Friday, 2010-03-26

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tansellepyon, in what way?00:55
epyontansell: well I may be arrogant and annoying at times, but banning someone because he pasted something three times due to a putty lag is overreacting xP00:58
nashepyon: I'll back you on that statement ;-)01:02
nashEspecially the first 2 points01:02
* nash ducks01:02
* epyon fires! xS01:03
epyonnash: I thought you were dead :P01:04
nashepyon: Just in china01:05
nashor korea01:05
nashor both01:05
nashor something01:05
epyonbehind the great firewall!01:05
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nashepyon: At the moment I'm behind an incompetent firewall...01:06
epyonthankfully :>01:06
nashback to great firewall next01:06
epyonnash, have you got any problems with the firewall>01:07
epyonif you'd need anything installed on a machine standing in poland, I could help01:07
nashepyon: No youtube, facebook... lots of things01:07
nashit's bloody irritating at times01:07
nashother times... minor irritance01:08
nashDamn it...03:09
nashneon doesn't seem to have a shift the whole register instruction03:09
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epyonall devs asleep?07:56
kerbewhat I have understood, they are positioned down under, thus most likely happily sleeping. :)08:11
llnzonly 9:22pm here08:22
kerbeoh. soon happily sleeping. :)08:23
epyonllnz: what is the highest importance projects this year?08:30
epyonoh, and tansell, ping08:34
llnzepyon: things that get us closer to version 108:44
kerbellnz: is there roadmap somewhere? checked wiki and site, but didn't see one on neither of them08:47
epyonllnz: anything in particular ? :>08:47
llnzepyon: nope08:48
llnzkerbe: no, other that the high level description08:48
kerbeis that high level description at some single place, or around wiki?08:49
epyonllnz: so contrart to last year C++ and Python servers are on equal footing now?08:51
epyonalso, any comments to my proposal?08:51
llnzepyon: maybe, more likely focus will stay on tpserver-cpp not tpserver-py08:56
llnzepyon: probably the main thing is that I would like to see more detail about what you propose08:57
llnzkerbe: i'll have a look08:57
epyonllnz: also, I had an idea of a ruleset creation simplification by simplifying the common processes and moving it to lua08:57
epyonllnz: detail in what parts specifically?08:58
llnzkerbe: and
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : Getting Started (at
llnzepyon: i would prefer python over lua, but i'm happy to discuss why I'm wrong09:00
llnzepyon: about the approx architecture of the ASIO network/event/timer layer and the approx architecture of the threading09:01
llnzi would rather have async core (managers, etc) before threading09:01
llnzkerbe: the main things missing from the framework are research/technology and diplomacy09:02
llnzkerbe: then it's a matter of having people playing the games09:03
epyonI'd choose lua because it's extremely lightweight, supports real threading (contrary to Python which currently is unfortunately mutex-locked on the interpreter -- that may change however), very easy to pick up, easily tailored to the exact needs, and a lot easier to embed.09:05
llnzepyon: i would also like to see in the proposal to do it in two distinct parts, with a merge-branch from trunk between them09:05
epyonAlso, there's already a python server :>09:05
llnzepyon: fair enough, what's the language itself like?09:06
epyonso it's better to have a language of chose09:06
epyonllnz, the language is lovely, but that's a very biased opinion :D09:06
epyonin general it's really simple syntactically and easily adaptable to anyone's coding style09:06
* llnz mostly does python programming at work, trying to minimise c++ and java09:07
* epyon is moving all his data and logic code to lua, and hence loving the language each time it simplifies his work 09:08
epyonbut yeah, python is also good09:08
epyonbut worse as a embedded language09:08
epyonand lua is faster.09:08
epyonhere's a nice sort summary -
tpbTitle: Sputnik: Why Lua? (at
epyonllnz: as for the former project, asio was listed first, that's why I thought it was higher profile09:15
llnzthe two parts are almost independent09:20
llnzkerbe: bonus points for starting a roadmap page on the wiki09:32
llnzbonus points available for ...09:32
* llnz wanders off09:42
llnzlater all09:42
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null_000hi all12:48
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karanhi, i'm new to thousand parsec, I was wondering why there are no servers shown registered in the metaserver17:03
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karancould anyone let me know a list of running servers?17:37
KeeferYou can derive a list of currently running servers from within the client, by clicking on the drop-down box (reference: The accuracy of this list, and the availability of a better source, I could not attest to.17:43
tpb<> (at
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StupidIncarnateso are the demo servers down?17:51
karancould anyone let me know a running server?17:58
karanits not showing any servers in the drop down box17:58
karanits only showing 2 demo servers and they are not getting connected17:59
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kerbekaran: new and wanna try it out?18:08
karani actually wanted to get into the development18:09
kerbeI have server up, though not visible there as it doesn't advertise in metaserver (currently)18:09
karancan you give me the url?18:09
kerbejust have been thinking that perhaps I should change ruleset it is running atm, didn't find so interesting that first one I tried. :)18:09
kerbeI'll check it is up, you can try it out18:10
karanok thanks a lot!18:10
StupidIncarnatecould I get it too? Wanna play someone that's not ai18:10
kerbeStupidIncarnate: have you played before? what is working & good ruleset, I'll switch to that fast. :)18:11
epyona game \o/18:11
kerbeI have currently minisec there, but that ain't much. :P just tested compile & that I get it running. :P18:11
epyontry RFTS or MTSec if something simple18:11
StupidIncarnateI wanted to minisec against people. THe risk set was kinda boring18:12
StupidIncarnatebut i'm up for anything18:12
kerbedoes minisec have anything aside colonizing & building fleet?18:12
StupidIncarnateit must have battles I would think18:12
StupidIncarnateThat's the impression I got from reading the winning scenarios18:13
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karankerbe, did you get it running?18:17
kerbeyeh, just got it up18:17
kerbeurl is gladiolus.fi18:17
kerbeit still has minisec on, so StupidIncarnate you have your chance now. :)18:18
StupidIncarnatemaybe the design dialog will work18:18
karani cant seem to get connected18:20
StupidIncarnateputting in the password?18:20
karani put the url in the locations and clicked connect and nothing happened18:20
kerbe2010-03-26 20:17:58 <Warning> [Server] In connected state but did not receive login, get features or get get time remaining, received frame type 6518:20
StupidIncarnatebut I mean did you put in password in the password field? that's what got me in18:21
karani dont actually have an account18:22
karando i put it any random password?18:22
kerbeit let you create accoutn18:22
kerbeupon connection18:22
karanok .. what's the name of the game?18:22
StupidIncarnatebah, 3d app crashed >.>18:22
kerbeas I said, currently having minisec ruleset, ie conquer new worlds, build fleet & battle. :)18:24
kerbe5min turns, unless all players are ready, which triggers turn generation.18:24
kerbeminisec info:
tpb<> (at
karanLooking for running games...Got the supported features...Trying to Login to the server... Then  it gets stuck18:27
kerbemhh, at least few of your usernames have contained some weird characters18:28
kerbeand you have one world there, right next to me. :)18:28
kerbewhen you logged in as karan18:28
kerbeso try relogin to it18:29
karanim putting the game name as tp. is that correct?18:29
kerbemhh, where you put that?18:30
kerbeI have only 3 fields: server, username and password. :)18:30
karanusername contains the game name too right?18:30
karanas in .. in mine i have to enter it as username@gamename18:30
kerbeit is same what you are shown in game, if that's what you ment18:30
kerbeum... afaik no, I have just kerberos as my username. :)18:31
karanwhich client are you using?18:31
kerbewindows tpclient-pywx18:31
kerbetrue, demogame seems to have guest@tp, but you don't need to have @ there I suppose. :) at least give it a try without one :)18:32
karanok .. i'll do that18:32
StupidIncarnatelol stupid planet18:33
kerbeStupidIncarnate: are you playing as stupid? :P18:33
kerbeall universe there, and it grouped us right next to each other. :)18:33
kerbewell, at least we get fast fighting ;)18:33
StupidIncarnateso why is there a bunch a duplicate ships in the design dialog?18:34
karanstill not getting connected ..18:34
StupidIncarnatelooks like you've been busy while trynig to get on18:34
kerbemhh, does minisec support ship designs?18:35
kerbeor is it just those predefined 3 ship types. :)18:35
StupidIncarnatemaybe paste exactly what you have in each field?18:35
StupidIncarnatewouldn't know, couldn't get that working18:35
kerbekaran: you still have some weird characters in  your login: 2010-03-26 20:25:59 < Info  > [Server] Accepted connection from ▒▒▒▒e [], connection id 1018:36
karanoh .. i wonder why ..18:36
karani entered in the server18:37
karankaran as username18:37
kerbeanyway. when you have hit connect, what you see?18:37
karana screen with the title TP:Universe Update18:38
karanand some orange signs18:39
karanObjects Descs18:39
karanorder descs18:39
kerbe this one?18:39
tpb<> (at
karanbut nothing is written in the screen below universe download18:40
kerbeand OK is grey?18:40
kerbenothing has green arrow, all is orange, ie nothing has been loaded?18:40
karanyeah .. everything is orange18:41
karanbut when i tried logging a few minutes ago18:41
karansome of them were green18:41
karanbut then it didnt do anything for a long time so i quit it18:41
karannow its not loading anything18:41
kerbethere's no active connection from you to server I see.18:43
kerbeok, debug level is on18:43
kerbetry now logging18:43
karannow its getting connected18:44
karanthe first one is green18:44
kerbenow it froze again?18:45
kerbeI don't know what causes that now really. :-\18:48
kerbeStupidIncarnate: you get downloads nice and smoothly?18:48
karanalright .. i think i'll give up now .. thanks for the help kerbe !18:49
kerbeyou're welcome. :)18:49
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kerbemhh... now is there way to wipe karan and tp users from running game? :)18:50
StupidIncarnatethe old fashion way?18:51
kerberestart? :)18:51
kerbeor is there some other way? I'm new, my old fashion is week or two old. :P18:52
StupidIncarnateI meant the most primal and barbaric way18:52
kerbekill em off? :D18:52
StupidIncarnatenot that it matters much if we leave them18:52
kerbewould work, just thought that we would get faster turns if both mark turn ready, instead waiting timer :)18:53
StupidIncarnateoh, we are waiting for them huh? restart then18:54
kerbewith minisec, or wanna ruleset change?18:54
StupidIncarnateI gotta go in 40 mins, probably won't finish one18:55
StupidIncarnatewhatever we do18:55
kerbeI'll squeese universe a bit18:55
kerbeStupidIncarnate: server restarted18:56
kerbemhh, or not..18:57
kerbeblah, how do I restart it cleanly? :D18:58
StupidIncarnateno idea18:58
kerbekeeps having old game there.18:58
kerbegood feature, but... :P18:58
StupidIncarnatedid you close the server window?18:59
kerbekilled process, yes.18:59
StupidIncarnatesee if there's a file it created in the server directory18:59
kerbeusing gentoo for server, but obvious locations doesn't contain anything19:00
StupidIncarnateno idea then, I'm on windows19:01
StupidIncarnatewould suggest running the bat again but....19:01
kerbeblah, I quit it from admin interface, it states game saved... :P19:01
StupidIncarnatelol, I'm sure all the data's hidden somewhere deep in the file structure of linux19:02
StupidIncarnatetoo many folders @.@19:02
kerbeyeah, must be :D19:02
StupidIncarnateoh well, it gave me a bit better idea of how it works, that all I really wanted19:02
kerbeyou played before?19:03
StupidIncarnateonly the single player mode19:03
kerbeah, now it is19:04
kerbeit was client which had cached wrong state :D19:04
kerbeyeah, now there is fresh game. :)19:05
StupidIncarnateyou getting a warning no object thing?19:09
kerbeat least I haven't noticed such warning19:09
StupidIncarnatehmm, got it when the turn started19:09
kerbedidn't notice, not even this new turn19:10
StupidIncarnateoh well19:10
kerbedoes game work now?19:11
StupidIncarnateyep, knew turn started but still got it19:12
StupidIncarnatealso, I seem to be marked as an enemy @.@19:12
kerbeas color red?19:12
kerbemhh, true, I was only green in previous game too. :P19:12
StupidIncarnatei can still give ordes though19:12
kerbehehe, I'm server admin, I'm good guy, everyone else are baddies. :D19:13
StupidIncarnatedo you get no argument when selecting colonize?19:18
kerbeyep, no argument. ship has to be in right place.19:18
kerbeif it isn't, that command gives error I think next turn.19:18
StupidIncarnatebah, error window for each turn ><19:21
kerbestrange, I don't have such19:21
kerbedid you close client in between games?19:21
StupidIncarnateprobably because it thinks i'm an enemy19:21
kerbemhh, should ask from wiser guys about that, if it is commong19:22
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kerbemhh, no battle report19:32
StupidIncarnateyeah, restarting app19:32
StupidIncarnatethough it's probably server related19:33
kerbenow there is news19:34
kerbe"You destroyed their fleet."19:34
kerbehehe, I won, even though my frigate wasn't visible anywhere last turn. :P19:34
StupidIncarnateI don't know how you got there before me >.>19:35
StupidIncarnateyeh, I don't think I'm gonna be able to attack you....19:39
kerbemost likely not, at least with those two battleships :)19:39
kerbebut now there was my colony against your scout, so that result should have been expected19:40
StupidIncarnateoh ok19:40
kerbeat least my math goes so. :) normal planet has strenght of 2 battleships19:41
kerbeso 2 bs vs 1 scout is quite unfair situation. :P19:41
StupidIncarnateoh I missed that >.>19:41
kerbeoh karan came back playing. :)19:41
kerbeany better luck now?19:42
karanstill not getting connected19:42
StupidIncarnatemaybe it's a firewall thing?19:43
kerbehave you been able to play singleplayer, or connect your own server karan?19:43
karanno, i tried that19:44
karani need to have a normal server and an ai server for that right?19:44
kerbemhh, yeh, I think it was so. haven't tried myself, I'm happy having real server (just need players. :P )19:46
kerbeturns got a bit slow as one non-playing there..19:56
kerbedo you have much time left to play StupidIncarnate ?19:56
StupidIncarnatenaw couple mins19:56
StupidIncarnateenough to see the fruition of this battle :>19:56
kerbeI could force end turns to see it faster :)19:57
kerbejust tell when you have done what you do. :)19:57
kerbedid you miss my fleet, or doing some fancy manouver?19:58
StupidIncarnateno idea @.@19:58
kerbe(and I'm ready for turn.) :)19:58
StupidIncarnateya done19:58
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kerbemhh, was that done for this turn or for previous... got mixed up already, too keen building ships. :D20:01
kerbenice, fleet merging works sweet. :)20:02
StupidIncarnatelittle confusing since it says to argument20:02
kerbeyeh, but result is what matters :P20:03
kerbeI should have crushed you, but instead escaped :P20:04
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StupidIncarnatedid my More? fleet get destroyed? don't see it and don't see no message about it20:04
kerbedidn't see message it to be destroyed20:05
StupidIncarnatewell all my fleets destroyed20:05
kerbenow I see message that I destroyed fleet20:05
StupidIncarnateoh well20:06
StupidIncarnatethanks for the game20:06
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StupidIncarnatework time20:06
kerbelet's try some time again, with other ruleset. :)20:06
kerbethanks for the company for you too. :)20:06
StupidIncarnatesee ya20:06
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null_000evening everyone20:21
konrhi there20:24
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