Sunday, 2009-07-19

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llnzlater all08:01
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Greywhindmorning, tansell19:28
tansellhow goes things?19:29
Greywhindtansell: pretty well19:29
Greywhindtansell: i'm currently working on the download viewer/canceler19:29
tansellyes I saw from your blog19:34
Greywhindtansell: i think i've got it pretty much done for an initial version, at least19:34
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tpbTitle: Issue 9001: Improved media support by centralizing media calls and adding a download manager. - Code Review (at
Greywhindtansell: i'll be back in about 45 minutes20:12
tansellGreywhind, are there any changes to libtpclient-py?20:13
Greywhindtansell: no20:14
Greywhindtansell: i don't think so, at least20:14
Greywhindtansell: i'll be back20:15
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tansellGreywhind, poke me when you get back21:45
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Greywhindtansell: i'm back22:01
tansellheading to lunch...22:01
Greywhindtansell: ok. let me know.22:01
tansellback now23:07
tansellGreywhind, ping?23:07
Greywhindtansell: pong23:07
tansellGreywhind, so - while this looks good - I think there are a few problems with this approach23:08
Greywhindtansell: ok... what problems do you see?23:09
tansellGreywhind, I really think you need to probably integrate the MediaLibrary and the Media stuff in libtpclient-py23:09
Greywhindtansell: why's that?23:09
tansellGreywhind, as without doing so, you can't do things like priorities23:10
Greywhindi didn't know priorities were planne23:10
tansellGreywhind, well this same code is likely to be needed to download things like battle data23:11
tansellLandon, ping?23:11
Greywhindtansell: well, where would you think this kind of thing would fit in libtpclient-py?23:13
tansellGreywhind, and obviously battle data is probably going to be needed before the pictures23:13
tansellGreywhind, well I think it's probably a case where the Media stuff should implement the basics and then your system should inherit from it for the pywx specific stuff23:14
Greywhindtansell: i think the stuff in is generic, not pywx specific?23:15
Landontansell: pong23:18
tansellGreywhind, yes a lot of it seems that way23:18
tansellthe whole GetFile stuff in the is pretty horrible23:19
Greywhindtansell: it seems to work - what would you like to see done to it?23:19
tansellyou can't have multiple files being downloaded at once23:25
Greywhindtansell: oh, that's true. i noticed that.23:26
tansellit just seems horrible fragile23:28
tansellit's not really safe if there are multiple clients running at once23:28
tansellIt doesn't actually check the downloaded files23:28
tansellit doesn't actually do what the comments say :)23:28
tansellGreywhind, so - lots of stuff23:29
tansellit's probably worth just throwing it away and rewriting most of it23:29
Greywhindtansell: so i see23:29
Greywhindtansell: i'll see if i can do it23:29
Greywhindtansell: i don't know if i know enough about libtpclient-py to do it right23:30
Greywhindtansell: but i'll try23:30
Greywhindtansell: what file is the code mostly in?23:30
tansellwell now it a good time to learn as any23:31
tansellit's probably a good time to also think about porting some of your functions back into this library23:32
Greywhindthe objectutils ones?23:32
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llnzmhilmi: have you got somewhere to upload the code so that we can see it?23:56

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