Tuesday, 2010-09-14

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tansellalanp, http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2010/09/thousand-parsec-hackweek-at-googleplex.html01:58
tpb<http://ln-s.net/7c$L> (at google-opensource.blogspot.com)01:58
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alanptansell: nice02:43
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shenkitansell: you blog more for google's PR blog than you do for thousandparsec ;)05:12
tansellthey keep bugging me05:38
tansellnobody bugs me for Thousand Parsec stuff05:38
nashglad I refused the job offer then ;-)06:04
nashforced blogging is evil06:07
tansellnash, long time no see06:12
tansellnash, it's only because I was silly enough to offer to do it in the first place :P06:13
nashtansell: Massive foolishness ;-)06:18
nashtansell: I've been here _all_ the time06:18
nashFrom multiple countries06:18
tansellnash, hows China?06:18
nashI'll let you know when I'm back there06:18
nashIn korea at the moment.06:18
nashOr USA if you believe your IRC client06:18
nashI see sydney is cold06:19
tansellwhat are you doing in Korea? consulting with hardware manufacturers?06:21
nashLittle company whose name in chinese is 三星 (sanxing)06:23
nashSo what are you up to?06:26
tansellpretty much the same old/same old06:27
tansellorganising PyCon AU06:27
tansellplaying PS3 games06:28
nashheh - just lost my ps3 until I october actually06:29
nashbtw: back in sydney then06:30
tanselljust about to start a new project hopefully06:31
nashIf you get approved?06:33
tansellnash, we are winding up our current project, I would be happy to sit around an do nothing for a couple of months :)06:35
nashI hate sitting around doing nothing too long06:37
tansellI have a pretty good back log of ideas/things to try06:38
nashheh, find I need some work to keep my focused06:39
nashand pay the bills of course ;-)06:39
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tanselljust reinstalled my work workstation and things are still a bit iffy06:52
nashstop using ubuntu ;-)06:52
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llnzlater all09:23
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llnzmorning all19:45
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