Tuesday, 2009-12-01

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shenkinext time i come over, we should watch the movies that your machines are named after00:00
shenkiwhat movie is lex from?00:02
shenkiheh, yes. i fail.00:03
tansell_He played Lex Luther :P00:03
shenkii have to bump the ttl, yeah?00:06
shenkiit;s not called ttl...00:06
shenkithat number... what's the term for it?00:06
tansell_you are editing the templates right?00:08
tansell_and then it should generate the mithis.com/net/info/etc00:09
shenkiyeah, editing the tempatles00:10
shenkido you just bump the serial by one?00:10
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shenkiyou should be able to do a 'ssh [email protected]' now00:11
shenkithe fingerprint is 56:88:4c:aa:a7:64:84:2a:61:fa:91:cf:26:45:b8:4c on my end00:12
tansell_shenki, can I become root?00:13
shenkitansell_: i'll setup sudo now00:13
shenkigah, it wont let you set a password00:17
shenkitansell_: you have sudo, your password has been emailed to your work account00:18
tansell_have you disabled password login?00:19
mithrotim@lex:~$ sudo -s00:19
mithro[sudo] password for tim:00:19
mithroSorry, try again.00:19
shenkihrm, wfm00:23
tansell_shenki, check the logs?00:28
shenkitansell_: i just logged in as you and it worked. are you typing it correctly?00:29
shenkiDec  1 06:29:11 lex sudo: pam_unix(sudo:auth): authentication failure; logname=tim uid=0 euid=0 tty=/dev/pts/0 ruser= rhost=  user=tim00:29
tansell_shenki, so did you send me the correct password?00:30
shenkiyes. when testing, i got the password out of the email i sent you00:30
shenkithe 5th character is an I not an l00:31
shenkijust incase your font sucks and you can't tell the diff00:31
shenki(if you font sucks you probably wont be able to tell here either :D)00:31
shenkitansell_: are you happy with disabling password ssh logins?00:36
tansell_shenki, capital I?00:37
tansell_it works with that00:38
tansell_stupid fonts00:38
shenkii cna highly recommend http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/1786900:39
tpbTitle: Gmail Fixed Font for Greasemonkey (at userscripts.org)00:39
tansell_shenki, so any idea what we should do about the disk space?01:01
shenkinope... i know little about raid and all that gear01:03
shenkitansell_: see PM01:06
tansell_shenki, first job is to shrink the primary partition right?01:09
shenkihow small do we want it?01:17
tansell_probably like 100G?01:19
shenkithat big? how did you arrive at that?01:20
tansell_it's a round number :P01:21
shenkihrm, doing this is how you 'bricked' rufus lsat time, yeah?01:21
shenkii volunteer you to attempt it again this time, since you have experience and know how not to do it ;)01:24
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shenkitansell_: did you mess with ssh?03:34
shenkiwtf is going on :/03:35
mithroI rebooted into the rescue image to do the disk resize03:41
mithroand now it's not coming back :(03:43
mithroit worked03:44
shenkiyou made / 20G?03:48
shenki(i found that reboot took a little longer that i was expecting too)03:49
tansell_we can always mount more space later if we need it03:52
shenkiyep. 20G is more reasonable that 100 i rekon03:52
tpb<http://ln-s.net/4e3I> (at doc.ubuntu.com)03:58
tansell_damn 10.04 is a LTS04:03
shenkiwe can upgrade to that in 6 months04:03
tansell_it's going to be a pain however04:03
shenkiperhaps. it shouldn't be tho04:04
tansell_shenki, trust me - it's always a pain04:11
shenkiso you're installing libvirt and doing all that sutff now?04:11
tansell_this server is fast :P04:13
tansell_shenki, I need to reboot again04:17
* tansell_ plays with lvm204:54
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llnzlater all05:02
tansell_shenki, do you think going with vms which are around 20G is a good idea?05:02
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tansell_vms is not quite what we want :P05:02
tansell_shenki, poke?05:30
shenkitansell_: i think that's going to be huge06:07
shenkitansell_: lex is currently using 1.2G06:08
shenkiso installing apache and whatever else might push that up by a couple hundred meg06:08
shenkiwill the data+OS go on the same partition, inside the VM?06:09
shenkiour blogs could go in a 5gig VM, easy. tp will need more coz of vcs size06:10
tansell_well apache isn't getting installed on host06:40
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shenkii know - im just making that point that the guests wont get much bigger once we install the things they need like apache, etc07:04
tansell_the vcs history is 283m07:05
tansell_703M media07:05
shenkimysql appears to be about 75MB07:13
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tansell-laptopshenki, ping?22:19
tansell-laptopezod, ping?22:19
tansell-laptoptote, ping?22:19
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