Tuesday, 2010-06-29

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tansellepyon-ki1sune, ping?00:21
epyon-ki1sunetansell: pong00:46
tansellepyon-ki1sune, your friend is the one doing the twisted rewrite right?00:46
tansellhe seems to have dropped of the face of the earth00:48
epyon-ki1suneas far as I talk to him he seems to be heavy at work00:50
epyon-ki1sunetansell: indeed, he seems to be heavy at work -- http://cahir.eisp.pl/doku.php?id=en:gsoc201000:52
tpbTitle: en:gsoc2010 [Krystian Bacławski Wiki] (at cahir.eisp.pl)00:52
epyon-ki1sunedammit, I always admired his organization, could learn a thing or two -_-00:52
epyon-ki1sunebut I get your point -- he's a little shy on the communicative side, I'll try to point that out to him tommorow00:52
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tansellbisc, ping?07:47
bisctansell: pong07:47
tansellbisc, so I should have a bit more time now to help you with stuff07:48
tansellbisc, could you give me an update on where we are at?07:48
bisctansell: I have some small improvements on several windows that we haven't agreed on (they are in open issues). There are two-three small bugs/things that I'd like to do (haven't done yet). And two big things: 1) who am i window (there's open issue for you to review) 2) message board (in work right now).07:52
bisctansell: also, there're a lot of pushed LGTM commits at my github. Possibly you'd like to have a look at it.07:55
bisctansell: we have the discussion about the filter frame unfinished. Patch set #2 here is my current version http://codereview.mithis.com/53001/show. And I say that we should call show before move. What's your point?08:05
tanselljust commented on 5300108:17
bisctansell: oh, ok. thanks.08:22
bisctansell: http://codereview.mithis.com/68001, patch set 208:23
bisctansell: need your comment08:23
tanselllooking at now08:23
tansellcomments posted08:24
tansellFor 540002 I think you can do it the right why first time08:25
tansellI think Issue 77001: No red arrow on start is probably unneeded?08:26
tansellThinking about Messages window buttons, I think the buttons look better on the bottom of the window rather then the top.08:29
tansellbisc, so some general comments on your progress08:30
tansell* I like that you are updating your blog regularly - while I haven't been commenting on it, it has been really useful to follow your progress08:30
tansell* hanging out on IRC is really great too08:31
tansell* It's also great that you have been interacting with some of the other members of the community. I saw that you where helping to reproduce null_000's bug which is great08:33
bisctansell: now, to darker sides :)08:35
tansellI also understand that GUI work is really fiddly so it can that 5 line patch can take a long time to get working08:35
tansellthere are a couple of things I would like you to do08:36
tansell * actually try playing some games, this will give you more direction on what really needs to be focused on08:36
tansell * I think we need to come up with some concrete deliverables for the next couple of weeks08:38
tansell * We really need to get some other people testing your code08:40
tansellbisc, so what do you think?08:42
bisctansell: thanks for your comments. Expected everything to be much worse. Deliverables -- yes, that's the thing I'd like very much as well. About playing games and testing -- I agree. I'm debuging code with minisec, will just play other games.08:44
bisctansell: we should set some plans to implement before evaluation, yes?08:44
tansellso what do you think you should be working on?08:45
bisctansell: I can think about message board. That's not enough, and I can't figure anything else that could provide many lines of code. Do you have ideas?08:46
tansellwell, we need to finish off the GameInfo panel right?08:46
bisctansell: yes, that's right. Anything I need to add or redo? I don't like setting server url in there (issue 79001) but don't know any other stable way.08:48
tansellso you have ~2 weeks until mid-terms evaluation08:49
tansellso what do you think should be done by then?08:49
tansellbisc, well - lets rephrase that question - what do you think is preventing people from using tpclient-pywx to play Thousand Parsec games?08:50
bisctansell: hmm, that's more global and abstract question. If we take problems with tpclient -- I think it's not usable yet. Has much "strange" information, not integrated enough (almost no interaction between different panels in main window for example), the big problem is finishing turn -- in turn-based games they expect to have it working normally.08:54
bisctansell: I can't say it in form of "I thing XYZ should be implemented"08:55
bisctansell: maybe you can help me with that.08:55
tansellso some things you can't solve yourself because they are problems with servers and such08:56
tansellso why don't you try and play a game today and then come up with the 5 most annoying things about using tpclient-pywx? Then we can work on fixing those08:57
bisctansell: yeah, that's a good idea. I should use two clients or play against an ai?08:58
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tansellbisc, I think both options are good things to try08:59
tansellStupidIncarnate, will you be around in 1 hour?08:59
tansellbisc, specially using the single player mode is probably a good test too08:59
bisctansell: haven't even seen single player yet. I thought it's not working yet :)09:00
tansellbisc, it should work09:01
bisctansell: ok, will check it out.09:01
tansellbisc, if it doesn't that could be a good project to work on09:01
StupidIncarnateya, I will09:24
tansellwell I wont, muhahaha :)09:35
tansellStupidIncarnate, will have to catch up tomorrow09:36
StupidIncarnateif you don't need me, guess I'll be back later then09:43
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llnzepyon-ki1sune: fixed your permissions09:45
bisctansell: about http://codereview.mithis.com/77001: this arrow makes player feel uncertain about "what is selected on screen now". That's because on tpclient start there's Universe selected in Information panel and red arrow on center. But you can't reproduce this situation after that, because selecting universe doesn't make red arrow appear in center of screen. That's inconsistent, I don't like it10:31
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llnzlater all11:02
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llnzmorning all20:13
ezodhey llnz20:14
llnzhi ezod20:14
Agonhello llnz20:14
llnzhi Agon20:14
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AgonI need to convert a int64 to a float in a coordinate system. Has someone an idea how to do this?20:31
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alanpAgon: c++?20:54
Agonalanp: Yes21:04
Agonoh and its not float, it is double21:05
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alanpuint64_t a = 1010;21:20
alanpdouble b = static_cast<double>(a);21:20
alanplike that21:20
Agonhm yeah thank you21:24
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Agonis a object position relative to its parent object position?21:30
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llnz2Agon-laptop: only relative to the objectid given in the position3d object param (which will generally be 0 for the universe)22:05
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Agon-laptopok thanks22:09
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