Wednesday, 2009-06-24

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mithro-andyheyo people01:30
mithro-andycherez: ping?01:37
cherezmithro-andy: Pong.01:42
mithro-andysorry about missing our meeting01:45
mithro-andyive been home sick the last couple of days01:46
mithro-andy(hence the not been around much)01:46
cherezNo worries.01:46
mithro-andygot time to chat now?01:47
mithro-andyso last week you said that you where going to start doing daily blog posts  like Greywhind to give me a better idea what you are doing.01:49
mithro-andyits great that you have been asking llnz for help in my absense01:51
mithro-andy(just reading logs now)01:51
Greywhindmithro-andy: oh, hey01:53
cherezHe's been able to answer most my questions; all that I need to do now is get packets and parameters working together.01:53
Greywhindmithro-andy: if you like the latest screenshot on my blog, i'll send you a code review01:53
mithro-andyso are you going to start daily posts?01:53
mithro-andyGreywhind the ones with the media?01:54
Greywhindmithro-andy: yeah01:54
mithro-andylooks good01:54
Greywhindok, i'll get a code review ready then01:54
mithro-andyso i think you should suggest that resources have graphics/media associated with them too01:55
Greywhindmithro-andy: where would those be displayed?01:56
cherezmithro-andy: That's the plan.01:57
mithro-andyin things like the resource map view (as a key like thing)01:57
mithro-andycherez: so i should poke you every day for one?01:57
cherezFeel free.01:58
mithro-andyGreywhind: and in the object panel too01:58
mithro-andyim thinking little icons like in the system tree01:59
Greywhindmithro-andy: which object panel?02:00
mithrothe one you have just been working on02:00
Greywhindoh, the info panel?02:02
mithroin the resources params stuff02:02
Greywhindyeah, ok, i see02:02
mithrocherez: so when am I going to see a new cl?02:02
tpbTitle: Issue 5001: Created folding panel view for panelInfo, with panels for each type of information. - Code Review (at
Greywhindit's a big one :P02:03
cherezmithro: I can have one up pretty soon.02:03
mithrocherez: in your last CL there where a couple of stuff that should be split out into their own CLs02:04
mithrocherez: I would have expected to see that done sooner rather then later02:04
cherezWell, is there a way to remove a file from the CL?02:05
mithrocherez: yes - create a new branch, copy the changes to the new branch, rebase your changes onto the new branch02:06
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tpbTitle: Planet Thousand Parsec (at
Greywhindmithro: hey, nice02:25
mithrocherez: so the mid-term evaluation is quickly coming up02:25
mithroto properly evaluate  your progress I would like the following things02:27
mithroa) reach a strong functional milestone (IE have the code committed that does something)02:27
mithrob) write up a summary of your progress so far02:27
cherezIt's about 2 weeks from now, right?02:29
mithroJuly 6: ~12 noon PDT / 19:00 UTC Mentors and students can begin submitting mid-term evaluations.02:34
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CIA-23landon tpclient-pyogre * rc055298b4235 /src/ Added stubs for the per-entity event method generators03:34
CIA-23landon tpclient-pyogre * ra037b66db183 /src/ Added basic events that pop up a log in BattleManager03:34
mithroLandon: can we view anything yet?03:42
Landonother than log events no, I'm working on the Fire event right now03:42
mithroLandon: I'm a little worried with the lack of progress you seem to be making - I would have expected you to be able to view a basic battle by now03:50
mithrowhat is holding you back at the moment?03:53
Landonnothing right now, I've started coding at night so I don't get swamped by the heat03:55
Landonlast week I got myself confused about how to approach some problems, but that's sorted now03:56
Landonogre has been a little overwhelming, I had some of the concepts grasped, but not the ones applicable to what I was working on :P03:57
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mithroit is almost 50% of the way through GSoC04:18
mithroand you are suppose to be working on this roughly 40 hours a week04:26
mithroLandon: I would like to see you post daily status updates/progress reports04:48
mithroyou have only really two weeks to get stuff working04:48
Landonyeah, I had that in mind as well04:49
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mithroLandon: so you think you can do daily status reports to your blog?05:26
Landonyeah, I can do that05:26
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llnzlater all07:45
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llnzmorning all16:24
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tansell-laptopmorning people20:45
tansell-laptopalanp, ping?20:45
llnzhi tansell-laptop20:45
Greywhindtansell-laptop: any comments on that code review?20:47
tansell-laptopI have not seen the code review yet20:51
tansell-laptoplink me?20:51
tpbTitle: Issue 5001: Created folding panel view for panelInfo, with panels for each type of information. - Code Review (at
alanptansell-laptop: hello, here for a minute20:59
tansell-laptopGreywhind, line 119 of infoPanel21:21
tansell-laptopGreywhind, I don't understand why that loop is needed21:22
tansell-laptopGreywhind, feedback submitted21:26
tansell-laptopalanp, so I wanted to discuss mtsec a bit21:26
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Greywhindtansell-laptop: well, i was planning to leave GetPrintout in in case someone wanted to print the properties for debugging purposes21:34
Greywhindbut i can remove it, because it's probably not useful21:34
Greywhindtansell-laptop: the loop on 119 is there to add the information about the "Other" miscellaneous attributes that aren't in the .properties21:34
Greywhindlike Modify Time, Desc, ID, and Name21:35
tansellI think it's probably better to just hardcode them21:36
Greywhindtansell-laptop: if you want, I can. but this is how the old panel did it.21:38
tansellGreywhind, well - there is a limited number of hard coded properties21:38
tanselland they require a protocol update to change21:38
Greywhindtansell: ok, i can hard code them21:38
tansellit would make that code much clearer and cleaner21:38
Greywhinddo you want me to remove GetPrintout()?21:39
tpbTitle: Issue 5001: Created folding panel view for panelInfo, with panels for each type of information. - Code Review (at
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Greywhindmithro: did you see my link?22:02
tansellmuch easier to read now22:02
tansellcomments published22:03
Greywhindok, i'll try to make panels for those22:05
Landon ah finally I made a laser :x that took way too long22:26
tansellLandon, screenshot?22:50
alanptansell-laptop: i'm back, let's discuss22:50
tansellalanp, so there exists a formula for ship construction cost22:50
alanpwas it on the page?22:50
Landontansell: sure but it's not pretty, was just console testing to figure out billboardchains22:50
* alanp hopes he didn't miss it22:50
tansellI'm pretty sure it was22:52
tansellalanp, I would like to also discuss some fundmentals of the game design22:52
alanpi just scrolled through again, and didn't see it22:52
tansellEach ship takes one production point for every 10 units of size. For example, a scout takes 6 production points to produce, while an Argonaut will take 100 production points to produce.22:52
alanpand the extra components add to that?22:53
tansellnot according to that formula22:53
alanpfloor or ceil for the odd numbered ones?22:53
alanpwhere is the formula?22:53
tansellit's described right there22:53
alanpoh, ok, no problem22:54
tansellno you shouldn't floor/ceil the number internally22:54
alanpwhat about advanced battle scout, size 13322:54
tansellnote that is not turns - but production points22:54
alanpwe can use buildtime regardless, right?22:55
tansellLandon, I don't actually see a laser in that screenshot? or is that what the white thing is?22:55
tansellalanp, what do you mean?22:55
Landonthat's ythe white thing22:55
Landonwas testing out positions with it22:55
Landonthat's why it's crooked/widening22:55
alanpthe property buildtime22:55
Landonbut I can easily go from point to point with it22:55
Landonjust need to figure out materialsso it looks more lasery22:55
tansellif you have 100 production points you could produce 16 scouts in one turn22:56
tansellso "buildtime" doesn't really make any sense22:56
alanpI can rename the property22:56
alanpi think that will actually lessen the complexity22:57
alanptansell, can a ship have multiple tubes?22:57
tansellI would call it something like "Product cost"22:57
tansellalanp, for sure22:57
tansellI think a tube can only fire a single type of torpedo22:58
tansellor missile22:58
alanplike an Alpha Tube fires an Alpha Missile22:58
tansellotherwise it makes little sense to build the smaller tubes22:58
alanpI was discussing with llnz22:58
alanpcould a Gamma tube fire an Alpha missile?22:58
alanphe was undecided, the current constraints allow it22:58
alanp(easily fixed)22:58
tansellI would say no22:58
tansellcurrent constraints?22:59
alanpscheme requirement functions, i mean22:59
tansellthe tpcl constraints have nothing to do with loading/unloading actual missiles22:59
alanpallow it in the design22:59
tansellmissiles/torpedos are expendable resources22:59
alanpin the design window, i think i have to force the order of components added23:00
alanpdoes that make sense to you?23:00
alanpIE add a hull before a tube23:00
tansella ship might have capacity for 1000 missiles, but be carrying none23:00
* alanp nod23:00
tansellalanp, yes23:00
alanpthat would be a tpcl constraint as well23:00
tanselltubes and racks should require that a hull exists in the design23:00
alanpi was having issues with that last night, and i decided to go that direction (hull before X)23:00
alanpso i'm glad we're on the same page there23:00
tansellwhat where you refering to with this -> <alanp> that would be a tpcl constraint as well23:01
alanphull before tube23:01
tansellthe constraint would be on the tube/racks23:01
tansellsomething like "require 1 or more hulls"23:02
alanphow would you like to see missiles developed?23:02
alanpwell, one hull23:02
alanpthey're currently not implemented from what I can tell23:02
alanpit's part of my next milestone23:02
tansellthe requirements that there is only one hull should be done by the hulls23:02
alanpbut in the tubes I can check for one hull existing23:03
alanpthat's what I meant, no need to check if at least one exists23:03
alanpwhen there should only be one23:03
tansellso torpedoes/missiles should be designed exactly the same way that ships are23:03
tansellyou create a "alpha torpedo hull" and then you load it up with the various explosives23:04
tanselland then you can build "alanp's super special mix torpedos" at planets23:04
alanpI will have to change the Category ID of the explosives tonight23:04
tansellwhich can then be loaded onto your ships23:04
alanpthat super special mix is dangerous :-)23:04
alanpshould i leave the explosive materials as a component even?23:05
alanpi guess that makes sense23:05
alanpcreate the component from the resources, load it onto the missile23:05
tansellonly components can be added to designs23:05
alanpah, of course23:06
tansellso you understand the difference between designs and their actualisation's right?23:06
alanpI can remove all of the missile properties tonight I guess23:06
alanpactualisation like instance?23:07
tanselldesigns == blueprints on how to build stuff23:07
llnztansell: are you saying that missile/torps should be resources?23:07
alanpoh, yes, i get that23:07
alanpllnz: no, they are designs23:07
tansellalanp, they should be resources too23:07
alanphow are they resources?23:07
llnztherefore the missile and torps designs create new resource types23:07
alanpevery planet will have a missile/torp capacity?23:08
tansellwell when you build them on planets the planet needs to show "I have 1 alanp missile"23:08
tanselland ships need to show "I'm carrying X alanp missiles"23:08
tansellso each *missile design* is a unique resource23:09
tansellalanp, understand?23:10
alanpit's a bit foggy23:10
llnzuser story time...23:11
alanpuh oh23:11
llnzplayer creates a missile design from the missile components (missile hull, exposives, engine)23:11
llnza new resource type is created23:11
llnzand a (two?) new component is available for ship designs23:11
llnzplayer creates a new ship design23:12
alanpOK, I fully understand that23:12
llnzusing the new compnoent(s)23:12
alanpthe missile is a new resource on the planet which gets made into a component which gets included on the ship23:12
alanps/the ship/the new ship/23:12
llnzplayer then builds a ship (or fleet), and the missiles on a planet23:12
llnzloads the missiles onto the ship, goes out and kills things23:13
alanpok, i'm with you guys23:14
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tansellllnz, actually that is wrong23:35
llnztansell: really? how?23:35
tansella ship can launch any alpha torpedos23:35
tansellit has no preference for "alanp's magic mix torpedos"23:35
llnzis "alpha torpedos" a torpedo hull type?23:35
llnzthat makes sense23:35
tansellwhich makes it slightly simpler23:36
tansellso it works like this23:36
tansell<llnz> player creates a missile design from the missile components (missile hull, exposives, engine)23:36
tansell<llnz> a new resource type is created23:36
tansellperson builds a new missile of a given design at a planet23:37
tansellthen a person orders a ship to load the newly created missile23:37
tansellat step 3 - the planet is going to show "I have one resource which is a missile of design X"23:38
tansellat step 4 - the ship is going to show "I have on resource which is a missile of design X"23:38
tanselloh - and engine is part of the hull so step one is really just loading up the explosives23:38
tansells/loading up the explosives/designing the explosives mix/23:39
tansellI shouldn't mix the terms when trying to explain it clearly23:39
tansellalanp / llnz: that make more sense?23:39
llnzyes, that's much better23:40
llnzalanp: please add that description to the wiki page about MTSec23:40
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alanpsorry, i was afk for a fre minutes23:45
tansellit means that you can change the missile/torpedo configuration of a ship without having to create a new design as long as the torpedo class doesn't change23:47
alanpright, so we can add missile/torps to an existing ship,correct?23:47
tansellalanp, the resources can be loaded onto the ship23:47
tansellnever in the design window do you add a missile/torps to a ship23:48
alanpyou add it from the planet23:48
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tansellalanp, yeah - there should be a "load armaments" order23:50
alanpmakes perfect sense23:50
llnz"unload armenment" order is probably a good idea too23:51
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alanplike, drop it to a planet?23:52
alanpis there an order to load missile from rack->tube23:52
alanpor is that auto?23:52
Greywhindtansell: i've posted my weekly update23:52
tansellalanp, that is auto23:56
tansellalso all ships in a fleet share armenments23:57
alanpthey all fight as one right?23:57
alanphow does that work if one ship has 50 torps on racks and one has 023:57

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