Wednesday, 2009-12-23

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llnz2later all00:24
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Landonjmtan: ping01:39
jmtanhey Landon01:45
jmtanwhat's up?01:46
Landonoh hey, just wondering if you had any plans to keep the 3d client 'locked' to a specific version of ogre/cegui?01:47
LandonI'm going through the battleviewer right now, trying to get cegui 0.7.1 working, but if you think it'd e a good idea to stay back a version or two I could probably pull an older revision of python-ogre01:49
Landonlaptops dying, away!01:57
jmtanhm, i have no idea if 0.7 has any interface breaking changes01:58
Landonso far I've only had to change a handful of lines related to starting up cegui01:59
Landonand it (seems) to work01:59
Landonalthough the game window doesn't seem to recognize my mouse when I want to move the view around, the gui is working02:00
jmtanwill you be using ogre 1.7 branch too?02:00
LandonI can't get the client to run though, something about zeroconf crashing it, so no ideas if anything would break there02:00
Landonhm, what's the latest python-ogre using?02:00
Landonlooks like it's on 1.6.4 still02:01
jmtanit seems the cegui changes are minimal, we can probably work around those02:04
jmtanwhat are you working on currently?02:05
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Polar_BearHello. My apt is not finding tpclient-pywx in the repository. I'm on Debian Lenny. Can anyone help?06:43
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