Monday, 2010-05-31

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StupidIncarnatematthewd: around?04:12
matthewdStupidIncarnate: Yup04:12
StupidIncarnateJust an update, I'm still working on getting the tpweb to basic working order with tp04, so I'll post a blog thing after monday, since pretty much all of it should be sorted by then.04:14
StupidIncarnateThe main thing left to do is deal with the order functions04:15
matthewdYou don't seem to have pushed changes yet04:16
StupidIncarnatei'm a bit confused about that. It seems like it'd be best if the initial push was something that actually worked basically, as a sort of standing ground for the tp04 version of tpweb, or is that wrong?04:18
matthewdFor your own fork, you can push whenever you like... more frequently is generally better than less.04:19
matthewdWhereas we presumably wouldn't push half-complete changes back to the main repository yet04:19
StupidIncarnateoh ok. I'll push what I have then04:20
StupidIncarnatemaybe that worked.....04:30
tansellyou can check by looking at the web interface04:30
tpbTitle: StupidIncarnate's Profile - GitHub (at
StupidIncarnateyeah, no activity for today appearently04:32
StupidIncarnatehey mithro, does the tp04 version of libtpclient04:55
StupidIncarnate-px have
tansellStupidIncarnate, I think you send me a CL which adds it right?04:55
StupidIncarnateoh that's right.04:56
StupidIncarnateis the head version and the tp04 branch version close to the same thing?04:58
tansellthere is not "HEAD" version05:09
llnzbbl, maybe05:12
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tansellonly the tp04 and tp03 branches05:23
StupidIncarnatethere's a head on mine05:24
tansellStupidIncarnate, because you created it05:26
matthewdStupidIncarnate: HEAD is the latest revision in any branch05:26
matthewdStupidIncarnate: If you mean "the main line of development", you mean 'master'05:26
matthewdWell actually, no... HEAD is the latest revision in the current branch of your checkout05:27
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StupidIncarnatefor some reason, git gui is listing all my files in libtpclient-py for committing05:40
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biscmithro: ping09:30
tansellbisc, I'll be back in like 2 minutes, just talk away :P09:54
bisctansell: just wanted to tell you that I've pushed two commits (one for tpclient, one for libtpclient)
tpbTitle: bisc's Profile - GitHub (at
tansellbisc, okay will probably pull tonight when I get home10:06
bisctansell: thanks10:06
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llnzmorning all'20:34
null_0001evening llnz20:34
llnzhow is it going null_0001?20:37
null_0001life is good20:39
null_0001gsoc is good20:39
null_0001hope it stays that way20:39
null_00012 bugs are getting in the way of my AI development20:39
null_0001(issue 97 and 108)20:39
null_0001so it's not perfect ^_^20:40
Agonhi llnz20:42
Agonwe have a bug tracker?20:42
llnzhi Agon20:42
null_0001llnz: how is it going in the land of the kiwis20:42
tpb<> (at
llnzfine thanks null_000120:43
Agonoh cool, is it for all tp stuff?20:43
Agonbtw. posted a new blogpost and I am sorry about not getting my planned work done for last week :/20:45
llnzAgon: ok, i'll have a look later20:45
llnzjust keep going and do as much as you can20:45
Agonyeah, I will, did some work today, I think 1/3 of the work for this week is already done.20:47
llnznull_0001, Agon: do you have github accounts? repos?20:54
AgonI have,
tpbTitle: Agon's Profile - GitHub (at
tpbTitle: Null000's Profile - GitHub (at
llnzcool, watching the repos now :-)20:59
llnzAgon: do you have your blog's url handy?21:13
tpbTitle: Marcels Dev-Blog (at
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