Monday, 2010-08-02

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epyon-kitsuneduh, much work ahead... I'm behind schedule01:07
epyon-kitsuneblog updated (it was 'bout time -_-)01:22
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llnzhi mithro09:57
mithrospent 4 hours on a plane and didn't move an inch09:58
llnzi know, saw your tweet10:00
llnzhope you get (got?) to SFO ok10:01
* llnz wanders off10:02
llnzlater all10:02
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verhoevenvmithro: ping19:40
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llnzmorning all20:13
verhoevenvllnz: how & when will we see plane tickets cost reimbursed? I'm not in a hurry about that, but a global timeframe might be useful.20:33
llnzat the hack week i think20:34
verhoevenvkay, nice, guess we'll hear about it then20:36
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llnzhi epyon-kitsune22:35
epyon-kitsunehi llnz :)22:43
llnzlooks like you are going fairly well22:44
llnzwhy do you think outputframe and inputframe would go away?22:53

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