Monday, 2010-03-22

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iFiretansell for tp you just have a large media repo right?00:00
tansellyeah, it's in SVN00:00
tansellit's not that huge, but enough that you don't want to clone the full history on a slower link00:01
iFiremy thoughts was if I could not change git00:01
iFireThere are three options a) rsync look-alike b) svn c) git shallow clones / submodules. Stuff like rsync look-alike would be a cifs vpn share and backup every 3 hours at the server. Svn would give you the head repository. A git shallow copy cannot be pushed.00:01
iFiretansell so you've decided on svn for the media00:02
tanselliFire, yeah00:03
iFiredid you do the trunk tag etc.00:03
iFireor just have one directory00:03
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iFire Pushing from a shallow repository is not supported, but works when you're pushing to branches with a common ancestor in your available history (so pushing to the remote HEAD should always work).00:11
iFireaccording to git mailing list00:11
iFiretansell how big is the media svn?00:13
iFirein both total repository and checkout00:14
tansellabout 2gig in SVN, compresses down to about 1.5g in GIt00:14
iFirewait how does that work?00:17
tansellSVN doesn't really compress stuff very well00:21
tansellgit does a much better job00:21
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iFirethat's the repo size or the checkout?00:26
tansellwell, for git it's the same thing00:30
tansellactually that's not true00:30
iFirea checkout is history + checked out files :/00:30
tansella bare repository is smaller then a checkout (which includes the repository plus a copy of HEAD)00:31
iFireI want to know what a bare repository and what is the size of the data files00:31
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iFiretansell I'm getting confused. So 2 gig bare svn and 1.5 gig of media files?01:52
tansell2gig bare svn, 1.5gig bare git02:08
iFirewhat about the media of the latest version02:13
iFirethe total of the latest version02:13
tanselliFire, I'm not sure what you mean?02:18
tansellhow big is a checkout?02:19
iFirean svn checkout, git include history02:20
iFirea git checkout includes history and the media02:20
iFiresvn's .svn has metadata02:20
iFirebut that should be insignificant02:20
tanselliFire, .svn keeps a "clean" copy of every file02:22
iFireit does?02:22
iFirewell without .git or .svn then02:22
tansellso it can do local diffs02:22
iFirethat's what I mean with pure media02:22
tanselliFire, you can check this all yourself :)02:22
iFireis there a ballpark?02:22
iFireI don't want to download 1g of files02:22
ezodwe should help get wombat ready for prime time ;)02:30
tpbTitle: Wombat - WorldForgeWiki (at
iFiretansell any idea what this post means?
tpb<> (at
tanselliFire, it's talking about a case where shallow pushing could fail02:47
iFirebut I don't understand the case03:05
iFirerewind and rebuild of history?03:07
iFireis that supposed to normal03:07
iFireto be normal*03:07
iFirehow does that relate to an average workflow03:07
iFiretansell also I can't svn checkout that link03:15
tansellit should have been03:16
tansellsvn checkout
tpbTitle: svn - Revision 72: /media (at
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iFireso far 100 mb03:30
tanselliFire, my numbers are from foggy memories a long time ago03:42
iFirenearing 200mb03:43
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CIA-23llnz libtprl * r2df3f327246b /tprl/console.cpp: Added stdint.h header08:07
CIA-23llnz libtprl * r7534f1c479d4 / (ChangeLog Preping for release08:29
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null_000morning world09:01
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CIA-23llnz web * r23f24c5cc7ca / (3 files in 3 dirs): Releasing libtprl 0.1.309:36
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llnzlater all10:49
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tansell-laptopheyo people11:36
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andz_helloooo everybody :)13:55
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iFiretansell another way of doing shallow pushes is git replace14:11
iFireThe name of the replace reference is the SHA1 of the object that is replaced. The content of the replace reference is the SHA1 of the replacement object.14:11
iFireit was added to git 1.514:11
iFireinstead of storing the files in the repo, you store it elsewhere, but keep the hash14:12
tpbTitle: Pro Git - Replace Kicker (at
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iFiresecond in tread14:16
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ezodare new packages in the web repo automagically put on sourceforge somehow, or do we have to do that manually?14:50
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iFiretansell this mechanism can be used by streaming implementations of git15:08
iFireaka torrent15:08
iFireso the idea is instead of making git store metadata, you store metadata in git and then replace it15:34
iFirewith the real objects15:34
CIA-23mavrinac gentoo-overlay * r6d907e7e8fd9 /dev-libs/libtprl/ (6 files in 2 dirs): Version bump dev-libs/libtprl to
CIA-23mavrinac web * re6688651ae19 /downloads/downloads.xml: Update Gentoo version for libtprl download.15:38
ezodissue 87 closed15:41
ezodmithro: any plan to merge tp04 branch of tpclient-pywx yet?15:43
CIA-23mavrinac daneel-ai * r69cd56009fcc / (TODO daneel-ai Rename to daneel-ai and set executable. Fixes singleplayer, breaks profiling stuff.16:07
ezodissue 89 closed16:09
CIA-23mavrinac daneel-ai * r880dc3a3a4fb / (daneel-ai-inplace.xml Add RFTS to daneel-ai singleplayer rulesets (fixes issue 90).16:10
ezodissue 90 closed16:11
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rrjmy name is rakendu17:59
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rrji am interested in contributing to thousand Parsec in gsoc18:00
rrjcan anyone please help me how i am supposed to proceed18:01
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iFiretansell I think that concept can be redefined as a streaming git repository18:17
iFireso you stream the newest change sets18:18
iFirewell download the newest18:18
iFireand then stream the older ones as needed18:18
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kerberrj: read this already:
tpb<> (at
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rrjkerbe: yes i ahve read it. i am interested in the cloning an existing game and universe in an hour idea18:31
eqdware any devs and/or GSoC mentors around right now?18:33
rrjkerbe: can u plz guide me through it.18:34
kerbesorry, can't. :)18:34
kerbeI don't have needed knowledge. in fact, I just got server compiled as my bugreport was fixed, so I'm pretty new. :P18:35
rrjkerbe: do u knw anyone who could?18:35
kerbeI'm not even too familiar with GSoC, but I know consept. Just read both that wiki page & GSoC site, seems quite straightforward process18:36
kerbethat wiki has nice list of mentors, and I see quite many are on this channel. so when they're around, I'm sure they pick conversation from backlog. :)18:36
eqdwkerbe: Good point. I'm sure someone'll see my question eventually18:36
rrjkerbe: arent any mentors around right now?18:37
eqdwrrj: my understanding is taht they18:37
eqdwre all on australia time18:37
eqdwmaking it ~5 AM right now18:37
rrjeqdw: oh ok18:37
kerbedon't know. I joined channel less than half an hour before you rrj. :)18:37
rrjkerbe: :)18:37
eqdwto whichever dev this is relevant for: I'm possibly interested in the battlexml project18:37
rrjno problem thanx anyway18:37
kerbepatience is good virtue in irc. :)18:37
kerbebut note to both of you, reading that wiki & GSoC page, I'm sure they would appreciate if you have some solid proposal written already, it's then easier for them read it through and start discussing how to improve it. :)18:39
eqdwkerbe: I'm not 100% sure on which project I'm interested and I'd like some more details on some of them first18:40
rrjkerbe: u right thnx man18:41
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ezodrrj: i am a mentor18:47
rrjezod: hi18:48
rrjezod: i have gone through the list of ideas18:48
ezodwe're thinking about prioritizing a few of them for gsoc 201018:49
ezodi see you're interested in ruleset development18:49
rrjezod: yes18:49
ezodi think we're probably more interested in improving an existing one if anything18:49
ezodrather than proliferating rulesets18:49
rrjezod: can you please tel what is required from my side18:50
ezodwhat do you mean?18:50
eqdwezod: I notice you have a ruby library. Is there anything that needs working on in ruby or is that pretty much complete?18:50
ezodeqdw: not sure, i don't know of anything that actually uses the ruby library18:51
ezodlooking at git, it seems it hasn't been touched in a long time except for a formatting overhaul18:51
eqdwezod: yeah I was a little unsure as to why it exists, other than that it does18:52
ezodeqdw: the primary protocol libraries are the python and cpp one18:52
eqdwoh I see. libproto-rb in case one makes a Ruby on Rails web client18:52
ezodwe do have a web client from gsoc 200918:53
ezodbut it's in python18:53
rrjezod: i have a good understanding of python and C18:53
eqdwI'd also perhaps be interested int he battlexml support. The synopsis for that is a little small, do you have any insight to add to that?18:53
ezodrrj: cool, those are my pet languages also ;)18:53
ezodeqdw: best person to talk to about that is llnz18:54
ezodbalki: ^ how much did you do re: battlexml?18:55
eqdwezod: He's on aussie time though eh?18:55
ezodyeah (well nz)18:55
balkiezod: yo18:55
ezodbalki: did you do anything with battlexml?18:55
balkiezod: message me, quick18:55
ezodoh ok18:55
ezodeqdw: so llnz then ;)18:55
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llnzezod: thanks19:42
JLPahoy everyone19:48
llnzhi JLP19:48
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ezodllnz: we have a prospective gsoc applicant interested in battlexml support19:54
rrjezod: i have been checking out the ideas list, and i am particualrly interested in clone ruleset idea19:54
llnzezod: cool19:54
ezodrrj: as i said above, i think we're shying away from new rulesets this year19:55
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llnzhi jiaming, arvind_khadri, null_00020:12
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null_000I was wondering... on the ideas for programmers page on wiki20:21
null_000for the AI clients it says "There are many improvements that could be made to these AI. "20:22
null_000is anything specific meant by this or is it just make-it-better-somehow project20:22
null_000or is everybody who knows something about this still asleep20:23
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llnzwell, obviously the ai's only support a couple of the available game, so they can be extended to support the other games20:25
llnzthere are almostly certainly performance improvements to be made, and maybe some better algorithms to be added20:25
null_000i had a look at both AIs and adding support for more games shouldn't be too hard...20:27
null_000do you prefer one AI over the other since one is deterministic and one is not (but has its own advantages)20:27
null_000i could actualy try to add MTSec (and possibly MiniSec) support for both (to see which one works better) but I don't want to give myself too much work (in case the proposal gets excepted)20:29
llnzfocusing on one ai client would probably be a good idea20:30
ezodnull_000: mtsec support has my vote20:30
null_000but which one ^_^20:30
null_000ezod: thanks20:31
ezodnull_000: between daneel and gencon?20:31
ezodwell, i would recommend daneel for a few reasons:20:32
ezod1. it has had more recent development20:32
ezod2. it's in python, and python client libs are better supported20:32
ezod3. it's in python, and more of us know python20:32
ezodadding mtsec support to daneel-ai, and improving daneel along the way, would be a good project, imo20:33
ezodi'm not really familiar with the core design (i know zero about game ai) but if it's sound, daneel could be our flagship ai client after that20:34
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ezodbalki did the most recent work on mtsec20:36
null_000i think daneel-ai has only one big dissadvantage20:36
null_000AI rules aren't coded in python20:36
null_000but in scheme I think20:36
null_000and a lot of people don't know scheme and the way you have to program in it20:37
null_000(I personally don't know scheme but I know prolog and that should do it)20:37
null_000btw thanks for the info20:37
ezodnull_000: verhoevenv originally designed daneel-ai20:38
ezod~seen verhoevenv20:38
tpbezod: verhoevenv was last seen in #tp 3 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes, and 38 seconds ago: <verhoevenv> Don't think anyone did the integration from the previous SoC-project...20:38
ezodanyway, you can always propose to change how it works if you think there is a benefit20:39
null_000I guess I'll have to ambush him with questions when he comes back ^_^20:39
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ezodnull_000: i'd recommend poking him by email to make sure you catch him20:40
ezodthe earlier you discuss these ideas the more solid your proposal will be come game time20:40
ezodthere was also some work done on daneel-ai during last year's SoC, but iirc it didn't pan out...20:41
null_000what was it?20:41
ezodnull_000: i don't recall exactly, but i just broke whatever it was today to fix a more urgent bug ;)20:43
ezodsome profiling stuff20:43
null_000you think I might find the proposal on TP wiki?20:44
ezod1 sec, i'll see if i can track it down20:45
ezodactually brb20:46
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ezodnull_000: doesn't appear to be on the wiki, checking if it's still in google's system20:52
llnznull_000, ezod: this branch of daneel-ai:;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/pyconstraint-1.120:53
tpb<> (at
tpbTitle: Title: Thousand Parsec pytho - Anonymous - 2cpxBTYc - (at
ezodllnz: oh, heh, i forgot about that :)20:54
ezodllnz: but the student was not successful?20:55
llnzno, failed end of gsoc (went missing after midterm)20:55
null_000thanks ^_^20:55
ezodllnz: that's what i thought, the flurry of commits on august 17 threw me off for a second20:56
null_000does anyone know if the work was any good before he gone missing?20:56
ezodnull_000: verhoevenv would be the best person to ask20:57
llnzJLP: thanks for the link, that's the proposal20:57
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null_000I think I'll email him when I'm done reading this20:58
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null_000anyone for a game of MiniSec against a newbee such as myself (if I'm going to code an AI I might try to learn to play the game properly)21:11
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jiaminghi, i want to propose a great idea for the gsoc, to whom should i talk?22:16
llnzjiaming: depends on the area, but either here or the mailing list could be a good place to start22:17
jiamingit's about a battleship creator and extension of the existing rule set22:18
llnzwhich ruleset?22:19
llnzwhat programming langage/server?22:19
jiamingi write a draft proposal in Doc, maybe I send it to the mailing list as an attachment22:19
llnzdoc (as in MS Word document) is probably not a good idea22:20
jiamingthe programming language is python22:20
llnza page on the wiki is a better idea22:20
jiamingoh.. i see22:21
jiamingokay, i'll put it on the wiki22:21
jiamingbut should I discuss it with someone first before i put it on?22:22
llnzsure, i'm the main server developer22:23
jiamingi'm sorry, but the problem is that it's a bit complicated to say it in a few words.. maybe I put it on the wiki and you take a look at it first22:24
jiamingthen we can discuss it22:24
llnzthere is now a page to link your proposals from on the wiki:
tpb<> (at
jiamingbut where should i put the actual document? since this page is only for the links22:36
llnzadd a slash after the url and put slash then your name , ie:
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null_000bye everyone22:58
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jiaminghi i've put up my proposal on
tpb<> (at
jiamingand also add a link on
tpb<> (at
llnzjiaming: looking now23:07
jiamingexcited ^^23:07
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llnzjiaming: do you want comments on here, at the bottom of your proposal page or on the discussion page?23:11
jiamingmaybe just at the proposal page23:11
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llnzhi perfect-rational23:22
llnzjiaming: comment added23:24
jiamingokay i'll read it. thanks!23:25
perfect-rationalWhich of the projects listed on your Ideas for Programmers page participate in the GSoC 2010?23:28
llnzperfect-rational: all of them23:29
llnzall of them are a possibilty23:29
perfect-rationalIm a student programmer and Im quite interested in the AI client idea.23:30
perfect-rationalIm quite good at C++ and Im really love AI.23:31
perfect-rationals/Im really/I really/23:31
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perfect-rationalI was wandering if you could give me some additional info on this project.23:33
perfect-rationalI hope this is the right place for this kind of questions. I couldnt find any mentoring information for the project, so I assumed I could ask here. However, I wouldn't want to disrupt your work or anything.23:38
llnzsure, here is fine23:45
llnzthe current ai clients are written in python and java23:46
llnzour preference is for people to extend them, but if a suitably advanced proposal was submitted we would consider a new ai client23:47
llnzif you plan to use C++, you should read up on libtpproto-cpp, and maybe help get it to a state where it will actually do orders and messages23:48
perfect-rationalI know java. I could extend the java client.23:50
llnzthat could be a good idea23:50
llnzit would be a good idea to read up about it23:51
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jiamingllnz: i've read your comments. i'll think about it and maybe discuss about it tomorrow23:56
jiamingand thanks for your comment23:57
llnzjiaming: sure23:57
llnzno problem23:57
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