Friday, 2010-09-03

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llnzbbl, maybe05:01
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bisc_tansell: ping07:17
tansellbisc_, pong07:26
bisc_tansell: I've finished translation for client. It turned out to be more difficult than expected. Also, I noticed that there're many old strings in pot file, that aren't present in client's code07:35
bisc_tansell: I'll upload the patch later, under strict proxy now07:35
bisc_tansell: And there's problem that many interface strings are set on server, which means we need a coherent translation for servers as well?07:36
tansellbisc_, okay07:36
tansellwhy did it turn out to be harder?07:36
tansellbisc_, yeah - sadly there is not a lot we can do that?07:36
bisc_tansell: difficult because a) many duplicate strings, different in one-two characters b) old strings that don't take place in real code c) many inconsistencies in labels (e.g. somewhere there's 'Server' starting with uppercase in the middle of sentence, somewhere not).07:39
tansellbisc_, ah - it might be worth cleaning that up a bit?07:40
bisc_tansell: also, labels vary in length in different languages -- and we have interface optimized for English, so somewhere it's broken07:40
bisc_tansell: yes, but I don't feel I understand your guidelines with labels :) for example, exclamation signs seem (to me) to be placed in random places.07:41
tansellthey might be :)07:41
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bisc_tansell: many UI developers tend to establish a user-oriented vocabulary for interface labels. So that they don't communicate with user in terms of 'cache misses', 'object descriptions', 'network hosts', etc. It's usually the first essential step in cleaning labels up. User vocabulary thing adds a lot to consistency of labels07:46
bisc_so that there's no 'Server Browser' in one place and 'Server Find Window' in another07:46
tansellbisc_, I'm happy for someone to make a concerted effort to try and fix it07:49
bisc_tansell: okay, I'll push it to my todolist. A question about this ./locale/tpclient-pywx.pot : does it accumulate string for translation or it is created from scratch each time?07:54
tansellbisc_, not sure07:54
tansellbisc_, there is a script which generates it07:54
bisc_tansell: yeah, I see. Not sure what it does in terms of updating/recreating it. Anyway, can I delete older strings from there, which aren't present in current code?07:56
tansellmaybe just delete the file and see if it generates a new file without it07:57
bisc_tansell: ok, it makes things much easier.07:58
tansellmaybe the script should do that?08:01
bisc_tansell: this script is an updating one. If a file doesn't exist, it's deleted. So I'll create the file manually.08:02
bisc_tansell: this explains why there were lots of old strings there.08:02
bisc_oops, I meant " If a file doesn't exist, script is stopped with error"08:03
tansellwell I'm heading out as it's friday night :)08:32
bisc_bye then08:35
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llnzlater all10:58
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llnzi'm ok and family in christchurch is fine20:54
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