Sunday, 2009-08-02

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mithroLandon: screenshots!02:30
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epyonllnz: STL FTW :)06:19
epyonAnd there are still many places that could use some wtlification06:19
CIA-26landon tpclient-pyogre * re49b345ffeaa /src/ Move events take priority over drifting06:32
llnzepyon: cool06:33
mithroLandon: screenshots.......06:42
Landontaking them06:43
Landonjust fixing problems that are popping up inthe process :P06:43
llnzmithro: did you clear the tp-cvs mailman moderation queue?07:13
mithrollnz: you should be able too too?08:02
mithroLandon: so....08:11
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llnzlater all08:41
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Landonmithro: posted some screenshots early this morning to my blog13:30
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llnzmorning all16:52
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cherezBah, there is no clean way to do this. :(19:48
llnzto do what cherez?19:56
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llnzhi tansell20:14
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CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r0d4e4a40bc34 /tpserver/algorithms.h:21:42
CIA-26Algorithms header added21:42
CIA-26* currently includes a implementation of SGI-STL based select1st and select2nd21:42
Landonmithro: find the screenshots?21:50
* Landon is working with laser related particle fx now21:50
mhilmiLandon: I like - cool stuff :)21:52
CIA-26landon tpclient-pyogre * r74534b413d80 /src/ ( Tried fixing the move events more, hopefully everything works well now21:54
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epyonLandon: link?21:55
tpbTitle: landon@destiny Log (at
tansellLandon, yes22:05
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Landonin C for loops22:22
Landon++i means i will be incremented prior to the first run?22:23
epyonit's the same as i++ from for's point of view22:25
epyon++i is just faster, because it doesn't need a copy ;)22:26
Landondoh, ok22:26
Landonfigured there had to be a reason they switched between the two in the code22:26
Landonbut then... it is on a wiki page22:26
Greywhindtansell: ping?22:30
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epyonstd::transform( cont.begin(), cont.end(), std::inserter< key_set >( set, set.begin() ), select1st< typename container_type::value_type >() );22:47
epyonThat's what I love about STL ^^22:47
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r3e06fee9683d /tpserver/ ( algorithms.h order.cpp):22:49
CIA-26STL algorithms22:49
CIA-26* fixed select algorithm22:49
CIA-26* added delete_all temporary function22:49
CIA-26* tested it on order.cpp22:49
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rcbd6c1ee0d81 /tpserver/ (algorithms.h resourcemanager.cpp): Algorithms : fill_by_set22:49
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * re1fa40112220 /tpserver/ (algorithms.h resourcemanager.cpp): Algorithms : generate_key_set22:49
CIA-26landon tpclient-pyogre * r9f84261b1ef8 /src/ Added translated raycast code, doesn't work however22:51
tansellGreywhind, pong22:58
tansellepyon, most compilers i++ is equivalent asm to ++i when the difference doesn't matter22:59
chereztansell: How do you envision receiving describable packets from the network to work?23:02
tansellcherez, hrm?23:02
epyonnot if "i" is a iterator ;)23:02
cherezAnd I don't believe i++'s equivalence to ++i applies to non-primitive types.23:02
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chereztansell: The way I have it working right now, when the build method of an ObjectDesc or OrderDesc is called, the result is saved in a lookup table, and when you receive an Object or Order it looks at that table for which subclass it should return.23:06
tansellcherez, that seems sensible....23:07
cherezNo objections, then?23:07
cherezShould I make it automatically build description frames when they're received?23:08
tansellcherez, not sure23:08
cherezWell, it'll be easier to add that feature than remove it, so for now I'll make leave automatic building off.23:09
Greywhindtansell: oh, hey23:11
Greywhindtansell: i have been looking into two things:23:11
Greywhindtansell: 1. trying to test with AI23:11
Greywhindtansell: 2. trying to save window positions23:12
Greywhindwell, let's start with #223:13
Greywhindi'm not sure where the code should go23:13
Greywhindi was thinking maybe the ConfigLoad and ConfigSave in
Greywhindtansell: what do you think?23:17
tansellGreywhind, probably23:18
Greywhindtansell: so it needs to use PyAUI's SavePerspective() right?23:19
Greywhindtansell: so something like perspective = self.mgr.SavePerspective(), then save that to a file?23:19
Greywhindtansell: then ConfigLoad loads it from that file?23:19
tansellsounds about right23:20
Greywhindtansell: which file should i save to? or create a new one?23:20
tansellGreywhind, up to you23:21
Greywhindtansell: ok. i'm thinking maybe a new file in .tp?23:22
tansellGreywhind, it should definately go in the same location as the rest of the files23:22
Greywhindlike ~/.tp/window_configuration.something23:22
Greywhindtansell: how do i get that directory? is there a variable for it?23:22
tansellGreywhind, there sure is!23:23
tansellGreywhind, it should probably be prefixed with pywx23:23
Greywhindtansell: ah, true23:23
Greywhindtansell: <home_dir>/pywx_window_config.dat, maybe?23:24
Greywhindtansell: what's the variable for the home directory? i'm having trouble finding it23:26
tansellcheck the other config functions23:27
Greywhindtansell: ah, got it23:31

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