Tuesday, 2020-04-28

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tntmwk: the up5k spram can't even be init to zero, content is random on start.04:57
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sensillecan i tell yosys to complain about uninitialized registers?08:42
sensilleor to assume them as zero?08:43
tntif you care about its initial value you should have a reset on it.09:20
sensillein case of fpgas, isn't the initial value part of the bitstream? or at least fixed as 0?09:22
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daveshahWhich FPGA?09:22
sensilleecp5 in my case09:22
daveshahthen the initial value is the same as the reset value09:22
daveshahdefaulting to 0 if there is no reset and no init09:22
daveshahnote that there are a few places where a sync reset may be inferred even if there isn't an obvious reset in the design09:22
sensillei just want yosys to warn me in case i forget an initial value09:23
daveshah(e.g. q <= sel ? 1'b1 : d) would infer a sync set and therefore q would default to one-initialised09:23
tntsensille: sure but for instance if you're using a PLL you should hold all your logic in reset until it locks because until then the clock can do whatever ...09:23
daveshahI don't think there's a way to do that09:23
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sensilleunfortunately verilator doesn't handle uninitialzed values well, either09:24
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keith-manThis might sound weird, but fun I was think of trying to use yosys to synthesize with discrete gates. I can see that it can accept liberty files, but when searching for how to write one it seems like they can be quite complicated. When I all I wanted to do was mainly have delay, rise and fall times, and pin capacitance area. Just to try something11:38
keith-manout quickly.11:38
keith-manAlso when looking I see that abc can use a genlib file which seems simpler.11:38
keith-manwould perhaphs better to generate a bliff from a Verilog file and then use abc directly?11:38
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ZirconiumXUgh, they're gone11:57
mwkwell, it's a publicly logged channel, you can just answer into the aether12:01
Sarayanbeware, the abyss^Waether may answer back12:02
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ZirconiumXIt's entirely possible to use Yosys to synthesize to discrete gates; I even got it to target 74xx ICs: https://github.com/ZirconiumX/74xx-liberty12:40
tpbTitle: GitHub - ZirconiumX/74xx-liberty (at github.com)12:40
ZirconiumXThe Liberty format is a bit tricky to use, but I'm pretty sure ABC doesn't understand any of the timing information that comes with it12:41
daveshahIt should do...12:41
daveshahwhether it actually does is another question12:41
ZirconiumXDescribing timing information in Liberty format is...tricky12:41
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ZirconiumXkeith-man: check the channel logs, I replied to you there12:45
keith-manI just was looking there. Saw the mention of 7400 series logic, that's similar to what I want to do.12:46
keith-manzirconiumX: wait ABC may not use the timing info in a liberty file?12:48
ZirconiumX"may"; it's difficult to know exactly for sure because ABC is kinda opaque12:49
keith-manwhat about for a genlib? Looks like something ABC can also use.12:50
ZirconiumXI can't help you there, unfortunately12:54
keith-manso looking at the lib file you wrote here is there capacitance was only specified on some cell's pins? Like the hex-invert but not the others? https://github.com/ZirconiumX/74xx-liberty/blob/master/74ac.lib12:57
tpbTitle: 74xx-liberty/74ac.lib at master · ZirconiumX/74xx-liberty · GitHub (at github.com)12:57
ZirconiumXCorrect, but it seems to have made little difference without timing information12:57
ZirconiumXI struggled to work out how to specify it, which is why it's commented out12:58
keith-manZirconiumX: Fair enough looking at the liberty handbook I found, the format looks like can do it a lot, but the little bit I have found on genlib seems simpler at least to me. https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~alanmi/publications/other/SIS_paper_genlib.pdf13:05
keith-manI guess I'll just have to experiment once I am less sleepy. It's really early in the morning for me I should probably sleep.13:18
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ross_sHas anyone seen the error 'Failed to find a route for arc 125 of net $PACKER_GND_NET'? Attempting to synthesize a 36 bit mult on the ECP5, using a clarity designer generated file consisting of 4 direct mult18x18ds and two alu54bs18:08
daveshahThe ALU54B isn't fully working yet18:09
ross_sis there anything a layperson can do to help out?18:09
daveshahIn particular there is nothing to correctly constrain the ALU54B and MULT18X18D together18:10
daveshahThe most useful thing to do is put the design somewhere so I can have a look18:10
daveshahParticularly if it is something that can easily be tested on hardware18:10
daveshahAlso, if you would be able to build it in Diamond and take a screenshot of the placement in physical view and provide the Diamond bitstream, that would also make it much quicker for me to finish18:11
ross_sought to be - I've been trying to work out how the pipeline stuff works (since default inferred 18x18 is a bit slow), so I just have a test case that exposes a shift interface to the mult18:11
ross_sok; I'll get the test code up somewhere and work on the diamond stuff18:12
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ross_salright, here's a repo with some test code that should work: https://github.com/rschlaikjer/ecp-alu-sample18:40
tpbTitle: GitHub - rschlaikjer/ecp-alu-sample (at github.com)18:40
ross_srunning make will generate the error I mentioned above18:41
ross_sand I have now just pushed a commit that adds a diamond-generated bitstream to that repo18:43
ross_soops just remembered you wanted a screenshot of the physical view as well18:50
ross_sthat's in there as well now18:50
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ross_sRelated to previous discussion, does anyone know of a better DSP documentation resource than TN1267?23:06
ross_sThrough trial and error I've verified that .REG_OUTPUT_CLK("CLK0") adds once cycle latency, and similarly setting REG_INPUT{A,B}_{CLK,CE,RST} adds a second one, but .REG_PIPELINE_{RST,CE,CLK} doesn't appear to do anything? I can't find example timing diagrams anywhere.23:06
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ross_sDo the pipeline registers only take effect if the mult is chained into an alu perhaps?23:06
ross_sIt also looks like the in/out register config on the mult block isn't accounted for in the nextpnr timing, I can make a PR for that along the same lines as https://github.com/YosysHQ/nextpnr/pull/423 if I'm correct in thinking that setting both .REG_INPUT{A,B}_CLK to a non-"NONE" value enables the in registers23:06
tpbTitle: Add support for REGMODE to DP16KD by rschlaikjer · Pull Request #423 · YosysHQ/nextpnr · GitHub (at github.com)23:06

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