Wednesday, 2010-04-28

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epyon_mithro, ping?04:46
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tansellepyon, pong!04:52
epyontansell, is there a deadline for the tickets reservation?04:54
tansellepyon, ASAP04:54
epyontansell, I know, but I don't have enough money on me x/04:55
epyonso if the deadline is near, then I'll try to borrow some, if not, then I'll wait for payout04:55
epyonhence my question04:56
tansellepyon, let me think for a bit04:56
epyonok, but I *really* don't want to miss the deadline :)04:57
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llnzlater all05:11
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tansellepyon, private message05:23
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biscmithro: ping08:44
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mithrobisc: just about to head home09:34
biscmithro: when you'll be able to talk?09:35
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mithrobisc: back now10:04
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biscmithro: I want to thank you for accepting me :) I'll do my best to repay it. That's really cool!10:05
mithrono problem, we should discuss more about what you'll be doing10:06
mithroyou where trying to send me something?10:06
biscmithro: before current moment, I've been observing code. You know, it's pre-exam period in my university, and it's pretty tough; so I don't have anything useful to commit.10:07
biscwhat's your opinion about bonding period and what should be deliverable by24th May?10:08
mithrowell, whats your schedule?10:09
mithrobisc: whats your timezone too10:11
mithroI'm GST+1010:11
mithrobisc: poke?10:14
biscmy zone is GMT +4. about my schedule: I have to submit my term paper (there're some things to be done) by 6th May. That's a hard period. After that, my exams start from 15-16 May and continue to 10th of June. During exams, I have more time10:14
biscDon't really know how hard will it be after 5th of May, will tell you when I find out10:15
mithrobisc: can you create a Google calendar with this information in it for me?10:18
mithrowe can then plan around your exams10:18
biscOkay. When it's more preferable for you to talk: now (in your evening) or at your morning (after midnignt for me)?10:19
mithrowhat's your time now?10:21
mithroprobably around now is better10:21
biscit's ok for me to operate at 2.00 - 3.00 AM10:22
biscthat will be 8.00 - 9.00 AM for you10:22
biscby the way, I've moved my proposal to tp wiki.10:24
mithronow's probably easier10:24
biscany other means for our communication?10:24
mithroI tend to work fairly late10:24
mithroI use IRC mostly10:24
mithroI'll also require a weekly blog post about your progress10:24
mithrodo you have a blog already?10:25
biscnot yet. shall I create a "my work on tpclient" blog?10:25
mithrodid you see greywhind's blog from last year?10:26
biscyes, a little. on which day to post my report?10:26
mithroit doesn't really matter, but it's probably good to choose a day around the weekend10:28
cahirwpzhi guys!10:29
biscgreywhind has almost daily posts. I wish I would get to such speed in summer.10:29
cahirwpzmithro: thanks for choosing me :)10:30
mithrocahirwpz: which project are you?10:30
cahirwpzmithro: tpserver-py - so i think it's the right moment to join discussion10:30
mithrobisc: yeah, if you do more progress you can post more often10:31
cahirwpzI'm from Poland so my timezone is GMT+210:31
mithrobut at a minimum once a week10:32
biscThat system with weekly reports is used by my scientific supervisor -- so I don't expect any problems.10:33
biscIf I obtain some useful commit - do I send patch for reviewing or just push?10:33
mithrobisc: so we normally do a code review and then you can push it10:34
mithrocahirwpz: are your doing tpserver-py twisted rewrite?10:34
tpbTitle: Recent Issues - Code Review (at
cahirwpzmithro: yep, now i'm trying to figure out how building process performs10:36
mithrocahirwpz: build process?10:37
cahirwpzmithro: yes, it's kind of weird, does it always use git to download libtpproto-py ?10:38
mithrocahirwpz: only the first time10:39
mithrocahirwpz: sadly there is no way to tell git to checkout all the submodules at clone time10:40
cahirwpzmithro: I tried to rework so that tpserver is installed in more or less graceful manner10:40
mithrocahirwpz: nobody installs tpserver-py10:41
mithrocahirwpz: so what is your schedule like?10:42
cahirwpzwell, then i suppose i wasted 2h for figuring it out ;-)10:42
biscmithro: and what about this tracker?
tpbTitle: thousandparsec - Project Hosting on Google Code (at
mithrobisc: what about it?10:43
biscwill we use it?10:43
mithrobisc: in theory :)10:43
biscah, well, is only for reviewing code, not tracking issues?10:44
tpbTitle: Recent Issues - Code Review (at
mithrocahirwpz: I started rewriting so that it shared code between all the python modules10:44
mithrobisc: yes10:45
cahirwpzmithro: since the 24th of may I'm rather busy - I conduct a course at the university10:46
cahirwpzmithro: that's good - I ran into problems installing tpclient-pywx from git - it requires that installed packages have .git directory inside10:47
mithrocahirwpz: oh?10:48
biscmithro: in case I have some questions while you're offline -- do I write mail or just wait for you to get to irc?10:49
mithrobisc: either works depends on the type of question10:49
mithrocahirwpz: I think it's probably worth adding the twisted support to libtpproto2-py rather then libtpproto-py10:50
mithrocahirwpz: can you also move your proposal to the wiki like the others?10:53
cahirwpzmithro: yes, sure10:53
mithrocahirwpz: do you have a blog?10:54
cahirwpzmithro: if libtpproto2-py is preferred then i will move to it and start reading it10:54
mithrolibtpproto2-py actually has some tests :P10:54
cahirwpzmithro: nope, i read about a blog by graywhind - but don't know where it is10:56
cahirwpztests are valuable if they work ;-)10:56
bisccahirwpz: http://greywhind.wordpress.com10:56
tpbTitle: Greywhinds Blog (at
cahirwpzhaven't looked into them yet10:57
mithrowell the tests seem to work11:01
cahirwpzmithro: ok, simply starting the server and the client from source directory does the trick11:07
mithrocahirwpz: that is the way most people run it11:19
cahirwpzmithro: I'm used to make packages for every piece of software11:21
biscmithro: send a calendar invitation to [email protected]?12:11
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mithrobisc: and [email protected]12:50
biscmithro: sent12:57
mithrobisc: thanks looking now13:05
cahirwpzmithro: what is the status of libtpproto2-py? which version of protocol does it implement? have you tried to integrate it with tpserver-py?13:05
mithrolibtpproto2-py implements both tp03 and tp0413:06
mithrotpserver-py only supports tp03 at the moment13:06
mithroand nobody has tried integration before13:06
biscmithro: what's the difference between your accounts here? can I address "tansell" and "tansellHaptop" while talking?13:08
mithroif you address mithro, everything will flash13:08
cahirwpzwhere should I start looking if I were to replace libtpproto-py with libtpproto2-py?13:10
cahirwpzbeside of course :)13:10 probably13:12
mithroprobably libtpproto-py/tp/netlib/server.py13:13
mithrothere is no equivalent for libtpproto2-py yet13:14
mithrobut that's okay as its what you where going to port to twisted anyway right?13:14
biscwhich rulesets are more appropriate for debugging tpclient-py?13:15
mithrobisc: you probably want to put the following into your calendar13:15
tpb<> (at
cahirwpzmithro: shouldn't be server and client modules extracted and moved to libtpclient-py and tpserver-py respectively ?13:17
mithrocahirwpz: not really13:17
mithrolibtpclient-py is "extra" stuff for writing a client13:17
mithroit's not necessary for a simple client13:17
mithroIE tpclient-pytext doesn't need libtpclient-py13:18
cahirwpzso tp.netlib is actually a mix of two functionalities - network connection handling and protocol handling ?13:18
mithrocahirwpz: kinda13:19
cahirwpzhow do you like idea of separating those ?13:20
mithrocahirwpz: you don't want every client to re-invent the socket handling13:20
mithrospecially since the way the protocol works you can get things like out-of-order frames13:21
mithroand it's not a strictly request/response13:22
mithrofor example the server can push frames13:22
cahirwpzyou're right - i'm not familiar with protocols yet13:22
cahirwpzseparating connection handling and protocol is twisted-alike thinking13:23
mithrocahirwpz: I'm okay with moving the server functionality out of libtpproto-py - since we only have one python server13:23
mithrocahirwpz: have you given the protocol document a read?13:25
* mithro needs to head to bed soon13:25
cahirwpzyes, but only a brief one13:25
cahirwpzare both versions binary, or TP04 is XML ?13:27
biscmithro: added events to calendar. will probably add more about my proposal dates. will meet you here to discuss my local tasks.13:28
mithrocahirwpz: both versions are binary but TP04's protocol description is in XML13:28
mithrocahirwpz: which means we can auto-generate most of the protocol library13:29
cahirwpzwhat about protocol3.xml ?13:29
mithrocahirwpz: it's not authoritative13:29
mithrobut it used by libtpproto2-py and libtpproto-java13:29
mithrocahirwpz: make sense?13:30
cahirwpzseems to be reasonable13:31
mithrocahirwpz: anyway I need to head to sleep13:32
cahirwpzsure - it was nice talking, see you tomorrow13:33
mithroI'll be around all day tomorrow13:34
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llnzmorning all20:21
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