Monday, 2010-05-10

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llnzbbl, maybe05:01
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StupidIncarnateping mithro06:19
tansellStupidIncarnate, pong06:36
StupidIncarnatedoes that actually work or is it just cause your name was mentioned?06:36
nashhe has a implant... his ears buzz when someone mentions him on irc06:37
StupidIncarnateso I just wanted to know about the current state of things in relation to eachother. Is the protocol4 page really outdated in relation to what's actually been implemented already?06:40
tansellStupidIncarnate, which protocol4 page?06:40
tansellStupidIncarnate, and probably06:40
tpb<> (at
StupidIncarnatemithro, how about libproto in relation to the server?06:41
tansellwhich libtpproto?06:41
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StupidIncarnateoh right, there's more than one. I guess then libtpproto-py and libtpproto-php06:42
StupidIncarnateand is someone doing proto2 rewrite for gsoc this summer?06:43
tanselllibtpproto-php is probably horribly out of date06:43
tanselllibtpproto2-py was a rewrite trying to develop a protocol library which was well tested and caused errors to occur at the assignment point rather then at serialisation06:45
StupidIncarnatemithro, how's libtpproto-py? did Greywhind work on some of that?06:49
tanselllibtpproto-py has two branches07:03
tansellone which supports tp03 and one which supports tp0407:03
tanselllibtpclient-py is a library which wraps libtpproto-py to make it easier to use07:06
StupidIncarnateis the main branch for proto-py tp03 or tp04 version?07:07
StupidIncarnate*Which version of proto-py is the main branch? tp03 or tp04*07:07
tansellIE it has interfaces for media downloading, caching, etc07:08
tansellStupidIncarnate, no idea07:08
tpb<> (at
StupidIncarnateoh, so the media downloading is in libtpclient, not the libtpproto-py?07:09
tansellStupidIncarnate, there is code which does media downloading in libtpproto-py07:10
tansellI mean in libtpclient-py07:10
StupidIncarnateis that the hacked method that the protocol4.php refers to or is that the rewritten version, where it dls the archive with txt and has list of all image media?07:12
tpbTitle: Media.gz - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
StupidIncarnateoh ok. How can I find out whether my libtpproto is supporting tp04 or tp03?07:19
StupidIncarnate*How can I find out which protocol my libtpproto-py is supporting*07:21
tansellcheck tp/netlib/objects/Header.py07:26
mithroI have to run off nowish07:27
mithrounless your on the tp04 branch you are running tp0307:27
StupidIncarnateyeah, mainbranch is tp0307:27
StupidIncarnatealrighty, I'll pummel you with more questions later07:27
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ezod~seen glew15:01
tpbezod: glew was last seen in #tp 6 days, 15 hours, 6 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: <glew> ezod: hey ezod15:01
StupidIncarnateso we submit changes to git repository and here?
tpbTitle: thousandparsec's Profile - GitHub (at
StupidIncarnatehmmm, need food. Nvm, I'll ask again15:05
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llnzmorning all20:44
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