Friday, 2010-04-02

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mithroGreywhind: sure01:16
Greywhindmithro: thanks01:24
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StupidIncarnatehey all07:49
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null_000morning world10:11
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null_000hi mithro10:47
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mithrohello null_000112:14
mithrojust heading to bed now12:14
null_0001good night then  ^_^12:17
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Epyonping tansell14:36
Epyon!seen llnz14:36
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marcel_Hello, I am trying to comile libtpproto-cpp on an linux 64 bit computer but I get an error while compiling: "configure: error: Could not link against  !", could some one help me. I checked out the git repo with the 1.1 tag.14:41
Epyonmarcel_, have you got all the prereqs14:41
Epyonhmm, doesnt seem to have any14:42
Epyonmarcel_, can you pastebin the exact output?14:42
marcel_It has prereqs like boost:signal and libgnutls (optional) I have installed them, also configure says I have them14:45
marcel_I can pastebin it14:45
Epyondo it :)14:45
tpbTitle: marcel@linux-ql8p:~/projects/l - Anonymous - qE67FPZg - (at
marcel_same happens with tag 1.914:48
EpyonThat's a wierd error14:49
Epyonsorry, can't help you here -- its something with autoconf and I can't stand autoconf :>14:50
marcel_yeah cmake for win^^14:50
Epyoncmake for bigger projects, premake for smaller :P14:51
Epyonscons is also nice14:51
marcel_will see if I can get an update for auto*14:51
marcel_hm I have the latest auto* packages I can get14:53
marcel_Funny thing is configure passes without an error on the opensuse build service with opensuse 11.2 64bit which is the same OS that I have.14:58
marcel_But compiling results in errors: "buffer.cpp:39: error: 'free' was not declared in this scope"14:59
marcel_with the 1.1 source14:59
Epyonmarcel_, seems then that we both now wait for llnz ;>15:07
Epyonmarcel_, you're a GSoC participant I assume?15:07
marcel_yes, I want to submit a proposal for parsek but I cant look at the status of it without compiling it which requires libtpproto-cpp.15:09
marcel_Im trying to create a libtpproto-cpp package with the 1.9 source now.15:11
marcel_which results also in that configure error :/15:11
marcel_Maybe it has something to do with boost 1.39?15:12
Epyonnah, I doubt it15:32
EpyonI compiled a lot of tp stuff against 1.42 and it worked fine15:33
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null_000can anyone tell me where can I find out what arguments do I have to pass in libtpclient-py to give an order?19:49
* null_000 hates pythons lack of types19:49
marcel_maybe this: ?19:59
tpb<> (at
marcel_I dont know libtpclient-py19:59
marcel_ah wait thats the proto lib20:00
tpb<> (at
null_000couldn't find it there20:01
null_000I followed the code execution in daneel-ai but it uses the cache class that doesn't have any documentation (or at least I can't find it)20:03
marcel_I'm sorry, I never looked at the tp python code.20:04
null_000thanks anyway20:05
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