Saturday, 2010-03-20

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Epyontansell-laptop, I'll be submitting 2 cpp-server proposals, for numbers if not anything else. Once they're done, feel free to point other students to them as a "choice".00:44
tansell-laptopEpyon, okay00:50
tansell-laptopI didn't realise student applications where open00:56
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konrOk, guys, I've installed tpserver-cpp, and it's apparently running, as `ps waux | grep tpserver` returns a non-grep entry. I'm failing, however, to connect to it using a client. I'm using the default settings (, guest@tp), yet all I get when I hit the "OK" button is a red dialog box (presumably an error) without further clarification. Any idea on how to proceed?05:48
konrhmm, actually it seems that the problem is the connection ( Let me double check the server05:49
tpbTitle: Connecting to (at
llnzkonr: looking now06:41
llnzkonr: what versions of tpserver-cpp and tpclient-pywx?06:44
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JLPgood morning everyone09:17
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llnzlater all11:30
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jiamingcould anyone help me on setup the development environment for TP on Ubuntu? I want to participate in the GSoC 2010... but got some problem here - some of the dependent packages are no longer supported..14:43
JLPjiaming: hi, which packages are giving you a problem? I don't use *buntu here but maybe I an help in some way14:45
jiaminghi, thanks for reply! when I try to install this "python--psyco" package, it says it doesn't exist14:50
JLPkhm if i understand this correctly it should be there in universe repo →
tpbTitle: Ubuntu -- Details of package python-psyco in karmic (at
JLPjiaming: unless you are using a 64-bit system it looks like it is not available for it14:59
JLPbut in this case i guess psyco is not a hard dependancy since i also use only 64-bit systems here and i guess i never had this installed15:00
jiamingi download the package there but still cannot manage to install it. it's very wired- my system is 32-bit but it seems recognize my system as 64 bit and keep reporting some error message...15:02
JLPwell i recommend you just ignore this package for now as it is not required for client to function and is only optional15:04
jiamingOkay, i'll try it. thanks15:05
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konrllnz: Hi! The server version is 0.6.2 and the client seems to be 0.3.2, according to version.py16:22
JLPkonr: llnz is asleep right now16:26
JLPdid you actually run some game on the server or did you only start the server itself?16:27
konryes, I started it with the quickstart-rfts configuration16:28
JLPlet me try it here16:28
konr(i.e. ./tpserver-cpp/tpserver-cpp -C quickstart-rfts.conf)16:29
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JLPkonr: it appears to cennect just fine here16:35
JLPkonr: do you get any errors in the console from which you run the server?16:35
konrJLP: not at all... Actually, I don't get any message when I run the server, and it seems to run on the background16:36
konrJLP: I just know it's there using ps16:36
JLPtry adding the -v switch to the commend16:36
konroh, perfect! now I see the errors16:37
konrapparently it requires some things from /usr/lib/tpserver, which obviously doesn't exist16:38
JLPmaybe there were some problems during make install phase after compilation16:39
JLPand the modules didn't get installed correctly16:39
konryay, it's working now16:40
JLPcool, glad to help16:41
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CIA-23jlp tpserver-cpp * r3a13986103d5 /m4/ (ax_boost_base.m4 ax_boost_signals.m4):21:25
CIA-23Updated Boost m4 macro files21:25
CIA-23Needed to make configure work on Mandriva Linux 201021:25
CIA-23jlp tpserver-cpp * rd5ede34c3016 /tpserver/orderparameters.cpp:21:25
CIA-23Added missing implementations in ObjectOrderParameter21:25
CIA-23getObjectId() and setObjectId() were missing causing a missing21:25
CIA-23symbols error while trying RFTS ruleset.21:25
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