Monday, 2012-02-27

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PolarPandaSo... I'm a guy who's barely starting to learn programming... Did I find a good place to start, or are you guys too advanced already?19:49
PolarPandaJudging by how extensive your wiki is, apparently I'm a couple of years too late.19:51
ezodPolarPanda: hi19:52
PolarPandaHello. ^_^19:52
ezodyes, you're a couple years too late, but maybe not why you think19:52
ezodthere hasn't been much (any) activity on this project in over a year19:52
PolarPandaOh... Sad..19:53
PolarPandaIt looked like a fun project.19:53
ezodif you're looking to contribute to any open source project though, you should probably have a reasonable handle on programming already19:53
PolarPandaWell, thanks for telling me this.19:53
ezodi.e. by working on your own projects first19:53
PolarPandaMy problem is, the perfect game I have in mind has already been created. :P19:54
PolarPandaBut yeah, I guess you're right.19:54
ezodopen source developers are helpful and often willing to mentor19:55
ezodbut they'll expect a certain base of knowledge that most people learn on their own (or in school perhaps)19:55
PolarPandaYeah, I know... I'm gonna study game development, but I still have a year left in highschool...19:56
ezodtons of great tutorials online19:56
PolarPandaYeah, I'm aware19:56
PolarPandaI'm just lazy. :P19:56
ezoddo you have a language in mind?19:56
PolarPandaWell, I'm currently learning Python19:56
ezodperfect choice ;)19:56
PolarPandathe tutorial was easy, it was widely documented and I actually understood the code19:57
ezoddead easy to learn, and tons of libraries available19:57
ezodi do most of my own coding in python19:57
PolarPandaI quite like it, although I was thinking of changing to C++ since most of the projects  I'm interested in are written in C++...19:58
ezodc++ is a steeper curve if you don't already know c19:58
PolarPandaMeh, I guess I'll stick with Python until I know what I'm doing well enough. :P19:59
tpbTitle: 3. Data model Python v2.7.2 documentation (at
ezod^ get to know that19:59
ezodit seems to be the most important thing that tutorials gloss over19:59
PolarPandaThanks a lot. ^_^20:00
ezodit's a lot to take in at first but just know that it's there20:00
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