Thursday, 2009-08-27

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llnzlater all07:56
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shenkillnz: your crappy broadcom wireless card is now supported by the open source driver22:37
llnzis it? cool22:38
shenkinot in any distro yet... but the code is written, and tested22:38
llnzi found the bc wl driver is in debian nonfree, which is working fine for now22:38
shenkiyou'll probably still get better performance with the wl driver22:39
shenki2.6.32 should contain the driver. and perf will improve as time goes on.22:42
llnzi suspect i wont change until the drive disappears from debian, or it doesn't load due to the kernel driver22:43
shenkiby the time debian has 2.6.32, you will probably have a new laptop ;)22:43
llnzcould well have a netbook or android phone by then22:44
shenkior an n90022:44
shenkiit runs 'real' linux, as opposed to androids linux kernel+strange userland22:45
shenkiand you dont need to find security vunerabilies to get root access22:45
llnzi want22:46
shenkiheh, yes. thats exactly what i said22:46
shenkibye bye android, hello maemo22:46
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alanptoo bad that will be >$50022:58
alanpit looks amazing22:58
* alanp has no budget for it22:58
alanpthis is the coolest phone i've ever seen22:59
alanpor? it's not a phone?22:59
llnzit is a phone23:00
alanpit's weird23:00
llnzit will be about $1100 here, which is about the same as HTC Magic, and a little more than the iphone 3gs23:00
llnzNZ$ that is23:01
alanp1100 NZD = 821 CAD23:01
alanpstill seems highly overpriced23:01
alanpyou can get a HTC Magic ~50023:02
alanp(USD) = 728 NZD23:02
alanpthis is my dream phone :(23:02
llnzHTC Magic NZ$1099.0023:04
llnzIPhone 3GS 16GB NZ$117923:04
alanporder from the US?23:04
llnznope, from the local seller23:04
llnzwho is the main carrier23:04
llnzfor both of them23:05
alanpright, but can't you just buy it from the US?23:05
llnzthat's without plans23:05
llnzthe magic probably could be23:05
llnziphone not23:05
alanpiphone might be a problem, yeah23:05
alanpn900 looks unbelievable23:06
* alanp tries not to sign contracts, though23:06
alanpi've had pretty good luck buying phones on eBay23:07
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llnzi'm currently carrying two cellphones23:23
llnzwhen i get my next phone, i want to only have one23:26
llnzand sort out landline phone, etc so that i get the best deal23:26
alanpwhich 2?23:27
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llnzSony Ericsson K300i on Vodafone, and a Samsung something that i can't find offhand that was free on Telecom23:35
llnzahh, Samsung M51023:38
llnzmy wife is on Vodafone, so basically have to stay on there until we can sort something out23:40
llnzonly three mobile networks in NZ, Vodafone, Telecom and 2degrees\23:41
llnzvodafone and 2degrees run GSM/UTMS (900/2100 MHz)23:42
llnztelecom runs CDMA2000 and UMTS 850/2100MHz23:42
llnz2degrees launched just 3 weeks ago23:43

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