Wednesday, 2019-09-18

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janrinzedaveshah: Any chance we will see updated tools that properly write to the flash of ECP5 eval board?11:45
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ZipCPUjanrinze: What ECP5 eval board are you using?14:39
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ZipCPUI just ask because ... I've been writing to the external (QSPI) flash chips for some time on Xilinx/Intel/iCE40/ECP5 boards without too much hassle14:52
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janrinzeZipCPU: the one from lattice.
tpbTitle: ECP5 Evaluation Board - Lattice Semiconductor (at
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ZipCPUBummer.  I was hoping it would be the one I was working with:
tpbTitle: ECP5 Versa Development Kit - Lattice Semiconductor (at
ZipCPUThe problem with a "generic" flash writer is that ... there are so many different incompatible flash devices out there15:36
ZipCPUMy own "generic" solution depends upon software to detect the flash, and then add in special commands for certain flash chips.  It's by no means complete.15:37
tpbTitle: Building a universal QSPI flash controller (at
ZipCPUI also just updated the ECP5 demo:
tpbTitle: GitHub - ZipCPU/zipversa at dev (at
janrinzeThe versa board is nice. I prefer stand-alone boards myself.15:45
ZipCPUI'm using it as a stand-alone ;)15:45
ZipCPUI have yet to fire up either the SDRAM or the PCIe interface15:45
ZipCPUThat said, it's not the board that you have, so my work might (or might not) help you :/15:46
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janrinzedoes your build flash the design or just upload it to the ecp5?15:50
janrinzeI see in the .cfg that openocd will program the ecp515:50
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ZipCPUThe openOCD is used to load the design into the FPGA via JTAG.  The zipload.cpp program (based upon flashdrvr.cpp) is used to actually write to the flash once the design is loaded.15:53
ZipCPUYou can find both zipload.cpp and flashdrvr.cpp in the sw/host directory, since they'll run from an external (PC) host15:54
janrinzewould this work over USB? the versa has PCI-bus, right?15:58
ZipCPUI use it over a USB serial port, yes15:58
janrinzeOkay. interesting. I can try build it and see how that goes,15:59
ZipCPUThis particular design also has some amount of serial port compression going over the command channel15:59
janrinzei remember that compression was particularly difficult with programming the ecp515:59
ZipCPUI didn't say that I was compressing the ECP5 image, just the serial port command channel16:00
janrinzeokay. Does the zipcpu write the flash?16:00
janrinzeah. good.16:01
ZipCPUThe dev branch doesn't even have the ZipCPU enabled in it anymore--the customer wanted a picoRV16:01
ZipCPUThat said, the PicoRV isn't involved in writing the flash either.16:01
ZipCPUYou can see a picture of the serial port command channel processing in Fig 1 of this post:
tpbTitle: An Overview of a Wishbone-UART Bridge (at
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janrinzeso it requires the wishbone-uart bridge.16:14
ZipCPUYou'd need something to communicate data from the PC/host to the FPGA16:15
janrinzein order to make that work, first the design with a wishbone-uart bridge needs to be uploaded to the FPGA, correct?16:15
janrinzeokay, a two stage uploader would work, i guess.16:16
ZipCPUI think that's the way most of the commercial loaders work16:16
janrinzecurrently I use the python script that creates a script for openocd.16:16
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