Friday, 2009-07-03

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Landonjmtan: have you ever had ogre just lcose on you?04:20
LandonI get nothing about a segfault or any errors04:20
Landonthe battleviewer just pops open the window and shuts down04:20
jmtanyeah i often find the error messages unhelpful, if there are even any04:22
Landonpdb is giving nothing useful either04:22
Landonit gets to startRendering again and then it's gone04:23
jmtandid you try going into startRendering?04:23
LandonI can't with pdb04:23
Landonoh wait, maybe I can04:24
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jmtani tried pulling the latest changes, it says i am missing a module 'damageoverlay'?04:25
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Landonoh whoops04:26
CIA-21landon tpclient-pyogre * r30e1aaaf1832 /src/ Removed the dependency on damageoverlay, which wasn't working correctly in the first place04:26
Landonjust remove the lines using it, I didn't get it to work right04:27
jmtanah ok, it's working now04:28
LandonI'm working on GUI fade in right now, I don't think I have anything checked in relatd to that yet04:28
Landonoh I think it might be a garbage collection issue again perhaps04:30
LandonI should probably put that on a sticky note on my monitor or something04:32
Landonthis is pretty sexy04:36
CIA-21landon tpclient-pyogre * r508283203add /src/ Added fadein/fadeout for Controls/Log window04:36
jmtannice, are the controls supposed to come back when i do something?04:43
Landonyeah, trying to figure that out04:43
Landonideally they come back when you mouseover (same system as the logs box)04:43
Landonbut the event is only registered for the container the buttons are in04:44
Landonnot the buttons themselves04:44
Landonalthough, I would think it wouldn't matter04:44
Landonfor now though you'll have to mouse on the little section right above the buttons or the slightly larger sections to the left and right04:44
CIA-21landon tpclient-pyogre * ref9b3706eda5 /src/ Removed the instant property from the GUIFadeListener, setting a very low fade time accomplishes the same thing04:50
CIA-21landon tpclient-pyogre * r7aca3dd057c2 /src/ Made the events easier to debug by checking if the ref is an instance of a string or a BattleXML Entity05:40
CIA-21landon tpclient-pyogre * r90df1b720294 /src/ Made the GUI fade code friendlier to call outside of an event05:41
Landontansell: video heading up05:55
Landononce youtube tops being slooooow06:05
Landonstops, even06:07
Landonit's a good thing I don't code as bad as I type (often)06:07
tpbTitle: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (at
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mithroLandon: ping?10:15
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Landonmithro: pong12:36
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alanpmithro: ping18:02
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