Monday, 2010-11-15

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verhoevenvHeya guys, think I could/should try to give a lightning talk about TP on FOSDEM?01:07
tansell_verhoevenv, sure!01:09
verhoevenvI guess it doesn't hurt to apply anyway. I can think about the content later on. 15 minutes is not a lot of time...01:12
verhoevenvBut maybe we can get a few more people interested. :)01:12
verhoevenvIs the entire project under GPLv2?01:15
verhoevenvtansell_: ^01:16
tansell_verhoevenv, nope01:20
tansell_verhoevenv, some parts are LGPL and some parts MIT01:20
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llnzlater all03:16
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llnzmorning all19:05
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