Tuesday, 2009-07-07

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Greywhindtansell: ping?00:07
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Greywhindtansell: suddenly, i'm getting a weird error when trying to run the client on any server00:09
Greywhindsince switching back to the tp04 branch, without changing anything00:09
Greywhindtansell: http://pastebin.com/d430c4f7300:10
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)00:10
tansellGreywhind, did you remove all *.pyc files?00:11
Greywhindtansell: no... what's the easiest way to do that?00:11
tansellyou have left over pyc files from tp0400:12
tansellfind -name *.pyc | xargs rm00:12
Greywhindrm: missing operand00:12
Greywhind[Greywhind@localhost tpclient-pywx]$ find -name *.pyc | xargs rm00:13
Greywhindfind: paths must precede expression: utils.pyc00:13
GreywhindUsage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-Olevel] [-D help|tree|search|stat|rates|opt|exec] [path...] [expression]00:13
Greywhindrm: missing operand00:13
GreywhindTry `rm --help' for more information.00:13
tansellfind -name \*.pyc | xargs rm00:13
Greywhindtansell: yep, that fixed it00:14
Greywhindnever had that happen before00:14
Greywhindtansell: well, since the merge seems to have finally worked, should i push all this stuf?00:15
tansellit's caused by left over stuff in ObjectDesc/OrderDesc directories00:16
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CIA-22mavrinac tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r337854279125 /libtpclient-py: Update libtpclient-py submodule to latest head.00:55
CIA-22mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r63b1b014b882 /libtpclient-py: Bumped libtpclient-py for pyscheme fix.00:55
CIA-22mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r3c4511f4c416 /windows/main/winDesign.py: Fixed the wrong case for Design.used.00:55
CIA-22Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rc36899595de2 /windows/main/panelStarMap.py: Fixed duplicate and out of date code by adding a canObjectMove function to starmap.00:55
CIA-22Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rad64865d6914 /windows/winMain.py: Fixed displaying "no objects" warning for tp04.00:55
CIA-22Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r571b45c632d7 /windows/main/winIdleFinder.py: Fixed winIdleFinder to work with tp04.00:55
CIA-22Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r937a282fa131 /windows/main/overlays/Resource.py: Cleaned up a bit stylistically in Resource overlay code.00:55
CIA-22Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rd61eac9456e0 /windows/main/overlays/Systems.py: Fixed style in Systems.py and made use of methods in objectutils in it.00:55
CIA-22Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rfd0dbb99b7f3 /libtpclient-py: Updated libtpclient-py.00:55
CIA-22Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r763afefc8ddb / (libtpproto-py requirements.py): Merge branch 'tp04' of git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpclient-pywx into tp0400:55
CIA-22Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * recb3105560c2 /libtpproto-py: Updated libtpproto-py to take advantage of small change to client.py00:55
CIA-22Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rbf945b94032b / (extra/objectutils.py windows/main/panelOrder.py): Added code to hide the list of orders in a queue when that queue can hold only one order at a time.00:55
CIA-22Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * radcb641d174d /windows/main/ (overlays/Resource.py overlays/Systems.py panelStarMap.py): Merge branch 'can_object_move' into tp0400:55
CIA-22mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rcfbab40b714b /requirements.py: Don't die on a gconf error.00:55
CIA-22mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r1d7e9c6c1a0d /windows/main/winDesign.py: Fixed an overzealous search and replace.00:55
CIA-22mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r48412c3ab5a3 /windows/main/winDesign.py: Design modification time must be positive.00:55
CIA-22mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rd3e974213b7a /libtpclient-py: libtpclient-py bump.00:55
CIA-22Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r57dda2253998 /windows/main/overlays/Systems.py: Fixed parameter passed to isFleet in Systems.py Icon() method.00:55
CIA-22Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r18bbac1044da /windows/ (6 files in 3 dirs): Removed panelPicture, as it is now redundant with panelInfo.00:55
CIA-22Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r617924d47cd1 / (libtpclient-py windows/main/winDesign.py): Merge commit 'origin/stable' into tp0400:56
chereztansell: Ping?01:20
tansell-laptopcherez, pong01:30
cherezMind explaining how you want the API with use parameters to work?01:31
cherezI presume the Desc object will have a build method to create the class.01:32
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tansell-laptopsomething like the current one01:39
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tansellcherez, so can you write up a "what I have done so far" status report?02:28
cherezI'm kind of in the middle of writing up the use parameters bit.02:28
tansellI would really like to see your parser stuff committed before I do your GSoC survey02:28
tansellcherez, okay cool02:28
cherezIs there anything else I need to do in the parser?02:29
tansellI'm not sure what you have done at the moment02:29
cherezI think I'll have this done tonight, then I'm not sure if there will be anything left.02:29
tansellcherez, so you should publish your code for review a little more often02:29
tansellcherez, I also think your probably a bit behind where I would like to see you at02:30
cherezAre parameters generated by the *Desc objects supposed to be named?02:55
tanselland described02:55
cherezWell, protocol.xml doesn't say how it can do that.02:56
tansellcherez, what do you mean?02:57
cherezIt specifies exactly how to get the type, but nothing for the name and description.02:57
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3Tw5> (at git.thousandparsec.net)02:58
cherezThat typeframe says exactly where the type field is, but there's no equivalent for name and description.02:59
cherezThey're always at the scope as type, so I could hard code that.03:00
tansellcherez, no thats not right03:00
cherezHow so?03:00
tansellThe ObjectDesc has name, description, type right?03:01
tansellso that is how you generate the list of structures right?03:02
tansellso the name maps to the name, and the description to the description03:03
tanselland the type tells you which structures to use03:03
cherezRight, I know how to get them, I'm just saying it's not explicitly specified in the protocol, unlike type.03:03
cherezSeems like a strange inconsistency to me.03:04
tansellnot sure why you think that?03:05
cherezIt specifies exactly where the type field is down to its name, the others are just "next to the typefield" with assumed names.03:05
tansellcherez, I think you are thinking backwards03:06
tansellthe typefield specifies which orderdesc frame to look for the description in right?03:06
tansellit doesn't actually tell you how you use that data03:08
tanselljust how they are linked03:08
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cherezSo what is the getlist/getfield for, if not to tell you how to field the type field?03:09
tanselllooking at it now03:13
tansellthat is rather interesting - I didn't design that :)03:13
tansellcherez, if you want to keep going down that route it might be worth extending it03:14
tansellcherez, can you upload your current changes?03:14
cherezMy current changes to...?03:15
tansellyour parser and stuff03:16
cherezI have the CL up until I started on the useparameters.03:20
tpbTitle: Issue 3002: Parser - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)03:21
tansellcherez, a couple of things03:27
tansellyou should use the format of03:28
tansell001 002 00303:28
tansellso your tests sort correctly03:28
tansellyour parser badly needs some comments03:28
tansellcherez, and there is no point at me looking at old code03:28
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CIA-22llnz tpserver-cpp * rfc801ebb580c /modules/tpcl/guile/tpguile.cpp: Create a safe for the design in tpguile, should prevent some scheme issues.03:31
llnzremoves spaces, replaced with underscore03:33
llnzgrr... it should say safe name03:33
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llnzmithro: still there?04:09
llnzshould AddDesign frame be replied by either a Design (or fail) or just OK (or fail)?04:13
tansellI think in tp04 is should be an Design04:13
llnzjust tp04?04:14
llnz(and later)04:14
tansellnot sure04:14
tansellwhats the documentation say?04:14
llnzi think04:14
tansellyes it does04:15
tansell50Modify DesignModifies an old designDesignC2S04:15
tansellDesign frame04:15
tansellFail fram04:15
tansellthe add frame is right above that04:15
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llnzso it is04:16
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tansellit makes sense as the client is not required to know how to parse the scheme itself04:18
CIA-22llnz tpserver-cpp * r26aaa7be72b7 /tpserver/playeragent.cpp:04:43
CIA-22When adding or modifying a design, return the result design after calc.04:43
CIA-22Should fix problems with tpclient-pywx (libtpproto-py) failing when waiting for04:43
CIA-22a Design as a reply and getting an Ok frame. Now gets the expected Design frame.04:43
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totematthewd: morning :)06:22
matthewdHi :)06:23
totematthewd: so what shall we dicuss? :)06:31
matthewdYep, was just re-reading your blog posts06:31
matthewdSo, about where do you think you are relative to your original plan?06:37
totematthewd: hmm, i would say one week behind06:38
totematthewd: but looking at my schedule it shouldn't be a problem at all06:42
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matthewdOkay, so what specifically are you expecting to have done this week?06:50
totematthewd: mostly its documenting, taking a second look at the code structure and see what can be improved, adding small features like request end of turn, cosmetic updates06:59
* llnz wanders off07:18
llnzlater all07:18
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CIA-22landon tpclient-pyogre * r703285c71658 / (4 files in 2 dirs): Switched the console font to a monospace font and tweaked several settings to improve console use11:31
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llnzmorning all16:12
llnzhi alanp16:50
alanphow are you16:50
llnznot bad, you?16:50
alanphave a terrible cold, but other than that okay16:50
alanp...at least it's not influenza16:51
llnzI hope you get well soon16:52
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llnzalanp: how is mtsec coming along?17:13
Greywhindllnz: do you know whether those bugs with design adding/changing will be able to be fixed soon?17:14
llnzall but the _num-components have now been fixed in the master branch17:14
alanpllnz: so far so good, working on some economy things17:15
llnzalanp: cool17:15
alanpllnz: seems that changing the name in the client doesn't change what gets sent to the server, though.  i'm looking into that17:15
alanp(of a design)17:15
Greywhindllnz: hm... i still can't make the server17:18
Greywhindllnz: it gives me that odd "MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE" thing17:19
llnzGreywhind: i haven't fixed that yet, haven't figured out the cause17:19
Greywhindllnz: are any servers running with the lastest stable?17:20
Greywhindi can try to test on those until i can build it again, i suppose17:20
llnzif i remember i will update the two demo servers some time17:20
llnzGreywhind: try removing the AM_MATINTAINER_MODE line from configure.ac and rerun autogen.sh and configure17:21
Greywhind[Greywhind@localhost tpserver-cpp]$ make17:28
Greywhindconfig.status: creating config.h17:28
Greywhindconfig.status: config.h is unchanged17:28
GreywhindMaking all in libltdl17:28
Greywhindmake[461]: vfork: Resource temporarily unavailable17:28
Greywhindmake[461]: Failed to remake makefile `Makefile'.17:28
Greywhindmake[461]: *** No rule to make target `@AM_MAKEFLAGS@'.  Stop.17:28
Greywhindmake[460]: *** [aclocal.m4] Error 217:28
Greywhindand then the [aclocal.m4] Error 2 repeats for about 100 lines17:28
Greywhindsorry, 40017:28
llnzdid you run autogen.sh and ./configure?17:31
Greywhindllnz: i might have fixed it by doing a git reset first17:39
Greywhindwe'll see17:39
Greywhindllnz: ok, another error, but this one looks more reasonable:17:42
GreywhindMaking all in tpserver CXX   main.o CXX   connection.o CXX   frame.o CXX   game.o CXX   logging.o CXX   net.o CXX   settings.o17:42
Greywhindsettings.cpp: In member function ‘bool Settings::readConfFile(const std::string&)’:17:42
Greywhindsettings.cpp:122: error: ‘uint32_t’ was not declared in this scope17:42
Greywhindsettings.cpp:122: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘lineCount’17:42
Greywhindsettings.cpp:140: error: ‘lineCount’ was not declared in this scope17:42
Greywhindmake[2]: *** [settings.o] Error 117:42
Greywhindmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 117:42
Greywhindmake: *** [all] Error 217:42
llnzthat's an odd error in a strange place17:42
Greywhindwhy would uint32_t not be declared?17:43
llnzadd #include <stdint.h> to the top of settings.cpp17:44
* llnz starts todays list17:45
Greywhindllnz: http://pastebin.com/d48e0f64117:45
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)17:45
llnzadd that include to the beginning of persistence.h17:49
llnzlooks like your compiler is much stricted on declearing uintXX_t than the ones i've been using17:50
llnzg++ 4.4.0?17:50
Greywhindllnz: it seems board.h and resourcedescription.h also need it17:52
Greywhindand commandmanager.cpp17:53
Greywhindsorry, command.h17:53
llnzthanks, will add them tonight17:53
Greywhindand advertiser.h17:54
Greywhindthen it works17:54
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alanpecho '<?php header("Location: http://www.thousandparsec.net/wiki/MTSec"); ?>' > http://www.thousandparsec.net/tp/dev/documents/mtsec.php18:26
tpb<http://ln-s.net/JsQ> (at www.thousandparsec.net)18:26
alanpshould point to the wiki page18:26
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llnzso all the content is now on the wiki?18:27
alanpfrom that page, yes18:27
alanpmy wiki formatting is not the greatest, but it will do as it's easily editable18:27
alanpllnz: you mentioned you used kdevelop, do you turn on auto complete?18:29
llnzalanp: yes. i don't remember turning it on, but it does do auto complete for me18:30
alanpweird, i thought you had to turn it on per-project18:31
alanpmaybe there is a global value i'm missing18:31
alanpdo you build from kdevelop?18:33
llnzbbl, maybe 4 hours18:36
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tansell_laptopalanp, so where are we at?19:38
alanptansell_laptop: i have a weird error when trying to calculate the ETA between planets19:39
alanpkind of weird, when I call getETA from doOrder everything is fine.  When I call it from createFrame all hell brekas loose19:41
alanpcreateFrame calls it with (  IGObject* obj = game->getObjectManager()->getObject(game->getOrderManager()->getOrderQueue(orderqueueid)->getObjectId());)19:42
* alanp doesn't see a problem19:42
alanpthen creates a fleet from that19:43
alanp  std::map<std::pair<int32_t, uint32_t>, uint32_t> ships = ((RefQuantityListObjectParam*)(obj->getParameter(4,1)))->getRefQuantityList();19:44
alanpthat's where the problem is19:44
tansell_laptopthat code makes me sad19:44
alanphow should I rewrite that, go straight from the Order Manager?19:44
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tansell_laptopnumber of things19:45
tansell_laptop(RefQuantityListObjectParam*) <-- c-style cast :(19:45
Greywhindtansell_laptop: ping?19:46
tansell_laptopstd::pair<int32_t, uint32_t> <- this should be a type?19:46
tansell_laptopGreywhind, pong19:46
Greywhindtansell_laptop: i'm getting an error with adding a new component to a design19:46
alanpwell, this is all existing code, I was hoping to get this all working before cleaning everything up19:46
tansell_laptopgame->getObjectManager() is called multiple times?19:46
Greywhindtansell_laptop: and i'm having trouble figuring out where it comes from, exactly19:47
Greywhindtansell_laptop: http://pastebin.com/d7dfd359819:47
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)19:47
alanpGreywhind: llnz is working on setting property values to 019:48
tansell_laptopit's caused by #19:48
tansell_laptop    result = i.eval(scheme.parse("""(%s design)""" % component.requirements))19:48
tansell_laptopthis scheme code seems invalid19:49
tansell_laptop(lambda (design) (if (< (designType._num-components design) 3) (cons #t "") (cons #f "This is a complete component, nothing else can be included")))19:49
Greywhindi don't know scheme, unfortunately19:49
tansell_laptop(in that _num-components does not exist)19:49
tansell_laptopGreywhind, time to learn :)19:49
Greywhindtansell_laptop: has _num-components been replaced by something?19:51
Greywhindtansell_laptop: and where does that scheme code get generated?19:52
tansell_laptopGreywhind, on the server19:52
Greywhindtansell_laptop: oh, so this is another server issue?19:52
alanpwhich ruleset is this?19:52
Greywhindthis is rfts19:52
alanptansell_laptop: besides the problems you mentioned, do you know why this may be happening?19:53
tansell_laptopalanp, nope19:56
Greywhind(lambda (design) (if (= (designType.num-ammo design) 1) (cons #t "") (cons #f "This is a complete component, nothing else can be included")))19:56
GreywhindResult was: ['#t', u'']19:56
GreywhindTraceback (most recent call last):19:56
Greywhind  File "./windows/main/winDesign.py", line 329, in OnAdd19:56
Greywhind    dc.update()19:56
Greywhind  File "libtpclient-py/tp/client/parser.py", line 192, in update19:56
Greywhind    i, p = self.calculate()19:57
Greywhind  File "libtpclient-py/tp/client/parser.py", line 70, in calculate19:57
Greywhind    ranks = self.rank()19:57
Greywhind  File "libtpclient-py/tp/client/parser.py", line 24, in rank19:57
Greywhind    property = self.cache.properties[property_id]19:57
GreywhindKeyError: 019:57
Greywhindin mtsec19:57
Greywhindwhen trying to add a component19:57
alanp2009-07-07 20:02:12 < Debug > CREATEFRAME Object ID 020:02
alanp2009-07-07 20:02:49 < Debug > DOORDER Object ID 10220:03
alanpwell, that would explain it20:03
Greywhindtansell_laptop: if i want to duplicate a design, should I be able to just use a CacheDirtyEvent to "create", just like the current "add new design" code?20:03
Greywhindtansell_laptop: also, what's the new equivalent of design.Categories?20:06
Greywhindtansell_laptop: oh, apparently it's just categories with a lowercase c20:07
alanpllnz: ping20:23
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alanpi tried to fix an "easy" bug and get sucked in...20:53
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tansellcherez, poke? ready for our weekly meeting?21:04
chereztansell: Yeah.21:04
tansellcherez, did you do a "what I have done so far in GSoC report?"21:04
cherezNot yet.21:05
cherezI'll presume I should write one right away.21:05
tansellcan you please do that by tommorrow?21:05
tansellwell it's going to take you more then 5 minutes21:05
tansellif you are doing it right21:06
cherezI expected so.21:06
tansellcherez, so where are we at?21:11
cherezI'm commenting the parser and making sure the unit tests have full coverage.21:11
cherezI'll have a CL up tonight and just waiting for your approval to push.21:12
tanselldid you see the comments I made last night?21:14
cherezRenaming the test files and adding more comments?21:15
CIA-22alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * r36c19d2e120b /modules/games/mtsec/ (fleet.cpp fleet.h): Added ability to set the maximum speed (slowest ship) of a fleet21:18
* alanp needs to figure out why he can't access order objects in createFrame21:18
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tansellcherez, so what do you think you have left to do before GSoC ends?21:21
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cherezThe Client, Common and Server modules need to be worked on.21:24
cherezClient and Common look pretty complete, but I only glanced briefly.21:24
cherezServer needs to be written.21:25
tansellyou'll also need to figure out how to test against a server21:25
cherezMmm, that will be fun.21:26
cherezI'll need to either rewrite or port GenericRS, I believe.21:27
cherezAnd the discover modules.21:27
cherezI think that's everything that was originally planned.21:27
cherezPast that I can work on porting libtpclient-py to use libtpproto2-py.21:28
tansellso if your going to do all that, your going to need to get a move on21:30
tansellas there is a lot of work there21:30
tansellwhen do you have to go back to Uni?21:34
cherezAugust 24th is the first day of classes, so a few days before then.21:35
tanselland when are you planning on having this stuff finished by?21:48
tansellAugust 24 is the day that GSoC officially ends21:53
tansellthis gives you about 6 weeks left21:54
tansellThe client/common stuff is probably going to take you atleast a month to get working properly (at your current pace)21:56
tansellso you really need to have the parser stuff finished by the end of the week21:59
tansellcherez, there is no real point in having libtpproto2-py if we don't get something using it by the end of GSoC22:06
tansellas it's likely to just stagnate otherwise22:06
tansellso we really need to have something like libtpclient-py using it by the end of GSoC22:09
tanselllunch time22:10
* llnz is back, finally23:31
* tansell is back too23:32
llnz5 hour meeting (included lunch)23:32
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tansellLandon, ping?23:46

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