Monday, 2010-02-22

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llnztansell: dates seem fine, airfares seem fine00:17
llnzbtw, the exchange rate has changed, shall i update the spreadsheet?00:17
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tansellI'll move our hotel reservations00:42
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alanpany chance it will move again?00:56
alanpi have to book the time off :\00:56
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alanpmithro: when will we know if the dates are final?02:00
tansellalanp, probably next week or so02:07
alanpok cool02:08
alanpthankyou :)02:14
tansellthen I'll ask everyone to start booking their flights02:15
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* llnz wanders pff10:02
llnzoff even10:02
llnzlater all10:03
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dejaiYo mithro10:13
dejaiHow's it going10:14
dejaiI have been working on an open source game with some people in the US.10:15
dejaiIt is going quite well.10:15
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tansellverhoevenv, ping?23:44
verhoevenvtansell: pong23:44
tansellverhoevenv, so if we moved the dates a week later can you still attend?23:45
verhoevenvtansell: should be possible... What are the dates then?23:45
tansell7th August - 14th August23:50
tansellIf everyone is okay with it - I'll send out an email at the end of this week/early next week23:50
verhoevenvNothing planned that week.23:51
verhoevenvSo okay for me.23:51

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