Tuesday, 2011-03-15

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* notnash waves01:39
notnashwonders if there is anyone around01:39
*** notnash is now known as nash01:40
llnzhi nash01:40
nashhello lee01:40
nashHow are your local quakes?01:40
llnznot too bad01:40
llnzglad to be in Wellington for the last 2.75 years01:41
nashNicely played then01:41
nashSo... couple of questions01:41
nashFirstly: Is TP dead then?01:42
llnzno, not really01:42
nashbut it is kinda?01:42
nashmailing lists for instance do not work01:42
llnzit has been quite quiet01:43
llnzthey don't work?01:43
ezodalso, we did not apply to GSoC01:43
llnzthey appear to be still working01:43
llnzthere is grey listing in front of them now to slow down the spam (worked well)01:43
nashwell i sent a patch yesterday, and it hasn't got through01:44
nashsince i can no longer commit01:44
llnzdid you get a bounce?01:45
nashdisappeared into the void01:45
nashCan you look on the server?01:45
llnzi will, once i get home01:46
llnzwhat email address did you use?01:47
nashI've got some loose time, and I'd like to resurrect galaxie now I have a useful widget set01:47
nashit was sent from [email protected] as [email protected]01:47
nash(the gmail-resent from header)01:48
llnzshould have been ok01:48
nashhence my wonder if the project as a whole is dead01:49
nashno one seems to have noticed that the mailing lists are borked01:49
nashAnd of course this channel is rather quiet01:54
nasha certain dearth of servers runni ng01:54
nashno major activity on the commit front01:54
nashno games/tournaments or anythign running01:55
llnzit's been fairly quiet since the week long hackfest mid last year02:04
llnzTim and I are both very busy, as is just about everyone else02:04
llnznash: my test email went through to the mailing list02:09
nashllnz: so... still doesn't answer where mine went02:15
nashI'll try sending again02:18
llnznash: cc me too if you like02:18
nashI'd rather go through the list.  That way there is some activity02:21
llnzi wonder if you are not subscribed02:21
llnzdid you get my test email02:21
nashI got the test email02:22
nashand i get the monthly subscription reminder02:22
nashI assume it's still greylisted02:23
llnzshould only be greylisted for 10 minutes02:27
llnzand iirc google bypasses it anyway02:27
nashi didn't send from google this time02:29
nashStill no mail02:41
nashllnz: Are you sure you aren't blacklisting?02:49
llnzfairly sure02:49
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* llnz wanders home03:42
llnzlater all03:42
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* nash pokes mithro aka tansell 05:07
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