Sunday, 2010-07-18

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alanp_StupidIncarnate: any luck?03:05
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llnzbbl. maybe04:19
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cahirwpztansell, ping ?06:04
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llnzhi all08:11
cahirwpzhi llnz08:22
cahirwpzllnz, did you receive an e-mail about midterm evaluations of my project? (you were in CC)08:23
llnzcahirwpz: yes08:29
llnztansell, tansell-laptop: ping08:29
cahirwpzokay... I need to leave for now, but I feel kind of worried -_-08:30
llnzcahirwpz: i've been trying to get it resolved, but mithro's been afk08:33
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* llnz wanders off11:20
llnzlater all11:20
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llnzmorning all19:46
ezodhi llnz19:49
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alanpllnz: any free time today to look into the mtsec colonisation?20:06
llnzwe could look right now20:06
alanplet's do it20:07
llnzso i have lastest tpserver-cpp and tp04 branch on tpclient-pywx20:09
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llnzi create a coloniser ship design20:13
llnzi issue a build fleet on my home planet for the new ship type20:13
llnzand wait 21 turns20:13
llnzin fact, one turn appears to be enough20:14
llnzi send it to the nearest system (noting broken move command support in starmap)20:16
llnzship arrives a planet, i issue the colonise order to it20:18
llnzoddly, it works20:18
llnzok, can't issue orders to new planet, getting exception in tpclient-pywx20:20
tpbTitle: Sending: (at
llnzalanp: have a look at that20:23
llnzlooks like it's looking for queueid 101, which is way off the chart, only 50 so far in game20:25
llnz101 was the fleet id that just got removed20:26
llnzoh wait20:26
llnzappears to have been a selection problem, working now20:26
llnzok, it appears to be working fine on the master branch of tpserver-cpp20:29
alanpyou can create an order on the new planet?20:29
alanpnew (colonised) planet20:30
alanpwhat changed?20:30
llnzdon't know20:31
alanpok cool20:31
llnzthere are two unrelated changes to mtsec in master20:33
llnzfixing the home planet's order queue (so you can actually build things)20:33
llnzthat is fixed the build fleet order so that it worked20:33
llnzand the other is a fix to the visibility of "gone" objects and the ownership of the home planet order queue20:34
llnzbrb, rebooting for work20:53
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