Saturday, 2009-07-25

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mithrocherez: comments added06:21
epyonmithro: are you responsible for the result class in tpserver-cpp?08:01
epyonllnz: what's the exact functionality of setValid and isValid in TimerCallback? i.e. I know what it does, but how is it used?08:02
llnzit's used to cancel the timer before it expires08:03
epyonsooo, it could be just set up to null when I change it to a function08:04
epyonor no, I'll just pack it into a class08:04
llnza class would be a good idea08:04
mithroepyon: yes08:05
epyonyeah, but using boost::function instead of that messy callback implementation :>08:05
llnzepyon: yeah, i knew that was coming :-)08:05
epyonmithro: why did you do it, if it's basically a error-prone substitute for exception handling?08:05
mithrobecause previously it was returning 0/108:06
mithroI need a way to return true/(false+error message)08:06
epyonwouldn't it be better to throw exceptions instead?08:06
llnzyes it would be08:07
mithroepyon: agreed08:07
mithrobut that would have required much bigger changes08:07
epyonI'll do it, ok?08:08
mithrono problem to me, ask llnz08:08
llnzno problem, i never liked the Result class08:08
mithrowhen I make a change to tpserver-cpp I do the smallest one possible08:20
epyonwhat's the point of invalidate if it's always called before delete?09:47
llnzthe timercallback?09:47
epyonOMFG, the timercallback queue was a awfull and dirty hack D:10:00
epyonNot to mention that it wasn't guaranteed to work10:00
llnzwhy is that?10:01
epyonYou can't hold structures allocated with new and then do a copy... arrrghhh10:02
epyonIt works, but may not...10:02
* epyon rewrites to shared pointers10:02
epyonBig one completed...10:11
CIA-27epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r801d18742608 /tpserver/ (18 files): (log message trimmed)10:12
CIA-27Major TimerCallback rewrite10:12
CIA-27* TimerCallback now uses boost::function10:12
CIA-27* TimerCallback shared pointer introduced10:12
CIA-27* Network holds shared pointers to TimerCallbacks10:12
CIA-27* Timer Callbacks are always accessed via shared pointers10:12
CIA-27* Comparison operator for TimerCallback::Ptr for priority_queue10:12
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CIA-27epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r3e6218d57d9a /tpserver/net.cpp: STL fun ^_^10:23
llnzepyon: doesn't the AvahiTimer destructor need to invalidate the TimeCallback, as the callback function is no longer valid?11:29
llnzand BasicTurnTimer11:30
llnzmaybe not BasicTurnTimer...11:31
epyonall TurnTimer destructors invalidate their timers11:32
llnzyeah, see that now, the actual timer in the TurnTimer, and is destructed correctly11:37
llnzbtw, getTurnLength is wrong11:37
llnzeach timer could give a different result11:37
llnzthresholdturntimer in particular11:37
epyonthe code was exact11:38
epyononly in one case we have virtual override -- in the threshold case11:38
mithroepyon: how are you checking that your refactoring is not breaking tpserver-cpp?11:40
epyonnot every commit, but from time to time I run a minisec game11:41
epyonbut yeah, full stress tests are still to be done11:41
ezodalanp: ping11:43
CIA-27epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r345526e6b3f3 /tpserver/ (orderqueue.cpp orderqueue.h): OrderQueue::removeOrder result was not used11:50
CIA-27epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rbf820e4c5725 /tpserver/ ( frameexception.h): FrameException added for substitution for Result11:50
CIA-27epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r9bd25718250a /tpserver/avahi.cpp: Fix for timer invalidation11:50
CIA-27epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r5c3aeb894fdf / (36 files in 5 dirs):11:50
CIA-27Removal of Result class11:50
CIA-27* Instead FrameExceptions were used11:50
CIA-27* unfortunately that needed updates in the rulesets11:50
mithroepyon: how do you run a minisec game?12:12
mithrodo you run it all the way to the end?12:12
* llnz wanders off12:16
llnzlater all12:16
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llnzmorning all19:46
CIA-27llnz libtpproto-cpp * r286264215fee /tpproto/gamestatuslistener.h: Better documentation in GameStatusListener.19:48
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llnzcia didn't see it :-(20:48
CIA-27llnz libtpproto-cpp * r505032baf082 / (test/nettest.cpp tpproto/gamelayer.cpp tpproto/gamelayer.h):20:49
CIA-27Added access to GameInfo, both for all the games on the server and the active game.20:49
CIA-27This breaks the API though. GameLayer::login and GameLayer::createAccount now20:49
CIA-27take the game name, which can retreived from the GameInfo.20:49
CIA-27Nettest updated to reflect, uses game "tp".20:49
llnzah, there it is20:49
llnzmhilmi: there you go :-)20:50
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llnzepyon: it appears you haven't updated all the rulesets21:07
llnzi'm finding includes for tpserver/result.h in mtsec and minisec, and includes for the different orderparameter class headers in tae21:09
mhilmillnz: just read your email, thanks !21:37
llnzno problem21:38
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* llnz wonders what to work on for a bit23:27
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chereztansell: Ping?23:44

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