Friday, 2010-04-09

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tansellEpyon, ping?00:04
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tanselltote, ping?02:52
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FinnHow goes life?04:19
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FinnWelcome konr!04:37
konrHi, Finn!04:37
FinnAre you new here?04:37
tansellFinn, GSoC applications to review :)04:38
FinnHopefully you'll get mine soon.  XD04:38
FinnI kinda sorta just learned about it yesterday...  :$04:38
konrnot really... I wanted to propose a project on Daneel on TP04:39
konrI have 24 hours, do you think I'm too late? :D04:39
FinnOnly 12, isn't it?04:39
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konrops, wrong place of the planet, then04:40
FinnI think it's 12:00 noon EST?04:40
Finn19:00 UTC.04:40
konrI'm glad you told me that!04:41
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FinnIndeed.  :P04:41
konrAre there many proposals for daneel? I spend some time working on other proposals and finishing a project (so to make time for SoC), but It'd be really nice to work on TP04:42
konrI spent some time studying the code already...04:42
FinnI have no idea...  :\  My proposal is for a new ruleset.04:48
FinnThat's not even close to the emoticon I was expecting.04:49
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Finn...Question...  Would it matter than I'm Canadian?05:01
tansellFinn, not at all05:17
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tpbTitle: Countdown to 9. Apr 2010 19:00 in UTC (at
FinnDun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuun...05:20
tansellkonr, your better off submitting your proposal early05:31
tanselland refining it05:32
FinnYa...  I'm probably doomed on that front.  :\05:33
FinnGotta stop using that.05:33
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FinnCan anyone give me pointers on writing milestones?05:53
FinnErr...  Nevermind.06:04
FinnHowever, I would like to know if I can use beta testing as a mile stone?06:04
FinnLike public testing?06:04
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biscFinn: I think that your code will have enough time to be tested afterwards, but will probably lack development.06:09
FinnThanks.  ^^06:10
FinnErr...  I think.06:10
StupidIncarnatellnz there?06:21
llnzStupidIncarnate: yes06:22
StupidIncarnateI was just wondering if i need to add anything to my proposal on socg. if you get a minute, could you look it over?06:23
tansellStupidIncarnate, I wanted to chat to you about the partial download thingy06:26
StupidIncarnateoh ok06:26
StupidIncarnatedid I misunderstand what difference support was supposed to do?06:28
StupidIncarnateerr what it was*06:28
totetansell: pong06:33
tanselltote, did you end up making a decision?06:36
totetansell: i sent in a student proposal a few hours ago06:41
totetansell: so i guess i have made my decision :)06:42
tansellStupidIncarnate, the python side already only downloads differences if you use libtpclient-py06:42
tanselltote, does tpclient-pyweb use libtpclient-py?06:42
totetansell: yes06:44
StupidIncarnateoh, if tote's gonna do it again this year, should I even fix up my app? If he's a shoe-in for the project I mean.06:50
StupidIncarnateoh shoo-in*06:50
toteStupidIncarnate: do it, i have written a proposal for another project, not tp :)06:51
StupidIncarnateoh ok then06:51
FinnIs the use of UInt64 really necessary?  :P06:52
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Finn19 decimal places is a lot.06:53
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kerbespace is big place to illustrate. :)06:58
FinnTrue.  :P07:00
FinnThis is a little intimidating...07:01
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Finn...I think I should come back next year...07:05
StupidIncarnatehey tote, I'm not reading this code wrong am I? The javascript expects the "array" of objects that come in from the python portion to have every object in the universe listed right?07:12
toteStupidIncarnate: if i remember correctly yes, atleast all objects the player can see07:15
kerbeFinn: imho you do better if you stick around whole year07:17
kerbeit won't get better if you disappear for year, and then next time GSoC is announced pop in and try to catch it all at one big mouthful. :)07:17
FinnI just meant not make a huge ass of myself in GSoC this year.  :P07:17
kerbeyeah, that's perhaps good thing to do, not getting stress of it for this year. :)07:18
kerbebut of course if you have good idea, submitting it doesnt hurt much, even though time is limited.07:18
FinnWell, I've already submitted it...07:18
FinnIf I withdraw it now, then change my mind later, would I have to redo it all?07:19
FinnOr would GSoC remember it?07:19
FinnThat didn't make a lot of sense.07:19
kerbeif you have submitted it already, I don't see any reason why to withdraw it07:19
FinnI didn't exactly think it through.  XD07:20
kerbeif it isn't good enough for this year, you're not selected, and you can try to get it better for next year07:20
FinnI haven't even been able to get the cpp server to compile.  :$07:20
kerbethat's a bit drawback. :P07:20
FinnIt's been driving me crazy.07:20
kerbebut what I have been looking, quite many applicants have had same problem. :P07:20
kerbeyou do it on windows or linux?07:21
Finnaka OSX.07:21
kerbeis osx in list of supported os?07:21
FinnI can't get gmp to compile right.07:21
FinnNo idea.07:21
FinnSo far it appears I just need Guile07:22
kerbewhat I have thought it compiles on linux, and if you are desperate and have nerves and time, you can compile it on windows07:22
kerbehaven't seen a word about mac world. :)07:22
FinnWell, OSX runs on a modified version of Unix.07:22
FinnWith a lot of the intelligent parts removed.07:23
FinnFor some stupid reason.07:23
FinnStill, I scrape by.07:23
FinnOr lose sleep.07:23
kerbeosx is modded version of bsd (which is unix, true, but still a bit different) :)07:24
kerbesome things work easily, others with much work. :P07:24
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kerbeyou don't have possibility to use it in linux?07:25
kerbeie. possibility to develop on linux & trying compiles on linux?07:25
FinnI could try triple booting...07:25
FinnThough I've never done it.  :$07:25
kerbeis your comp i386 processor, or those older macs with um... mips?07:25
Finn...Does it run on Sparc?07:25
FinnYa, I'm on i38607:26
FinnThe old ones were PowerPC.07:26
kerbetriple booting could perhaps work then, as architechture is same07:26
kerbeor if you have some virtual machine thingy, trying it there. as you don't need gui, it would be quite light07:26
FinnYou just blew my mind.07:27
kerbeoh, sorry. I didn't mean to cause mess. :)07:27
Finn /cry07:28
FinnI don't remember what Virtual Machine I used to use.07:28
StupidIncarnatetansell: I'm still confused what about the partial download thing you wanted to talk to me about? To tell me that the lib already has it set up like that?07:29
FinnShould I just use Ubuntu?07:30
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kerbeFinn: which linux brand you choose is imho your own opinion. I myself use gentoo at own server, at work I have centos and at home I have debian. :)07:33
llnzFinn: there is instructions for compiling tpserver-cpp on MacOS X07:33
FinnI know a lot of my classmates use Ubuntu, so I could always go to them fo-07:34
tpb<> (at
FinnThat works...07:35
FinnNever even thought about using fink.07:35
llnzsorry i didn't notice earlier, have windows covering IRC07:35
FinnIt's ok.07:35
FinnAt least you caught me before I spent a huge amount of time getting and messing with Ubuntu.  :P07:36
llnzif those instructions aren't up to date, please update them07:36
FinnWill do, once I find out.07:37
FinnI must say, thank you all.07:37
FinnMy brain hurts a lot less now.07:38
kerbeI must start from now on telling ppl that I don't know anything about anything, but (here goes what I'm going to say) :)07:39
FinnMe too.07:39
FinnHigh five!07:39
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FinnSeems to be compiling ok.07:45
* Finn is going away for a while.07:49
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StupidIncarnateactually llnz?07:54
StupidIncarnatejust a clarifying thing, when I say backend python in my proposal, does it sound like I'm referring to the libs and whatnot07:55
StupidIncarnateeven if it's a proposal for pyweb07:56
llnzStupidIncarnate: it wouldn't hurt to explain the tpclient-pyweb architecture very briefly to make it clear what you are referring to08:00
StupidIncarnateok that helps. Thanks08:01
Epyontansell, mithro, pong!08:03
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tansell-laptopsorry need to run08:04
tansell-laptopEpyon, wanted to chat about tpserver-py inner workings08:04
Epyonok, will catch you later08:05
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llnzbrb, rebooting linux08:44
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llnzlater all11:22
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marcel_Hi, 1h and 35 mins left until gsoc student application deadline, is that right?14:24
StupidIncarnate7pm utc ain't it?14:25
marcel_wait oh more than :S14:26
StupidIncarnateso 5 hours ain't it?14:26
marcel_4:34 ?14:27
tpb<> (at
marcel_~14:28 UTC14:28
marcel_Yeah, I am asking because I would like to have another look at my proposal.14:29
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isra17good morning folks16:37
Greywhindwell, afternoon here16:51
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epyoncahir ;)19:01
cahirhi pal :)19:03
cahirdon't expect me to be awake, when our mentors are awake - I'm not like you ;P19:04
epyoncahir, why not, you can wake up early xP19:04
epyoncahir, also, I sleep 24.00-8.00 now :P19:05
epyonbelieve it ;>19:10
cahirokey... we're emptying a beer barrel (5 litres) with Alien19:10
kerbeepyon, how can you sleep that much? :)19:13
kerbegood sleeping talent there. :)19:13
isra17Do I need to set my proposal public?19:16
isra17oh, nvm19:17
isra17got my answer in the mailing list19:17
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