and a ALU54 instances (with BEL attribs) and get out a working bitstream that has the same apparent behaviour as diamond17:49
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