Wednesday, 2020-09-09

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z0ttelaz0re: I can't rule out user errors, should I build a reproducer?09:40
az0reNo no, I'm probably just not understanding something correctly09:41
Loftyz0ttel: actually I think equiv_induct might have had a bug fixed at some point. In general I don't really trust packaged versions of Yosys.09:44
az0reThat would explain it :)09:44
az0reEspecially if z0ttel is on an old version as they apparently are09:45
LoftyWell, it seems the bugfix I'm thinking of only applies to equiv_induct -undef09:46
tpbTitle: equiv_induct: Fix up assumption for $equiv cells in -undef mode. by mwkmwkmwk · Pull Request #2306 · YosysHQ/yosys · GitHub (at
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z0ttelsounds plausible, thx10:28
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