Thursday, 2010-06-10

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llnzlater all05:05
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StupidIncarnatetansell: ping?10:56
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llnzmorning all20:16
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llnzhi Agon and stupidIncarn....20:28
Agonllnz: I worked on a design for login window and game window, trying to merge them together. I came up with something but I need to investigate more into how the client gets server and game information from metaserver or game servers.20:30
llnzok, that is documented20:31
Agonoh your documenting all my reports?20:33
llnznope, the communication with the metaserver is documented20:37
llnzand the game info request is in the libtpproto-cpp library and is obvious20:38
Agonyeah already read the metaserver communication documentation20:43
llnzif the metaserver communication should be part of libtpproto-cpp, we should discuss how we should work it in20:47
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Agonyes, of course we should, but I need to catch some sleep now, bye23:13
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