Saturday, 2019-09-28

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promachI have used , why still "Warning: No clocks found in design" ?02:48
tpbTitle: nextpnr/ at master · YosysHQ/nextpnr · GitHub (at
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janrinze promach: do you have a clock?10:36
promachjanrinze: I have clk in my verilog10:42
janrinzepromach: is your verilog desing on github?10:50
janrinzepromach: might be easier to look at the verilog code and assess what the issue is.10:51
tpbTitle: Spidergon Networks On Chip · GitHub (at
janrinzepromach: datainput and dataoutput are missing in NoC module .. try adding like  module NoC #(...) (clk,rest,data_input,data_output);11:00
janrinzepromach: if those are not driven nor used as output then Yosys can optimize them out and the result will be an empty design.11:01
promachjanrinze: No11:05
promachNoC.v is used to encapsule the spidergon NoC11:05
promachdata_input and data_output need hardware pins if without NoC.v11:05
promachdo you understand what I mean ?11:05
janrinzewhen you build with yosys, what is the 'top'?11:20
promachjanrinze: see
tpbTitle: Spidergon Networks On Chip · GitHub (at
promachline 911:22
janrinzetop=NoC thus no inputs for data_input and data_output11:22
janrinzeso if you add then to the module definition of NoC the accompanying pins will be retrieved from the constraints file.11:24
janrinzethe top module in your design only has clk and reset.11:25
promachjanrinze: there is no need for hardware IO pins for data_input and data_output11:25
promachdo you understand what I mean ?11:25
janrinzethen yosys will consider those irrelevant to the design and optimise out.11:26
janrinzepromach: how about you just try to add them as pins and then look at the result.11:28
janrinzea design that is not connected can be  optimized away. and thus no clock necessary either11:29
promachjanrinze: not enough hardware IO pins11:29
promachon FPGA11:29
promachjanrinze: I just found some logic loop issues, let me solve those those first11:32
janrinzepromach: does not matter, you don't need to have real hardware to run yosys. the pin assignment only happens in nextpnr anyway.11:33
promachyes, but data_input and data_output takes out too many IO pins11:34
promachdo you understand ?11:34
promachnot enough pins to assign, even inside nextpnr11:34
janrinzehrmm.. how about creating a simple mux that is connected to io pins. then at least yosys can see that all input and output pins are used.11:35
promachhuh ?11:37
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janrinzepromach: you can try using "setattr -set keep 1" in the spidergon.ys file on line 8.12:07
janrinzeit might help keeping the design from being optimized away. and you cna then run nextpnr-ice40 to see if the design fits and what fmax is.12:08
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promachjanrinze: thanks, but I need to solve some logic loop issues first14:22
promachthat is more important now14:22
* promach just solved those loop issues16:46
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