Tuesday, 2009-07-21

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alanpcould we have a "setPropertyValue(uint32_t propid, double propvalue)" in the Design class?02:33
alanpIE: if i push it on my branch, does it have a shot at making it in?02:38
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tansellalanp, what do you mean?04:34
tansellllnz, question for you for alanp04:35
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CIA-21llnz libtpproto-cpp * rffd965e51baf /tpproto/gamelayer.cpp: Fixed small issue with ordering of connecting and adding to eventloop.05:07
llnzalanp: why do you want it?05:08
tansell<alanp> could we have a "setPropertyValue(uint32_t propid, double propvalue)" in the Design class?05:43
tansell<alanp> IE: if i push it on my branch, does it have a shot at making it in?05:43
llnztansell: i saw that05:44
tanselloh sorry05:44
llnzmy reply is, "why do you want that function"? if it's reasonable, then it would get it05:45
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llnzlater all08:41
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verhoevenv~any reac12:45
tpbverhoevenv: I have not seen reac.12:45
verhoevenvI suppose that's not how the bot works then.12:45
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llnzmorning all16:07
mhilmiheym llnz16:10
llnzhi mhilmi16:11
mhilmisaw your fix posted, ty, guess it really was simple :P16:11
alanpllnz: hey, for the set property, i was thinking the easiest way to build a ship would be to subtract the productionpoints property16:13
alanpIE: build order need 1000 points16:14
alanpi have 100 available, decrement property by 10016:14
alanplet me know if that's a bad idea?16:14
llnzwell, there is only one instance of each design, so that's not a good idea16:14
llnzunless i misunderstand16:14
alanphrm yeah16:15
alanpwhat's the best way to go about it w/o local variables then?16:15
llnzthe ship parts resource is how minisec does it16:20
llnzhow about the resources required list?16:21
llnz(just called resources in order.h)16:22
alanpi guess i could do a resource16:23
llnzthe planet wouldn't need an instance or value of the resource, just set in order on create and decrement in doOrder16:29
alanpset the resource in the build order?16:33
llnzthe order has a list of resources that will be consumed  by the order16:34
alanpthat will work16:34
cherezllnz: Ping?16:39
llnzcherez: pong!16:39
cherezllnz: Don't get too excited there.16:39
cherezThe TP04 documents mention a new protocol versioning scheme.16:40
cherezI don't see this Frame Type Version anywhere in protocol.xml.16:40
llnzhave a look at the header frame16:41
llnzit could probably do with a bit more documentation16:42
cherezI was thinking something like actually giving the version number.16:43
cherezAs it is right now it's pretty hard to figure it out by parsing protocol.xml16:43
cherezAlso, is there a reason why spaces and tabs are freely intermixed in protocol.xml?16:44
llnzfor reference, as web page version of the protocol doc generated from protocol.xml: http://www.thousandparsec.net/tp/dev/documents/protocolxml.php16:44
tpb<http://ln-s.net/JXj> (at www.thousandparsec.net)16:44
llnzcherez: re tabs/spaces, xml allows it and some what done by mithro who prefers tabs, and some by me, where the tools i use happen to use spaces16:45
llnzto indent16:45
cherezRight, but if the frame type version is ever not '0' there isn't any good way for the protocol library to know that.16:46
llnzit is not currently ever not the default16:46
llnzdouble negative16:46
llnzit's it always the default16:47
cherezWell, if that ever changes the libraries will be upset with you.16:47
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llnzafaik, there is no way in the xml to define it to be otherwise16:48
llnzso it will have to be added to the dtd frist16:48
llnzi don't think we will ever use it16:50
cherezSo I can assume it will be null forever?16:51
llnzfor now, that would be safe16:52
cherezSweet, that makes my job easy.16:52
cherezNow to figure out a good way to test the correctness of the connection library.... :/16:53
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mhilmillnz: ping17:58
llnzmhilmi: pong17:58
mhilmiGameLayer::gameInfoCallback(Frame* frame) is empty and I think it is getting stuck here? Can you have a look.17:59
mhilmiThe connect callback is properly being executed now though and I receive the get the server features frame but I think it hangs after that18:00
llnzthe library does nothing after it receives the game info/features frame, until the client tells it to18:01
llnzsome work around gameinfo is still required, but not needed at the moment18:02
mhilmiI try to logon after connecting - the status listener fires to connect status also, but it seems it just hangs before logging on, hrm I'll see if I can find where its getting stuck.18:03
mhilmistill didn't add the protocol library itself to my build to be able to debug it...18:04
llnzi think you will need to try to login after the status listener is told the connection is in the connected status18:05
mhilmiI'll see what works, get back to you..18:07
mhilmiah I fixed it, was just a problem with the Qt app not updating events before trying to logon, logged in now..!18:14
alanpllnz: i don't see resources in order.h?18:28
alanpnm, i am clearly blind18:29
llnzhehe, that's ok18:29
mhilmillnz: is it bad practice to store a username and pass as class variables?18:29
alanpllnz: could we add a setResource to Order?18:30
llnzmhilmi: maybe, but i don't think it's critical problem for TP18:30
llnzalanp: it's protected, access directly in the subclass18:31
mhilmiya im guessing either way you would be able to snoop the variables whether they are in a class scope or function scope..18:31
alanpllnz: ahh18:32
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alanpalmost there.....19:23
alanpepyon: ping19:30
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Greywhindtansell-laptop: ping?19:56
tansell-laptopGreywhind, pong19:56
Greywhindtansell-laptop: do you think we might be able to meet a little earlier tomorrow than usual? maybe... 2 hours earlier?19:57
Greywhindtansell-laptop: we usually meet on my wednesday/your thursday, don't we?19:58
Greywhindtansell-laptop: so... what do you think?20:02
tansell-laptopyes that should be okay20:03
CIA-28alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * rc97628ac06f3 /modules/games/mtsec/ (build.cpp build.h planet.cpp planet.h): Build Order now working properly, settings turns based on ProductCost.20:07
alanpi'm going to have to clean that up some bit :(20:08
alanpi should put a note in it20:11
CIA-28alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * r9853868c39e9 /modules/games/mtsec/build.cpp: Note to self...20:13
alanpllnz: using resources[] was a good idea20:13
alanpnot sure why i wanted to change that in the first place20:13
alanpneed to move everything to my MTSecRuleset namespace too at some point20:15
alanpget rid of cstyle casts20:15
alanpetc, etc20:15
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chereztansell: http://codereview.mithis.com/3002/show http://codereview.mithis.com/10001/show http://codereview.mithis.com/5004/show20:36
tpbTitle: Issue 3002: Parser - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)20:36
tansellcherez, I'm not seeing daily blog posts either?20:37
tansellcherez, did you split 3002 like I asked?20:38
chereztansell: Yeah, but I don't know how to upload a cl relative to 2 different branches, and 3002 is dependent on the protocol.xml and structures branches.20:39
tansellcherez, so upload the other two first20:40
tansellthen once they are committed20:40
tansellre-upload 300220:40
chereztansell: You already LGTMed one; the other is 5004.20:41
tansellcherez, well have you pushed the that LGTMed that one?20:41
cherezNo, I'll do that right now.20:42
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tansellcherez, you didn't reply to my comments in 5004?20:42
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tansellcherez, so why does 5004 *still* have the pack/unpack methods?20:49
chereztansell: Well, we aren't using the callback scheme yet, so I think they're  useful functions at least until the callback has been implemented.20:50
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tanselllibtpproto2-pyA rewrite of libtpproto-py...Steven Wallace5 weeks ago20:56
tansellcherez, well it's almost meeting time20:57
CIA-28snwallace libtpproto2-py * r9e7d8d79b5e4 /tp/netlib/ (protocol.xml protocol3.xml): Latest versions of protocol.xml from the documents repository.20:58
tansellfrom last week21:02
tanselltansellso I would like to see the xstruct.py stuff merged ASAP21:02
tanselltansellso it should be about a day's worth of work?21:02
tansellcherezSounds about right.21:03
tanselltansellbut the first thing to start on is the stringqueue stuff21:03
tanselltansellthen on to class ConnectionCommon(object):21:03
tanselltanselldo you think you can get to that by next week?21:03
tansellcherezI think so.21:03
tansellso where are we at regarding that plan?21:05
tansellGSoC is rapidly coming to an end and we still have a huge amount of work to finish off for this project21:05
chereztansell: Only part of that which isn't done is ConnectionCommon; I didn't realize it would require some changes in Parser and objects_auto.21:10
cherezI also think there needs to be some logic added to the frame receiving methods, but we can discuss that when I get that far.21:12
tansellahh shit21:21
tpbTitle: gmail down - Twitter Search (at search.twitter.com)21:22
cherezGmail is working for me....21:23
tansellcherez, so we agreed on daily blog posts right?21:23
tansellso I see 14th, 15th, 17th and 20th21:25
tansellwhat happened to 16th and 18th, 19th?21:25
cherezI wasn't sure what to report on those days.21:27
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tansellcherez, so what did you do on those days?21:35
cherezMess with fixing the xstruct nested list bug, and fail. Try to find a good way to determine what thread has acquired a particular lock.21:37
tansellso reporting stuff that failed to work is just as important as reporting success21:37
tansellcherez, please also reply to the comments I put in your CLs21:40
tanselleven if it's just with "Done"21:40
tansellas it'll let me better see you have seen my comments21:40
tansellcherez, so how long until you finish?22:01
tansellIE how much time do you have left?22:12
tanselland how are we going to split that up22:13
tansellit seems to me that you have 3-4 weeks22:13
alanp3 weeks until clean up22:13
cherezOh, the "pencils down" date.22:15
cherezI forgot that precedes the end of the program.22:15
tansellthere is still a shit load of stuff to do before then22:18
cherezTime to develop a caffeine addiction.22:18
tansellcherez, so what is the plan for the next 3 weeks?22:20
cherezSo I have common, client, server, GenericRS, and discover?22:21
tansellGenericRS can be ignored I think22:24
tansellso can discover22:24
tansellwe also have "port libtpclient-py to use libtpproto2-py"22:25
tansellas that is final proof that the library actually works22:26
tansellyou might want to test with tpclient-pytext too22:26
cherezSo 3 modules and porting a library in 3 weeks....22:32
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alanpcherez: i found an espresso maker @ walmart for $35... ;-)22:45
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cherezalanp: Thanks. :)22:48
alanpi consider it gsoc money well spent, hehe22:48
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tansellcherez, sorry went to lunch23:49
chereztansell: No worries.23:50
tansellcherez, so you're going to have to put in a lot of work to get the stuff done23:50
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