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titp | .. | 00:03 |
ZipCPU | Yo, titp! | 00:09 |
titp | Help I own an ice40hx1k and use team tera under windows. I do not know how to load and talk with ice, I need to load file.tar | 00:23 |
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ZipCPU | titp: I don't think so. | 01:10 |
ZipCPU | I think that file.tar contains other files | 01:10 |
ZipCPU | Perhaps one of them you may need to load. | 01:11 |
ZipCPU | The file you actually want to load onto your device should have a .bin extension, not a .tar extension | 01:11 |
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ZipCPU | Often you can double click on an archive file, such as a file.tar, and windows can/will open it | 01:39 |
* ZipCPU isn't using Windows, so he isn't completely certain | 01:39 | |
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tito_ | Help I own an ice40hx1k and use team tera under windows. I do not know how to load and talk with ice, I need to load file.tar | 13:46 |
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tito_ | Help I own an ice40hx1k and use team tera under windows. I do not know how to load and talk with ice, I need to load file.tar | 16:26 |
sorear | I don't understand the question | 16:28 |
daveshah | tito_: what are you trying to program, and where did file.tar come from? | 16:39 |
tito_ | the file is coming from github.com and I wanted to do a cpu openmsp430 | 16:46 |
daveshah | I think openmsp430 will be too big for the iCE40HX1k | 16:47 |
daveshah | Have you run anything at all on your iCE40 yet? | 16:47 |
tito_ | i'm nabbo I insert usb and usb connection but the terminal remains empty I also wanted to try other files on github..... | 16:52 |
daveshah | First of all have you installed the icestorm tools? They are the easiest way to start building designs. You will need to use these (or other tools such as Lattice iCEcube) to convert the Verilog source you find in these projects to a bitstream that you can program the FPGA with | 16:53 |
daveshah | Have a look at the install instructions here: http://www.clifford.at/icestorm/ | 16:53 |
tpb | Title: Project IceStorm (at www.clifford.at) | 16:53 |
daveshah | And then have a go at running the provided example (run `make` to build it and `make prog` to program the board): https://github.com/cliffordwolf/icestorm/tree/master/examples/icestick | 16:54 |
tpb | Title: icestorm/examples/icestick at master · cliffordwolf/icestorm · GitHub (at github.com) | 16:54 |
tito_ | yes I have icecube2 but it does not connect | 16:55 |
daveshah | I don't think icecube2 itself can do programming. You will either need to use Diamond programmer from Lattice or `iceprog` from Project Icestorm | 16:56 |
tito_ | so see how I understand usb has a green LED on, but it's dead because I have to insert a Project IceStorm, afterwards can I make it a vga or cpu? | 16:58 |
daveshah | Sort of. What you need to program it with is called a "bitstream" that can come from icecube2 or Project Icestorm. Then you can make it do stuff. But I would start blinking LEDs before moving to CPUs or VGA controllers | 16:59 |
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tito_ | IceStorm I can not use ..... I plug in the green and lit LEDs and 4 red flashes but the terminal is empty? does it mean that it is in wait? | 17:05 |
daveshah | You won't see anything in the terminal unless you have a serial interface in your design | 17:05 |
daveshah | What are you running when you use Icestorm? | 17:06 |
tito_ | OK thanks ...... I see ...... I use icecube2 but I do not know, for me one is worth more | 17:09 |
daveshah | Project Icestorm is probably easier to get started with, particularly on Linux or Mac | 17:09 |
tito_ | I use windows and tera term for usb connection ....... but I still need icecube2? | 17:13 |
daveshah | Tera term is only useful once you have programmed the FPGA with something that supports communication over serial. First you will need to use either icecube2 or icestorm to build a bitstream; and Lattice Diamond programmer or icestorm to program that bitstream | 17:19 |
daveshah | Maybe take a look at https://blog.monostable.co.uk/posts/beginner-fpga-programming-using-open-source-tools-1-introduction | 17:21 |
tpb | Title: Beginner FPGA Programming Using Open Source Tools #1: Introduction - Monostable Blog (at blog.monostable.co.uk) | 17:21 |
daveshah | That will get the icestorm tools set up | 17:21 |
daveshah | Or this series: https://hackaday.com/2015/08/19/learning-verilog-on-a-25-fpga-part-i/ and https://hackaday.com/2015/08/27/learning-verilog-for-fpgas-hardware-at-last/ | 17:22 |
tpb | Title: Learning Verilog for FPGAs: The Tools and Building an Adder | Hackaday (at hackaday.com) | 17:22 |
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ZipCPU | daveshah: Did you see the most recent reddit.com/r/yosys question? | 17:44 |
daveshah | Seen it now. I don't know of much better than the official icestorm docs, which they already seem to have found | 17:45 |
ZipCPU | Ok, thought you might. Guess not. Thanks! | 17:48 |
daveshah | No, unfortunately not. I think the icestorm docs are reasonable in terms of what can be ascertained from the bitstream, anything else is either generic CMOSy stuff or stuff Lattice would have to publish | 17:50 |
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cr1901_modern | They are still terse to read IME | 18:11 |
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cr1901_modern | No I'm not bitter I don't have the cognitive b/w to understand them, why do you ask? | 18:11 |
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keesj | 3 | 18:52 |
ZipCPU | 4 | 18:53 |
keesj | back form "camping" and reading up | 18:54 |
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tito_ | help | 23:33 |
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