Wednesday, 2020-10-14

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thardinhas there been any extension to pmod? I'm finding its lack of voltage rails lacking13:39
thardinI'm looking at using a 3x8 connector that remains backward compatible and fool proof (not accidentally connecting +12V to GPIO)13:41
vupthardin: there is SYZYGY, although I am not sure I would count that as an extension to pmod14:04
thardininteresting. but it doesn't have +-12V or even +-514:11
thardinaha there's FMC14:15
thardin  fancy14:16
tpbTitle: High Performance 2.5 GSps 10-Bit ADC FPGA Mezzanine Card (at
thardinif I could get an ECP5 board with SYZYGY ports that could also work14:18
vupwell your are lucky:
thardinit having cables (EQCD-020) is a big plus14:23
thardinlet's see what the spec says14:27
thardin   well this simplifies a lot of my ideas14:30
tpbTitle: Zmod ADC 1410: SYZYGY-compatible Dual-channel 14-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter Module - Digilent (at
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