Tuesday, 2010-08-10

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mithroStupidIncarnate: ping?00:26
StupidIncarnatemithro: pong00:29
mithroStupidIncarnate: I'm just working on the cache.save stuff for tp0400:29
mithroshould have something working soonish00:30
CIA-31llnz tpserver-cpp * rea99a57b2664 /modules/games/minisec/rspcombat.cpp: Fixed messages and draw shots by non-battleships in Minisec.00:30
StupidIncarnateoh alrighty00:30
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CIA-31mithro libtpproto-py-tp04 * r50976340931b /tp/netlib/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Allow serialization the ObjectDesc object.00:59
mithroStupidIncarnate: pushing now00:59
CIA-31mithro libtpclient-py-tp04 * r7ad075d35c72 /tp/client/cache.py: Added pickle support for cache tp04.00:59
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * re6ecb171caf4 / (libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Fix the cache in tp04 support.00:59
StupidIncarnatei'll have to look at it after I fix these stupid bugs with the gui01:01
CIA-31verhoevenv tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r7a3172f0ddca /windows/main/panelInfo.py:01:19
CIA-31Revert "Make info panel have the right size when selecting objects, so horizontal scrollbars don't show."01:19
CIA-31This reverts commit ef28fa85148a17869c642dd8c73930eaf4466bba.01:19
CIA-31verhoevenv tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rdfd493aecebe /windows/main/panelInfo.py: Really fix the scrollbars now.01:19
CIA-31verhoevenv tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rb2844aa5bcf0 / (libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Merge branch 'tp04' of git+ssh://git.thousandparsec.net/git/tpclient-pywx into tp0401:19
CIA-31mithro libtpproto-py-tp04 * rcedc0c75d180 /tp/netlib/xstruct.py: Fixing xstruct for Python 2.501:30
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r397bf97a1976 /requirements.py: Make sure the sub-modules are checked out before adding them to the path.01:32
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * ra2f2c022b6d0 /libtpproto-py: Updating for xstruct fix.01:32
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rdee2a63be38e /windows/main/panelInfo.py: Merge remote branch 'origin/tp04' into tp0401:33
CIA-31llnz tpserver-cpp * r78e02d051067 /tpserver/game.cpp: Added ctime to Game Frame.01:48
CIA-31llnz tpserver-cpp * r4f1d0aea7118 /modules/games/minisec/minisec.cpp: Hopefully show all objects to everyone in minisec.01:48
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StupidIncarnateI don't suppose anyones run into the issue of the map objects shrinking in position when a ship reaches its destination on minisec?02:05
StupidIncarnatei haven't had time to look into it much, though it might just be me02:05
CIA-31mithro libtpproto-py-tp04 * r1be391f4767b /tp/netlib/objects/Game.py: Adding support for creation time in the game object.02:25
CIA-31mithro libtpproto-py-tp04 * rd91bfdb5f984 /.gitignore: Adding .swp to the ignore file.02:25
CIA-31mithro libtpclient-py-tp04 * r40a6be02a3f9 /tp/client/ (cache.py threads.py): Make the cache depend on game creation time.02:26
CIA-31mithro libtpclient-py-tp04 * r41dcc64cf80d /.gitignore: Adding swp to the ignore file.02:26
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rcb68f3cddd39 / (libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Update for the game creation code.02:26
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rd1db5beefab3 / (.gitignore libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Adding .swp to the ignore file.02:26
mithro~seen bisc02:34
tpbmithro: bisc was last seen in #tp 1 week, 4 days, 19 hours, 45 minutes, and 49 seconds ago: <bisc> tansell:ping02:34
epyon-sakura~seen epyon-sakura02:44
tpbepyon-sakura: epyon-sakura was last seen in #tp 4 hours, 3 minutes, and 43 seconds ago: <epyon-sakura> It's quite rowdy in here today :P02:44
CIA-31mithro daneel-ai * rde1ed4f3d352 / (daneel-ai.py libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Updating to the latest client/proto library.02:50
CIA-31mithro daneel-ai * rb52c658916c4 /.gitignore: Adding *.swp to gitignore.02:50
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CIA-31llnz tpserver-cpp * rafcd02120b75 /modules/games/minisec/mergefleet.cpp: Fixed typo in minisec mergefleet fail message02:57
CIA-31verhoevenv libtpclient-py-tp04 * r49f894d770cf /tp/client/ChangeList.py: Fixed ChangeList.find03:29
CIA-31verhoevenv libtpclient-py-tp04 * re07e43ed7336 / (4 files in 2 dirs): Merge branch 'tp04' of git+ssh://git.thousandparsec.net/git/libtpclient-py into tp0403:29
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CIA-31jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rf463e8b1ff22 /src/ (libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Update tp dependencies03:53
CIA-31jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r1a3f83b099ee /src/ (libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Update tp library dependencies03:53
CIA-31jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rf4047bf8ec16 /src/gui.py: Handle information display for planets with no resources03:53
alanp~seen null_00003:54
tpbalanp: null_000 was last seen in #tp 1 day, 15 hours, 46 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: <null_000> hi all03:54
alanp~seen null_000103:54
tpbalanp: null_0001 was last seen in #tp 8 weeks, 1 day, 10 hours, 52 minutes, and 35 seconds ago: <null_0001> test03:54
alanp~seen null_00103:54
tpbalanp: I have not seen null_001.03:54
CIA-31llnz tpserver-cpp * rac519d11bbe8 /modules/games/minisec/rspcombat.cpp:04:05
CIA-31Check if there is any fleet left after minisec combat.04:05
CIA-31There can be none, if the last turn is a draw and the battleships04:05
CIA-31destory each other.04:05
CIA-31verhoevenv tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r9c8e5ae8c369 /libtpclient-py: Updated libtpclient-py for Changelist.find04:05
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CIA-31jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * re21fc0c97fcf /src/overlay.py: Restore ownership colours in the icon overlays04:40
CIA-31llnz tpadmin-cpp * r0b119fe282fc /tpadmin/session.h: Fix compile, added stdint.h05:06
CIA-31llnz tpadmin-cpp * r89dfbc1ff4fb / (.gitignore configure.ac tpadmin/session.cpp): Merge branch 'master' of ssh+git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/tpadmin-cpp05:06
mithro./daneel-ai.py -u tp://mithro:[email protected] -f minisec05:06
CIA-31llnz libtpproto-cpp * r2bc1a0ed202b /tpproto/commanddesc.h: Fixed missing include05:09
CIA-31llnz libtpproto-cpp * ra4dd3769040c /tpproto/ (orderqueueobjectparam.cpp orderqueueobjectparam.h): Update for protocol changes.05:09
CIA-31llnz tpserver-cpp * rc0f71d5dd45c /tpserver/orderparameters.cpp: Limit string order param length to 102406:07
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verhoevenvBattleship VS Frigate calculation: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AhG3LqkzkSpOdFF1ZkFCQ3o2SnM2dDM5a1hFX3doM3c&hl=en&authkey=COqghmY06:17
tpb<http://ln-s.net/7Rk6> (at spreadsheets.google.com)06:17
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null_000alanp: ping08:37
null_000you were looking for me?08:40
alanpyeah i had some questions about daneel08:41
alanpwe merged your changed into git.thousandparsec08:41
alanpi know you had some outstanding bugs, if you could prioritize them that would be great and i will finish as many as possible tomorrow08:42
alanpi will be working on it almost full time all week08:42
alanpi had some crashing issues with the AI today08:42
null_000oh that (saw in the logs)08:42
alanpwhich logs?08:42
null_000the paste bin link08:43
null_000it's a known client issue...08:43
alanpcool do you know what is going on there?08:43
alanpa lot of the crashes i find are due to the enemy lists that you generated08:43
null_000I have a quick workaround (actually it just ignores it)08:43
alanpare you talking about the message crashes?08:43
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null_000I'm talking about can't compare date to int error08:44
alanpok, what is your work around for that one[08:45
null_000I can send you my version of the client library... it has some other workarounds as well (it mostly ignores errors)08:45
alanpepyon-sakura: quassel08:46
alanpnull_000: what changes have you made?08:46
null_000I'll send you the diff08:46
alanpso i guess you have been using your own libtpclient?08:47
alanpok, explains why it wouldn't run :P08:47
null_000I always forget the library doesn't get committed to github08:48
alanpno worries08:49
null_000patch send08:54
alanpwas this to fix the graphicsdir install?08:56
alanpah and the datetime issue?08:57
null_000and the "the object isn't new enough" error08:57
null_000as I said this only avoids the errors but doesn't fix them... but it doesn't seem to break anything08:59
null_000I think there are one or two workarounds like that in daneel-ai09:00
null_000so if anybody has the time and will to fix this I can remove the workarounds09:00
null_000ping me if you need anything else09:01
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alanpnull_000: let me know what you're working on now09:14
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alanpnull_000: ^09:20
null_000alanp: since the pencils down date is approaching I will be writing documentation (how to guides) and maybe some comments09:27
null_000so the code shouldn't change at all this week09:28
null_000but if anybody finds any bugs in daneel-ai I will be happy to fix them09:28
alanpwe may have some requests09:28
alanpnot yet09:28
alanpwe were testing with minisec today09:29
null_000about the save/load state?09:29
alanpai seemed a bit random09:29
alanpsave/load state?09:29
null_000saving the state of the game...09:29
null_000I was talking to glew about that09:30
alanpit's working, we have been playing with it09:30
alanpmysql persistence works09:30
alanpi have found that if the ai client crashes and reconnects it immediately crashes again09:30
null_000wait you're using minisec?09:32
alanpso far, minisec09:32
null_000when I was coding AI for minisec there were errors when I colonised a planet... but then the coding period started approaching so I had to start working on MTSec09:35
null_000since the minisec AI was left in the middle of coding I suggest you delete lines 259-265 in mod-minisec.py to get a less random behaviour09:37
null_000it should then build figates and try to colonise neutral planets with them09:38
null_000if you still get errors ping me or mail me or file a bug report on the tracker09:39
alanpi see09:46
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null_000alanp: ping13:50
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tansell-laptop~seen bisc16:11
tpbtansell-laptop: bisc was last seen in #tp 1 week, 5 days, 9 hours, 22 minutes, and 40 seconds ago: <bisc> tansell:ping16:11
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ezodllnz: are you fixed?16:20
llnznot fix, using mithro's other laptop16:21
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llnz~seen agon16:41
tpbllnz: agon was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 4 days, 17 hours, 52 minutes, and 0 seconds ago: <Agon> hm ok will try to implement that too16:41
tansell-laptophey bisc16:42
tansell-laptopbisc, lots of changes to discuss16:42
CIA-31mithro libtpproto-py-tp04 * r2fafb65fa61f /tp/netlib/objects/Base.py: Updating IDSequence to request only existing objects.16:42
bisctansell-laptop: hello. OK. Are they in current github version?16:42
CIA-31mithro libtpclient-py-tp04 * r34fa131f5d99 /tp/client/objectutils.py: Removing a print.16:43
CIA-31mithro libtpclient-py-tp04 * r7e5051c932de /tp/client/cache.py: Fix to-agressive removal of objects from cache.16:43
CIA-31mithro libtpclient-py-tp04 * r1ed21e9f61ae /tp/client/cache.py: Slight update for errors.16:43
CIA-31mithro libtpclient-py-tp04 * r33cc26a04eb5 /tp/client/ChangeList.py: Merge branch 'tp04' of git+ssh://git.thousandparsec.net/git/libtpclient-py into tp0416:43
CIA-31verhoevenv tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r5da929dfcc5e /windows/main/panelOrder.py: Refactor copy/paste of orders in functions16:44
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CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rfb626c9e0aa5 /libtpclient-py: Updating for the cache changes.16:47
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r6a4295ae58c0 /windows/main/ (12 files in 2 dirs): Massive change to prevent the caching of the cache.16:47
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r3db2bb121774 / (libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Updating submodules.16:47
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r3e7a767fb080 /windows/main/panelOrder.py: Merge branch 'origin/tp04' into tp0416:47
tansell-laptopbisc, they are on git.thousandparsec.net16:47
tansell-laptopbisc, I also merged in all your changes which where up on github16:47
biscyeah, I see it now. Let me checkout your version.16:48
biscI have many things to discuss as well (both ready code and intentions), but they can wait16:49
bisctansell-laptop: I think that http://github.com/bisc/libtpclient-py is also interesting: it has a commit fixing empty error messages.16:53
tpbTitle: bisc's libtpclient-py at tp04 - GitHub (at github.com)16:54
tansell-laptopokay - I was wondering about that16:55
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biscrebuilding tpserver-cpp -- it takes long17:05
CIA-31mithro libtpclient-py-tp04 * r72673b2de181 /tp/client/ (launcher.py threads.py): Marking the threads as daemon so they don't stop the client from exiting.17:06
llnzhi glew17:06
glewhi llnz17:08
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rfdb34848608f /windows/winUpdate.py: Make the X on winUpdate work.17:08
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rbf997ec0c084 /libtpclient-py: Sub-module bump.17:08
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bisc"Marking the threads as daemon" is the thing which I lacked greatly17:09
bisctansell-laptop: so I've got the up-to-date version. What are the changes you'd like to discuss?17:10
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alanpmithro: ping17:23
tansell-laptopalanp, whats up?17:28
tansell-laptopIE why are you not here....17:28
alanpbad planning D=17:28
alanpjust waiting for epyon17:28
alanpshouldn't be long D=17:28
tansell-laptopalanp, by the sounds of it you'll probably have to catch a taxi17:32
alanpno worries17:33
alanpdid you see my conversation with null last night?17:33
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tansell-laptopbisc, I'm going to merge the your libtpclient-py changes as soon as I fix my current bug17:43
verhoevenvbisc: heya, we found a couple of UI bugs yesterday you might want to take a look at17:45
verhoevenvbisc: I'll dump them here, lemme see..17:46
verhoevenv1. The arrow keys should scroll the map according to mithro, but they don't17:46
verhoevenv2. the size of the orders panel is off, you can barely see the bottom row of buttons (though this might be a bit system-dependant, not sure there)17:47
verhoevenv3. the tip of the day displays every time you download the universe, ideally it should only display at startup or something17:47
verhoevenv4. fleet names (and probably other text strings) should be html-escaped, otherwise they might break the popups17:49
verhoevenv5. there should be shortcuts for copy/paste orders, though I'm already working on that17:49
verhoevenv6. the errors when player creation failed are really unclear, like when you don't enter a password it suggests your player name is wrong, probably some other unclear cases17:50
verhoevenv7. finally, probably a bunch of errors related to handling UTF characters, though we still have to figure out what exactly is wrong17:52
biscverhoevenv: okay, thank you, great input really.17:52
bischere's what I can say about them17:52
bisc1. Never heard about it, probably it's broken. Will try to fix it.17:52
bisc2. Yeah, orders panel is bad-designed now. I'm trying to come up with another UI decision, like displaying order params in a popup frame (prototype http://ruchkin.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/orders-panel-param-window.png)17:54
tpb<http://ln-s.net/7RwT> (at ruchkin.files.wordpress.com)17:54
bisc3. I agree, will fix it.17:54
bisc4. Ok, will fix it (though I'm not sure about how to do it exactly).17:55
bisc5. Ok, then it's up to you.17:55
bisc6. ok, will take a look at it. In general, it isn't very understandable for player whether he's creating a new player on server or tries to login under already used nickname, but I don't see any quick countermeasures to it.17:57
biscverhoevenv: 7. Don't remember anything like it. Where have you seen such problems?17:58
verhoevenvre: 2, looks good17:59
verhoevenv4 shouldn't be too hard, there'll be a function somewhere in python or wx17:59
verhoevenvand 7, try pasting some insane characters in the fleet name for example, like http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2708/index.htm but it might not be a client-side problem only, so maybe you shouldn't worry too much about it18:00
tpb<http://ln-s.net/7Rwc> (at www.fileformat.info)18:00
verhoevenv(the actual character is on the page a bit more down, in the java data table)18:02
verhoevenvbisc: ^18:02
verhoevenvThough I'm also looking at 7 right now so you probably shouldn't focus too much on that18:03
biscok. You mean validating input from server or from user? I can't see any place where user of tpclient can harm with unicode characters. E.g. search controls tolerate them.18:05
verhoevenvbisc: more like support it, so it can get sent to the server, properly processed and properly pushed and displayed to other clients18:12
verhoevenvBut again, I'm thinking it's more of a library problem18:13
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r8b60f6dc44b2 / (3 files in 2 dirs): Remove a massive amount of duplicate code.18:14
tansell-laptopalanp, have you guys left yet?18:14
biscok, I'll have it in mind in case when I encounter such issues in client.18:14
ezod~seen glew18:14
tpbezod: glew was last seen in #tp 1 hour, 6 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: <glew> hi llnz18:14
ezodglew: ping18:14
glewezod: pong18:15
ezodhey, have you forked tpclient-pywx yet?18:16
glewjust about to18:16
glewso i can work on the wizard18:16
ezodit's crunch week, you need to move18:17
glewI'm on it18:17
glewso i managed to add an enemy ship yesterday18:17
ezodhow did that work?18:17
glewthe strange thing was, it added on the next turn, well more like appeared18:17
ezoddid it fight?18:17
glewthe server crashed when i sent my ships to the location, and the log showed it was about to execute battle or something18:18
glewI'm going to try again, soon18:18
glewbut another thing i was noticing18:18
ezodmake sure you set the log level to highest (debug)18:18
glewyeah i'm pretty sure its on 018:18
glewso debug18:18
glewbut a thing i've noticed with the persistence module, is that it will only load the game, if it was the last game started18:19
glewfor example18:19
verhoevenvtansell-laptop: http://www.utf8-chartable.de/unicode-utf8-table.pl then navigate to the Dingbats block for example18:19
tpb<http://ln-s.net/46tZ> (at www.utf8-chartable.de)18:19
glewif i start a game, and then make a save file from the persitence database18:19
glewthen i make a new game, completely from scratch18:19
verhoevenvtansell-laptop: U+2700 -ish18:20
glewthen if i try to load the first game, the one from the save file, it will just act from where the completely new game left off18:20
glewi was watching the "download the universe" log, and it doesn't get the objects because they are not "newer"18:20
glewthis is how the persistence module was originally intended to work18:20
glewif the server was stopped by accident, then you could restart it without losing anything18:21
ezodwhere is it storing that information though, if not in the db?18:21
glewi'm not sure18:21
glewi couldn't find that out18:21
ezodllnz: ping18:21
ezodthat's a pretty big problem :(18:21
glewyeah it was a real let down to me18:21
glewnot was i was hoping for in the last week18:22
ezodby the way, you need to fix save/load file locations to be specifiable18:22
glewthey are, they are passed as parameters to the save and load function18:22
glewi thought18:22
glewi just made them fixed when i was testing18:23
ezodshutil.copyfile(src, "/var/tmp/tpserver.db")18:23
ezodis what i see18:23
ezodthat's in load18:23
glewits ok, maybe not hte best programming habit to have18:23
ezodno it's fine18:23
ezodit's almost fine18:23
ezod/var/tmp/tpserver.db is not necessarily the location of the persistence db18:24
ezodif that's hardcoded in tpserver you need to fix that too18:24
glewits not anymore, its a passed parameter to the tpserver-cpp startup18:24
glewbut it defaults to that18:24
glewif you don't specify otherwise18:25
ezodokay, so handle it in SinglePlayer.py too then18:25
glewhandle the persistence database location for the tpserver-cpp in SinglePlayer.py, that was wordy18:25
glewas in make sure its not fixed18:26
llnzglew, ezod: you might need to delete the cache file before starting a new game or reloading an old one18:26
glewllnz: where is that located?18:26
CIA-31verhoevenv daneel-ai * ra3fa80fedaca / (libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Updated to newer client/protocol versions18:26
ezodglew: yes, wherever the string "var/tmp/tpserver.db" appears in save() and load(), it should be replaced with whatever file path tpserver-cpp is using, which you should know from the configuration of the SinglePlayerGame object18:29
glewezod: ok, got it18:29
glewllnz: thanks18:29
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CIA-31verhoevenv tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r67d22f8a259f /windows/winMain.py: Removed dead code18:41
bisctansell-laptop: do you have time to review my patches? Or better to do it after lunch?18:51
tansell-laptopI can review them after lunch18:55
tpbTitle: diff --git a/tp/client/Chang - Anonymous - rRwyfWEU - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)19:08
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alanp./daneel-ai.py tp://daneaaael:fucker@localhost/tp -f mtsec19:22
alanpmithro: http://code.google.com/p/thousandparsec/issues/detail?id=10819:30
tpb<http://ln-s.net/7RyV> (at code.google.com)19:30
glewezod: ping19:31
ezodglew: pong19:32
CIA-31mithro libtpclient-py-tp04 * r8a89bf7e68da /tp/client/ (cache.py media.py): Fixes for utf-8.19:33
glewezod: i was looking at SinglePlayer.py and the sqlite databse location, and unless the parameter is specifically written into the server command, then the database is defaulted to the /var/tmp/tpserver.db19:33
glewso the only wat it could be specified otherwise is if tpserver-cpp had a paramter for the persistence database19:34
glewthen it could be obtained from the server params19:34
glewbut otherwise, it won't be touched by using the wizard19:34
CIA-31mithro libtpproto-py-tp04 * ra095c1979590 /tp/netlib/ (36 files in 3 dirs): Fixing unicode for all strings.19:34
CIA-31mithro libtpproto-py-tp04 * r88c463a4b5f1 /.gitignore: Adding .swo files to ignore.19:34
CIA-31mithro libtpclient-py-tp04 * r3beec061a1f8 /.gitignore: Updating to include .swo19:34
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * ra46255daab8e / (libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Fixing for utf-8.19:35
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r2be78b5bd57b / (.gitignore libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Fixing ignore for .swo files.19:35
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rcb5d5232e4ac /windows/winMain.py: Merge branch 'tp04' of git+ssh://git.thousandparsec.net/git/tpclient-pywx into tp0419:35
ezodglew: what does it default to in win32?19:35
ezodif tpserver-cpp knows that it is on win32 it should have a different default location19:36
glewezod: thats a good question, i have no idea, is there a separate block for code that executes on win3219:36
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ezodwell you might even be able to make it a compile-time thing19:37
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ezodand then in libtpclient-py, check sys.platform or whatever and choose the appropriate default location there as well19:38
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glewok, well if i can use sys.platform and check there, then i could make a statement on where to find the database file19:38
ezodor the other thing you could do is *always* pass the parameter to tpserver-cpp from inside libtpclient-py19:39
ezodand make the file location conditional on sys.platform19:39
glewright based on sys.platform19:39
glewthat helps a lot19:39
ezodbut keep in mind that people will want to use sqlite persistence on win3219:40
ezodso best solution would be to do both of the above19:40
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ezodi dunno if there are any other examples of win32 conditional compilation in tpserver-cpp, if not ask llnz about it19:41
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glewezod: any suggestion on where to place the database in win32 environment?20:12
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ezodglew: mithro probably has some opinion about it ;)20:16
ezodsame for on the unix side20:16
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StupidIncarnatedo we go till the 16th or the 30th in terms of blogging?20:18
tansell-laptopbisc, ping?20:18
bisctansell-laptop: pong20:20
bisctansell-laptop: lets start with http://codereview.mithis.com/77002. It makes adding orders more essential and easier.20:21
tansell-laptopokay - did you see the major change I made to the StateTracker which fixes a lot of order bugs?20:22
bischmm no, what is it?20:22
tansell-laptoplook at git.thousandparsec.net20:22
CIA-31ruchkin.ivan libtpclient-py-tp04 * r13889b2a385d /tp/client/threads.py: Empty error messages fixed.20:23
CIA-31mithro libtpclient-py-tp04 * r463232acfced /tp/client/threads.py: Merge branch 'github/tp04' into tp0420:23
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r4ce6a9436818 /libtpclient-py: Fix for empty error message on network errors.20:23
tansell-laptopbisc, I don't get how this works?20:23
tansell-laptopbisc, IE say I want to add a bunch of orders20:24
tansell-laptopat the moment I select the type and then click new a bunch of times20:24
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biscthat's the question of UI goals. What do you do more often - adding a single order or a series of orders?20:25
biscI think that it's rare to set the series of one-type orders20:25
biscexcept maybe building units20:26
biscfor example, when you need a unit to go and colonize several planets in a row - you will be adding different orders one by one - and doing twice as many clicks20:27
biscthe best way, of course, is to preserve simple adding of single orders and to allow user add a bunch of orders easy enough20:28
biscyour ideas?20:28
tansell-laptopnot sure, lets leave it for now - you seem to have a bunch of other stuff there which needs review20:28
CIA-31llnz tpserver-cpp * r7b9a5e18cac7 /tpserver/tcpconnection.cpp:20:29
CIA-31Allow shorter usernames and passwords.20:29
CIA-31Min one byte each.20:29
CIA-31llnz tpserver-cpp * r4fff314b1225 /modules/games/mtsec/mtsec.cpp:20:29
CIA-31Don't truncate player's name, might lead to invalid utf8 chars.20:29
CIA-31Fixed in MTSec.20:29
biscyeah, ok. then this one http://codereview.mithis.com/93001. Removing startup information in information and orders panels.20:30
bisctansell-laptop: ^20:39
tansell-laptopbisc, looks good20:42
bisctansell-laptop: http://codereview.mithis.com/9300220:43
tpbTitle: Issue 93002: Filter manager removed from toolbar. - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)20:43
bisctansell-laptop: http://codereview.mithis.com/9600220:45
tpbTitle: Issue 96002: Bold in tooltip for selected object. - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)20:45
tansell-laptopyou might as well remove the italics then20:46
biscyes, maybe. I had some concerns against it, but I don't remember now.20:46
bisctansell-laptop: http://codereview.mithis.com/9700120:47
tpbTitle: Issue 97001: Objects without orders doesnt show empty-order-types objects. - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)20:47
bisctansell-laptop: updated 96002, looks like this http://ruchkin.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/bold-in-tooltip.png21:04
tpb<http://ln-s.net/7S19> (at ruchkin.files.wordpress.com)21:04
tansell-laptopbisc, LGTM21:04
bisctansell-laptop: http://codereview.mithis.com/98001 ?21:06
tpbTitle: Issue 98001: Removed subject from message body in messages panel. - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)21:06
tansell-laptopbisc, when did the subject end up in the title?21:07
bisctansell: it was always there. I mean in the static text in the top of messages panel. No?21:07
bisctansell-laptop: ^21:09
tansell-laptopmaybe we should remove it?21:09
biscyou think it's better to have it inside white box, not on top of it?21:11
tansell-laptopyeah - probably?21:11
tansell-laptopthe subject could be quite long21:12
tansell-laptopand we could move the count part down with the buttons21:12
biscan interesting idea, yeah. I wanted to suggest button layout like in gmail: <Prev> 1 of 30 <Next>21:14
biscit means there's no sense of applying wrapping to message title. okay, I will do it.21:14
bisctansell-laptop: http://codereview.mithis.com/9100221:15
tpbTitle: Issue 91002: Empty messages panel on startup. - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)21:15
tansell-laptopbisc, yeah - added bonus21:15
tansell-laptopbisc, hrm - I'm not sure this one is right21:16
tansell-laptopthe message window should really show the unloved if there is no messages21:16
biscit does. See html_nomessage variable in panelMessage.py21:17
biscI just removed it from the xrc21:17
tansell-laptopbisc, I think we should probably keep it in the XRC and remove from panelMessage.py?21:18
biscthen it will flash for a second on every client start. Moreover, such code will be inconsistent: the internals of message panel will be determined by both code and xrc. Having it filled in from one place is better imo.21:20
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bisctansell-laptop: we can discuss this issue later. Another one: http://codereview.mithis.com/9900121:27
tpbTitle: Issue 99001: Preferences window shortcut. - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)21:27
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tansell-laptopbisc, LGTM21:32
tansell-laptopbisc, I think we should probably keep it in the XRC and remove from panelMessage.py?21:32
tansell-laptopstill only one place the XRC21:32
bisctansell-laptop: but other types of contents (for normal messages and situation when everything is filtered) are completely in code.21:34
tansell-laptophrm... true21:34
biscand sadly, if we leave it in xrc, I don't know how to make it invisible on startup moment.21:34
CIA-31llnz tpserver-cpp * r2f8c32b3b259 /tpserver/player.cpp: Added modtime to player object21:35
tansell-laptopokay LGTM then21:35
CIA-31llnz tpserver-cpp * r8b131562797b /tpserver/ (objectview.cpp objectview.h playerview.cpp protocolview.h): Fixed sending too many objects that are gone.21:38
biscok, great. Just a second, I'm taming git..21:42
CIA-31alanp tpserver-cpp * red5798f145c1 /modules/games/mtsec/ (fleet.cpp fleet.h): Methods to get design IDs in a better fashion21:43
CIA-31alanp tpserver-cpp * r49b1859b5447 / (7 files in 2 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.thousandparsec.net/git/tpserver-cpp21:43
CIA-31mithro libtpproto-py-tp04 * r61007489831b /tp/netlib/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Adding the Player ID functions.21:45
CIA-31mithro libtpclient-py-tp04 * rdf61a04224c4 /tp/client/cache.py: Use the player get ids funcions.21:45
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r461589ae1859 /extra/StateTracker.py: Fix on CacheUpdate.21:45
CIA-31mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * ra0a314251738 / (libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Use the player get ids.21:45
CIA-31mithro tpserver-cpp * r95d1fc1f47f0 /modules/games/minisec/rspcombat.cpp: Cast for 64bit system.21:46
CIA-31mithro tpserver-cpp * r0a29d51c811d / (3 files in 2 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/tpserver-cpp21:46
CIA-31mithro tpserver-cpp * r78370b937478 /tpserver/ (objectview.cpp objectview.h playerview.cpp protocolview.h): Merge branch 'master' of git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/tpserver-cpp21:46
CIA-31mithro tpserver-cpp * re41c384e4292 /modules/games/mtsec/ (fleet.cpp fleet.h): Merge branch 'master' of git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/tpserver-cpp21:46
CIA-31mithro tpserver-cpp * r201d4d139870 /tpserver/ (adminconnection.cpp playeragent.cpp): Always send a sequence frame.21:46
bisctansell-laptop: http://codereview.mithis.com/10000121:47
tpbTitle: Issue 100001: Starmap movement with arrow keys fixed. - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)21:47
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bisctansell-laptop: ping22:15
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biscnvm, later22:20
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CIA-31verhoevenv daneel-ai * ra49b8b3e5151 / (libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Added new version of the library to amongst others support utf-8.22:38
CIA-31verhoevenv daneel-ai * r12a19974afb9 / (daneel/helper.py libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Fix design creation22:38
CIA-31verhoevenv libtpclient-py-tp04 * r4bb8deb1de14 /tp/client/cache.py: Fixing ChangeDict22:39
CIA-31alanp tpserver-cpp * ra92fbef77222 /modules/games/mtsec/ (move.cpp move.h): Add inputFrame22:51
CIA-31alanp tpserver-cpp * r5eaea7396798 / (3 files in 2 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.thousandparsec.net/git/tpserver-cpp22:51
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CIA-31llnz tpserver-cpp * r464f3e627e4b /modules/games/mtsec/move.cpp: Fixed failure when trying to create message for failure in move in MTSec.23:00
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tpbTitle: 2010-08-10 16:42:27,199 [INFO] - Daneel - ZWbAcXS0 - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)23:50
llnzdaneel-ai problem23:50

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