Wednesday, 2020-06-24

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mwkwhitequark: I suppose the fine cells are out-of-scope for cxxrtl, right?00:10
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whitequarkmwk: they're not explicitly out of scope04:36
whitequarki just don't see why would anyone use them04:36
whitequarkwe can add them if there's an actual use04:36
mwkfair enough04:36
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anticwso i got some ice1k 16-wlcsp parts as part of another order because i was curious04:45
anticwpart of me things i should put them on a board04:45
anticw0.35mm ball spacing, 4x4 so a cheap pcb would work even04:46
anticwbut i'm also thinking that actually reflowing them at home will suck04:46
anticwso maybe i don't04:46
whitequarkmwk: have you updated the manual yet?05:39
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whitequarkdaveshah: tnt: poke06:04
whitequark#457 is green now, do you think it's mergeable?06:07
whitequarkso the next thing on my list is refactoring chipdb related code06:11
whitequarkit's doing a lot of things and in a somewhat confused way currently06:11
whitequarki'm going to try and lay out what i think are its goals to make sure that matches reality06:11
daveshahYes, pinging mmicko too as he worked on some of the chipdb stuff06:12
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whitequarkthe overall chipdb pipeline is something like: (external data) --python--> bba files --bbasm--> cc files --cc--> machine code06:16
whitequarkor, with USE_C_EMBED, it becomes: (external data) --python--> bba files --bbasm e--> embed files --cc(+cc files)--> machine code06:17
whitequarkor, with external chipdb, it becomes: (external data) --python--> bba files --bbasm e--> loadable file06:18
whitequarkthere's a lot of combinatorial complexity and i'm trying to understand what's actually important06:20
* Lofty is paying attention to this in regards to Cyclone V chipdbs06:21
whitequarkit looks like people want both to be able to supply pregenerated bba files (to speed up builds), and pregenerated embeddable chipdb files (on msvc, to speed up linking, and so on)06:22
whitequarkthis interacts in interesting ways with cross-compilation. bba files themselves are arch-independent, and in fact must be generated with host tools, especially for libtrellis06:23
whitequarkbut the output of bbasm is always arch-dependent because of endianness06:23
SarayanHi people, what are bba files?06:24
whitequarkyou know flatbuffers or capnproto?06:26
whitequarkyou know serialization formats in general? you have a structure in a file, you have some function that reads it? structure can have eg integers but also pointers to other structures06:28
whitequarkif you try to make deserialization cheaper, eventually you arrive at a design where you cast the mmapped thing in the file to a C struct06:29
whitequarkbut this doesn't work with ordinary pointers because those aren't relocatable06:29
whitequarkso instead of storing absolute addresses, you store relative addresses, relative to the struct the pointer is in06:29
whitequarkpeople call this "zero cost deserialization"06:30
awyglei find zero cost deserialization viscerally satisfying and i wonder what a programming language with more first-class support for relative pointers would look like06:32
whitequarkdaveshah: okay, so my suggestion for the bba mess is as follows:06:33
whitequark1. the arch-independent part of the process becomes runnable outside of the main nextpnr cmake root06:33
whitequarkso you have a way to build "just the bba files" for cross-compilation06:33
daveshahYes, that sounds good06:33
daveshahYep, a few people are doing hacks to achieve this but it would be nice to have an official way06:34
whitequark2. bbasm is always run as a part of the cross-build due to the endianness issue. it is not possible to give the main cmake files existing *products* of bbasm06:34
whitequark3. you can pick whether the build (cross or not) invokes bba generation itself06:35
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whitequark4. on suitable platforms (nix), you can pick whether the assembled bba files will be embedded in the binary or not06:36
daveshahThe alternative would be mmap ?06:37
whitequarkindeed, as it currently is06:37
whitequarkI'll also make mmap lazy so you can ship only some chipdbs but that's a minor detail06:37
daveshahIt would be nice to support binary relative paths for that, like Yosys06:37
daveshahI am happy to do that at some point though06:37
Sarayanwq: I tend to make the pointers relative to the start of the dump file, but sure06:38
whitequarkSarayan: same difference. I think flatbuffers does it relative to struct, bba makes it relative to start of file06:39
whitequarkthe latter is a bit faster if you can afford it06:39
whitequarkdaveshah: one thing I have a bit of doubt about is the change in behavior re: EXTERNAL_CHIPDB06:41
SarayanI've made an unrelated system where the program can either load the dump, fix the pointers and use the data or mmap shared readonly and add the the pointers on use, with some template magic to write only one version of the code.  Gives you the choice between startup time and runtime speed06:42
whitequarkright now if you use that I think you would feed the nextpnr binary bbasm'd files you produced elsewhere06:42
whitequarkso on eg your raspi you don't have to run even bbasm itself06:42
whitequarkwith my plan the bbasm would be run as a part of the build process, always06:43
whitequarkafaik bbasm itself is not resource intensive though so this isn't really an issue06:43
whitequarkdaveshah: btw i think you can close #445 and #44606:47
whitequarkthere's no difference and the whole approach was due to a misattribution of OOM06:47
daveshahYeah bbasm isn't the slow bit at all so that's fine06:48
daveshahYeah done that too06:50
awyglewhy does bba end up endian specific? too much of a performance hit to bswap it if needed?06:57
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promach3How to use with yosys ?06:58
tpbTitle: GitHub - The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow: OpenROADs top level repo pointing to stable binaries, code, sample designs and an example flow (at
whitequarkawygle: why take the perf hit if you can avoid it?06:58
awygleso it doesn't end up arch specific lol06:58
whitequarkdoes that help much?06:58
awyglebut yeah if it's in the hot path, sure06:59
awyglewhich it sounds like it is06:59
whitequarkmost of the time it is embedded in the binary anyway06:59
whitequarkit's not like you can download bba output from elsewhere or something06:59
awygleI'm not very informed about how all this works. I was just curious07:00
Sarayanwhere do I bitch because of contradictions in the nextpnr doc? ;-)07:00
awygleLike I said, I'm a big fan of zero copy techniques07:01
whitequarkSarayan: issues?07:01
Loftypromach3: they have their own Yosys fork at
tpbTitle: GitHub - The-OpenROAD-Project/yosys: Logic synthesis and ABC based optimization (at
Sarayanwq: ok07:01
promach3Lofty: this quick-start instruction seems not correct07:02
tpbTitle: OpenROAD-flow/flow at master · The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD-flow · GitHub (at
Loftypromach3: then file an issue about it07:03
SarayanAh no, it's me who's having understanding issues07:05
whitequarkanyone knows what happened to gaffe-logic?07:25
whitequarkgithub org and repo are gone07:25
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daveshahNo idea07:28
daveshahthat was kc8apf's things07:29
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whitequarkokay, how many custom json readers/writers does yosyshq have now07:46
whitequarkat least three?07:46
daveshahAt least I got rid of the custom reader in nextpnr07:47
daveshahIt was 4 at one point07:47
whitequarkcan we get rid of the custom writer in nextpnr too07:48
daveshahThe post PnR netlists can be pretty large07:50
daveshahSo I don't think a simple custom writer is that evil07:50
whitequarkI see07:50
whitequarkthat's reasonable07:50
daveshahAlthough eventually I'd rather use flatbuffers or something for these07:51
daveshahI haven't had the space in my work queue to get to that yet07:51
whitequarkaaaaargh, why would you use CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR but *also* include08:00
whitequarkthis almost defeats the purpose...08:00
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whitequarkdaveshah: can i ask a question08:26
whitequarkwhy on earth does nextpnr use boost-iostreams to call mmap, given that on windows it embeds stuff in resources anyway?08:26
whitequarkit's just like... mmap with more steps, and also more opportunity for error08:26
daveshahno idea, mmicko did that stuff08:26
whitequarkso now i see that there are 4 (four) different ways nextpnr can access resources08:27
whitequarkone more than the OSes it supports!08:27
whitequark*access chipdbs08:27
SarayanMiodrag Milanovic?08:27
whitequarkand the build steps are all duplicated 4 times for no reason08:27
Sarayanhuhu cool08:27
whitequarkthis is hell08:27
daveshahthe resource vs string thing is because msvc doesn't allow long strings08:29
daveshahidek what the mmap thing was even08:29
daveshahfor originally08:29
whitequarkprobably for external chipdb08:30
daveshahyes, although I'm not actually aware of anyone using that other than your wasm stuff08:30
daveshahI think it was an abandoned project08:30
whitequarkwasm doesn't even have mmap!08:30
whitequarki use an mmap emulator wasi-libc has08:30
whitequarkwhich uses ... malloc and read08:30
daveshahah right08:30
whitequarkthere are so many useless layers here08:31
daveshahwell, I'm just as fed up as being responsible for nextpnr as you are for having to fix it08:31
whitequarkyeah, i'm not complaining at you, sorry if it came off like that08:32
whitequarkactually if you give me commit bit i'll just shut up and fix it08:32
daveshahhmm, don't you have that already?08:32
whitequarki'm basically fine being the person who fixes nextpnr cmake if i actually have the power to do it properly08:33
whitequarkby "responsible for nextpnr" do you mean being basically the maintainer of the whole thing? as in you'd rather work on the core algorithms?08:34
* Sarayan looks at whitequark approaching dangerous territory08:35
whitequarkSarayan: it is a lot easier to fix broken cmake crap at the root than it is to work around broken cmake crap at the point of use08:35
daveshahyes, just general burnout really08:35
Sarayanwq: You say that, you blink, and you end up maintainer on one more project :-)08:35
whitequarkit's going to cause problems at *some* point in the build pipeline, might as well fix them at the point where it benefits everyone08:36
whitequarkdaveshah: ah yeah makes sense08:36
daveshahit's a shame that  noone has wanted to pay Symbiotic for nextpnr development08:36
whitequarki can definitely help out with systems bits08:36
daveshahpeople have wanted to pay me, which is nice, but I can't replicate myself08:36
daveshahif a quarter of resources going into VPR at the moment were going into nextpnr, things would doubtless be in a much better place08:38
daveshahthe other open source place and route tool08:38
Sarayanthere are two?08:38
LoftyVerilog Place and Route08:38
LoftyThere are unfortunately two08:38
daveshahversatile place and route08:38
LoftyOkay, I stand corrected there08:38
Sarayanah, part of vtr08:39
LoftySymbiflow want to use it for XC708:42
LoftyBecause, uh08:42
daveshahThere are good reasons for going to VPR08:43
daveshahBut most of those could have been fixed if they put time into nextpnr instead08:43
LoftyAnd now they're trying to turn VPR into nextpnr, it seems08:44
daveshahThe other big problem with nextpnr is that the whole thing was a bit rushed at the start, with an original two month deadline08:47
daveshahUnfortunately that created quite a bit of technical debt that is quite tiring to recover from08:47
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whitequarkdaveshah: do you know how exactly search for pytrellis is supposed to work?09:17
whitequarkthere is some weird stuff where TRELLIS_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib might not match PYTRELLIS_LIBDIR09:18
daveshahIt's been a long time since I last checked it09:18
whitequarkokay, I'll keep it as-is for now09:19
whitequarkmight revisit once i'm working on yowasp-ecp509:19
daveshahI think it was partly because of various distro rules on where libraries went09:20
whitequarkhm, makes sense09:21
mwkwhitequark: what manual?09:22
whitequarkmwk: yosys manual09:22
mwkwith what, the new ff types?09:22
mwkyeah, it was in the base pr09:22
whitequarkoh cool, thanks09:22
whitequarkdaveshah: I remember some discussion about nextpnr requiring a trellis *install* ie not being able to use a trellis build tree09:23
whitequarkis that accurate?09:23
daveshahYes that's correct now09:23
daveshahOverall that was the preferred option09:23
whitequarkany specific reason?09:23
daveshahand I didn't really want the complications of supporting both09:23
daveshahFor iCE40 we also need a build tree09:24
whitequarkI currently build nextpnr-ice40 with just ICEBOX_ROOT specified, seems to work well09:27
mwkwhitequark: I added the new *FF* types, but left latches undocumented as before09:27
mwkshould probably add those as well at some point09:27
* whitequark nods09:27
whitequarkmhh I think I'll add the capability of building with a Trellis source tree while I'm at it, I wanted that for a while09:27
whitequarkdoesn't seem too invasive09:28
daveshahOh sorry, I meant ice40 needs an install tree and not a build tree09:28
daveshahSure, if you can do it in a clean way thats fine09:28
whitequarkwait really?09:28
whitequarkice40 works just fine with a build tree09:29
daveshahOh, hmm09:29
daveshahI thought the timing data wouldn't be found that way09:29
whitequarknevermind, I screwed up a build script, it indeed finds an installed copy of icebox on my machine09:30
whitequarkyou're right09:30
whitequarkokay, let's not change that for now then09:30
whitequarkI thought it's inconsistent but if it isn't that's ok too I guess09:30
daveshahThe build tree option also has issues with out of tree builds09:32
daveshahAs it needs the compiled libraries from the build dir, and Python libraries and databases from the source dir09:32
whitequarkyou hit similar issues in cross compilation anyway09:32
whitequarkas it is i'm going to build icestorm and prjtrellis twice, I think09:33
whitequarkbut yeah, I'll try not to change too many things at once09:33
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mwkso about yosys manual14:00
mwkis there some sort of CI that builds the manual from master and uploads it somewhere? or do you have to build that manually14:00
mwkbecause that uhhh severely limits its usefulness14:01
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daveshahNo I don't think there is any CI for the manual14:01
mwk(also building the manual is uhhhh an experience)14:01
daveshahin fact lambda pointed out the version on claire's website is from 0.8 not 0.914:01
whitequarkwe should absolutely do it on CI14:02
whitequarkbut... idfk how CI works in yosys14:02
daveshahwe could probably add it as a release asset to
tpbTitle: GitHub - open-tool-forge/fpga-toolchain: Multi-platform nightly builds of open source FPGA tools (at
mwk... added to tomorrow's agenda14:06
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cr1901_modernwhitequark: Surprisingly absolutely nobody, the TRELLIS_INSTALL_PREFIX logic goes to hell on Windows. I have to set both:14:36
cr1901_modern-DTRELLIS_INSTALL_PREFIX=/mingw64 -DPYTRELLIS_LIBDIR=/mingw64/lib/trellis14:36
whitequarkno it goes to hell on *msys*14:37
whitequarkif you use windows please for the love of god at least stick to msvc14:37
whitequarkmsys is like the worst parts of *nix and windows combined in one convenient package14:38
whitequarki'm almost done with the updated logic14:38
whitequarki think it should suck less on windows in general, including msys14:38
whitequarkyou won't need to compile those hundred-megabyte-sized cc files anymore, it should just use resource files14:38
cr1901_modern This line will succeed in MSVC?14:43
tpbTitle: nextpnr/family.cmake at master · YosysHQ/nextpnr · GitHub (at
cr1901_modernDoes cmake know to strip the .so and conver to .dll?14:44
whitequarkoh, the *PYTRELLIS_LIBDIR* logic goes to hell, you mean14:44
whitequarkyeah that's a different question. no it doesn't do that14:44
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whitequarki don't think the suffix is even necessary14:44
cr1901_modernOh, well I probably should've tested that, but I think I was irritated at the time and just wanted to get something working.14:46
whitequarkI noticed.14:46
whitequarkthat's how most of nextpnr's cmake files are written14:46
whitequarkand i hate every single line of them14:47
whitequarkworking on build systems is just shoveling shit someone else was too lazy to fix properly, day in, day out14:47
whitequarki've spent 11 hours straight today working on just the family.cmake refactor14:48
whitequarkthere is a pervasive culture of making build systems the problem of the next person who is unlucky enough to work on them14:51
whitequarkscratch your own itch, who gives a fuck what happens next?14:51
whitequarkwell usually what happens next is i have to fix that code14:51
cr1901_modernEver work on someone else's meson project? I think that's not so terrible. But otherwise I relate. >>14:52
cr1901_modernCMake: "At least it's not autotools" (tm)14:52
whitequarkmeson is like cmake but less bad14:53
whitequarki've never used it yet14:53
whitequarkthe problem isn't the tools per se14:53
whitequarki mean, some tools make it actively harder to write good build systems (see: make), but for the most part it is the lack of trying14:53
whitequarkwhat people commonly do is apply the absolute lowest bar to build system changes, which is "it works in my machine right now"14:57
whitequarkand leave the consequences to someone else14:57
whitequarkbonus points for sprinking various conditionals without turning your brain on14:57
whitequark"hopefully that still works elsewhere with these"14:57
cr1901_modernI test "it works on my machine*s* right now". All 2 archs- x86 and ARM- and 2 OSes- Windows and Debian. Perhaps sometime in the far future, I should do something similar to japaric's cross, and run a bunch of qemu and docker instances locally.15:00
whitequarkwell, that's much better than usua15:00
cr1901_modern(Not relevant to cargo, since things basically are self-contained there due to lack of shared libs)15:00
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whitequarkso the .so suffix is actually necessary in this case15:36
whitequarki'm not sure if the find_library() logic does anything useful on windows even in principle15:37
cr1901_modern... huh15:37
whitequarkokay, i'm essentially done, just need to write a description of the changes...15:41
cr1901_modernIs setting PYTRELLIS_LIBDIR is mandatory on Windows then?15:41
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whitequarkI think so15:42
whitequarkI mean, do you install pytrellis system-wide?15:43
cr1901_modernyes; the logic for using a local copy of pytrellis disappeared in the commit that PYTRELLIS_LIBDIR was introduced15:43
whitequarkhow does that even work on windows?15:44
whitequarkwhere does pytrellis go?15:44
cr1901_modernC:/msys64/mingw64/lib/trellis. I don't think it matter where it goes in the grand scheme of things. C:/msys64/mingw64/lib is only special for the C/C++ compiler search path, and .dlls, of course, normally go into a directory visible on the system path15:46
cr1901_modernStill need to set up PYTHONPATH to find pytrellis even if you use PYTRELLIS_LIBDIR15:46
whitequarkoh, you don't install it on *windows*, you install it on *msys*15:47
whitequarkmsys isn't windows15:47
whitequarkit's more like gnu/windows15:47
whitequarkokay, i'll use CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX there15:48
cr1901_modernThey are native Windows exes without pretending they are running on *nix (like cygwin1.dll binaries do), so that's why I call it Windows.15:48
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tntDoes yosys have something to set the "primary" name of a net ?16:16
tntoutstanding .... :/16:17
whitequarksee #216516:17
whitequarkwhat are you hitting?16:17
whitequarkconstraint issues?16:17
tntYeah.  The eblif refers to the net as "usb_I.uc_clk".  It has a ".names usb_I.uc_clk wb_clk" marking the "alias" but VPR apparently doesn't care for min/max delay constrainst and just uses the primary name.16:19
tntIf it's gotta pick a name it could at least pick the shortest one.16:19
whitequarkthere is some logic to do that16:20
whitequarkit's probably broken, hence #216516:20
cr1901_modernWhat is the "primary" name of a net?16:23
tntwhatever is used in the eblif when connecting .subckt ports.16:23
whitequarkdoes eblif not contain all net aliases?16:25
whitequarkthat seems like a bug16:25
tntIt does.16:26
tntVPR ignores them for max_delay / min_delay constraints AFAICT.16:26
whitequarkokay, so that seems like a vpr bug then16:26
whitequarknextpnr has the same bug, actually16:26
whitequarkI should fix it sometime16:26
whitequarkah, wait, I think the logic to choose the shortest net name that I added was in nextpnr, not vpr16:27
tntyeah, I remember that logic in nextpnr.16:28
daveshahnextpnr can use all aliases now16:29
daveshahat least all the ones that Yosys retains16:29
tntyup. But it at least still pick the shortest one for "display" purposes.16:30
whitequarkah, good16:30
tntHere with VPR my timing re[port ends up for clock domain "usb_I.tx_pkt_I.crc_16_I.clk"  instead of "clk_usb" ...16:31
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whitequarkcr1901_modern: please test
tpbTitle: CMake: rewrite chipdb handling from ground up by whitequark · Pull Request #459 · YosysHQ/nextpnr · GitHub (at
whitequarkeveryone else is encouraged, too17:36
daveshahCI looks unhappy17:50
daveshahperhaps a CMake version issue, or does the command line need changing?17:51
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whitequarklet's see17:53
daveshahGoogle suggests this commit adds that functionality to CMake which presumably won't be in Ubuntu 16.04. However much I'd like to change it, I think 16.04 should probably stay supported17:53
tpbTitle: objlib: Allow other libraries to link to `OBJECT` libraries. (3e774ad7) · Commits · CMake / CMake · GitLab (at
whitequarkyes, cmake version issue. let's just use a STATIC library instead17:53
whitequarkthere's no downside beyond wasting disk space17:53
whitequarkoh, hm17:54
whitequarkmy version of cmake actually *does* link the files in the object libraries17:54
whitequarkso it might be an even newer change?17:54
daveshahWhat OS are you running?17:54
whitequarkcmake 3.13.4 here17:55
daveshahLooks like 16.04 provides 3.517:55
daveshahwhich is presumably what CI will use as it just apt-gets it iirc17:55
whitequarkokay, let's target that17:55
daveshahThat seems reasonable17:56
daveshahI know it previously broke with the version of CMake in Ubuntu 14.04, so no need to worry about that17:56
whitequarkokay, pushed17:57
somlodaveshah, whitequark: I'll try to test this on Fedora and mock (the build process for RPMs), tonight or tomorrow17:57
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cr1901_modernwhitequark: Sorry I fell asleep. I will test now20:26
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cr1901_modernErr, I'll test within the hour*21:07
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cr1901_modernWith this hour* (woooow, today is irritating)22:25
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az0reIsn't "within the hour" just as correct as "with[in] this hour", and more commonly used, too?23:25
qu1j0t3i would say so23:25
qu1j0t3as a native speaker23:26
az0reI am also a native speaker, and I'm guessing cr1901_modern is, too23:26
az0reWhich is why I'm a bit confused23:26
az0reThere's for sure a difference between "within the hour" (i.e. by the end of the current wall-clock hour) and "within one hour" (i.e. within 59 minutes + 60 seconds)23:28
az0reBut "cr1901_modern> With this hour* (woooow, today is irritating)" <--- I don't understand this correction23:28
qu1j0t3fwiw i usually say "within the hour" to mean "within one hour" *shrug*23:28
qu1j0t3but it's very approximate anyway and i am sure i usually break the promise23:29
az0reYeah well I guess there's some room for interpretation there23:29
az0reBut I'm still confused :)23:29
qu1j0t3i'm equally confused by the correction but maybe it's a typo23:29
az0reAnyway it's irrelevant23:29
az0reNot worth worrying about lol23:29
cr1901_modernaz0re: It was a typo. No doubt caused by a bunch of little things being irritating cascading into my day being irritating23:35
cr1901_modernSo I'm not really concentrating on proper preposition usage lmao23:35

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